Chapter 13: Marco? Tom? King? DEATH?

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Reader's POV
Marco woke up to see Star still asleep he then went to her side. Star then woke up to see Marco staring at her.
"You are so beautiful" said Marco looking at Star.
Star blushed and then kissed Marco in the cheek. She then told him to get out so she can get dressed. He did as told.

.....Time Skip......

An hour had past and Marco was starting to worry because she hadn't come down for breakfast. He then went upstairs and knocked on her door. Silence is all he heard. He then unlocked the door and came in. Star was nowhere. He looked at her bed and she was not there. He found a note on her bed that said TO: Marco. He read it.
Dear Marco
I have captured Star Butterfly and will wait for you to come save her. We are at Meuni in my hidden castle. Good Luck finding it. Until then I will keep Star with company. Even if you think she loves you, but actually loves me.
Signed your truly:
After Marco read this card he then grabbed his magical sword and a book bag with dimensional scissors. Then he cut a portal to Meuni. When he arrived there he saw the King. He then went running towards him and gave him the card that Tom had written. He then told Marco where the castle was and told him he was gonna bring back up. Marco then went running towards the castle. He then went in it and saw Star tide to a pole and with a cloth in her mouth. Everything was dark. Marco went running towards her and took of the cloth on her mouth.
"Look out Tom wants to kill you." said Star nervously.
As Marco was untying Star he then got hit by a rock on the head. He was thrown knocked out on Star's feet. She then began to cry.
"Why did you do that" asked Star.
"So when he wakes up you won't be there and you will be happily married to me and there is nothing he can do." said Tom as he came out of the darkness. Then Marco began waking up as Tom was untying Star to take her to the wedding he had planned in the demon kingdom. Marco only saw blurry. He could not attack Tom or defend Star. He then passed out.

........Time Skip......
Marco woke up with a sudden pain on his head. He was in the castle. He then cut a portal to his house and went to Star's room and took the rings out of the safe. He then went to the Demon kingdom.

Star's POV
I was at the wedding. Everybody staring at me in a wedding dress and Tom wearing a white suit in the front of me. I began to cry as I did not see Marco coming in at any time. Then the priest asked me if I take Tom to be my husband.
"I don't" said Star.
"Yes she does, continue with the ceremony." said Tom
"If there is anyone who wants to stop this wedding now please speak now or forever hold your peace" said the priest.
Marco then came in and said "I object".

Reader's POV
"Star then walked to Marco and hugged him. Tom she doesn't want to marry you she wants to marry me" said Marco.
"Prove it" said Tom with his arms crossed.
Marco then took out the rings that they had and put on Star's.
"I know this because we are already engaged"said Marco.
Tom got furious. Tom then called out his henchmen. Then came Oskar and Jackie out of nowhere.
"Well look who it is The Lover Boy and The Jealous Much." said Jackie.
"Jackie I new you were bad but I didn't think you were that bad" said Star.
"Well now they can't send us to jail because we are in another dimension. So that means we can beat you both up.
Then Marco went in front of Star.
"If you want to get her you'll have to go threw me" said Marco.
"Ohh Yeah, you and what army" said Oskar.
Then the king showed up and brought guards that protected Marco and Star.
"Go Marco I will handle this." said the King.
Marco then grabbed Star's hand and opened a portal to Star's room. They both jumped in. Star and Marco then put the rings back in the box. Marco then pushed Star with one hand.
"I love you, Star" said Marco in fear.
"Marco then got stabbed in his stomach by Tom. Then the king grabbed Tom and killed him in the flesh. Marco then fell to the floor in pain.
"Noooooo!!!!" said Star as she saw him fall to the floor.
She then sat next to him in tears trying to stop him from bleeding.
"I love you too Marco. Please don't leave me." said Star as a tear fell on his head. Then the king used his wand on Marco.
"Star?" said the King.
"Yes." Said Star as she looked up at her father.
"I hope he protects you and cares for you like I do" said the King as he returned to Meuni.
Star then looked at Marco with tears. Then Marco woke up.
"You are so pretty" said Marco.
Star then hugged him with excitement. "Don't ever do that again." said Star.
"All I care about is your safety not mine if I ever have to decide between you dying or me, I rather kill myself then see you die and me not be with you." Said Marco as he sat up from the floor.
Marco then realized they didn't go to school that day. Marco then went downstairs to see it was dinner time. So he called Star and she came downstairs. They both ate dinner. Marco then tucked Star in her own bed. He then wished her a goodnight. She then fell asleep. Marco then went to his room and went to sleep.

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