Chapter 22: Freshmen

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Reader's POV
Star woke up to the sound of Marco's alarm clock. She then got on top of Marco and woke him up. When Marco realized what position Star was in. He blushed like a red tomato. She also then realized and got off him blushing. She then sat in her bed.
"Sorry Marco. I expected that to just be waking you up but it looked wrong." Said Star as she passed her hand on her neck.
"Star it's fine. I didn't mind." said Marco as he got up from his bed and kissed Star on the cheek.

........Time Skip.........

Marco and Star went to there classes and in each one the teachers would explain what they were gonna do in the semester. Some teachers were nice others were strict and gave regular class on the first day. They would even assign homework for the next two days. Anyway Marco and Star enjoyed there first day

........Time Skip.......

Marco and Star went to there dorm.
"Hey Star later do you wanna go to the club fair." said Marco.
"What is that" asked Star.
"That's were you sign up for a club that you wanna be in." said Marco.
"When is it" asked Star.
"Later today wanna go" asked Marco.
"Sure" said Star.

.........Time Skip......

Star and Marco went to the club fair and looked around. They were many clubs. There was Chess Club, Dance Club, Sports Club, Cheerleaders Club, and more. Star and Marco looked around. Star was fascinated by the Cupels Club. She went over and talked to the girl there.
"What do you do in this club" asked Star.
"Well we teach the girls how to be good girlfriends and cook and we teach the men how to go on dates and be polite." said the girl.
"Okay" said Star.
Then Marco walked up to Star and the girl told him the same things.
"Okay" said Marco.
Then grabbed Star away from the booth.
"What" asked Star.
"We are married we aren't girlfriend and boyfriend." said Marco.
"Ohh so that means we can't going there club" asked Star.
"Yep. Sorry Star I know you wanted to going it" said Marco.
"Don't worry we will find another club we both like and can join." said Star.
"Okay" said Marco.
Then they walked around. Marco then saw the swimming club.
"What do you do here" asked Marco.
"Well we go on tournaments and practice swimming" said the man.
"Okay. Can it be for boys and girls" asked Marco.
"No girls swimming club is over there and boys is here" said the man.
"Do you practice in the same area"asked Marco.
"Yeah we do but we don't talk to them until after practice." said the man.
"Okay." said Marco.
Marco then went toward Star and asked if she wanted to join. She said yes even though she is not a good swimmer. She went to the girls swimming club and joined while Marco did the same but in the boys swimming club. Then they kept looking around the clubs but we're not interested in any other and went to there dorm.
"When is your club meeting up" asked Marco.
"Tomorrow" said Star.
"Mine too" said Marco and hugged Star.
Then he got fast food and brought to there dorm. They are together and then took a shower. Then they got in there pj's and Star was in her bed.
"Marco" asked Star.
"Yeah" said Marco.
"Are you nervous for tomorrow" asked Star.
"No why" asked Marco.
"Because we haven't talked to anyone in here and we don't know anyone." said Star.
"Yeah but we have each other" said Marco as he got up from his bed and hugged Star.
"Can you sleep with me" asked Star nervously.
"Sure" said Marco as he got in Star's bed and wrapped his arms around her.
"Thank you" said Star as she turned around to Marco and wrapped her hands on his neck.
"I love you Star Butterfly" said Marco.
"I love you" said Star as she snuggled into Marco's chest.
Then Marco fell asleep.
Star then fell asleep on Marco's warm chest.

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