Chapter 17: The next day

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Reader's POV
Marco woke up. He then saw Star looking for a shirt in her closet.
"Star?" asked Marco.
"Yeah."said Star.
"What are you doing? You never let me stay when your changing" asked Marco.
"I thought you were not gonna wake up so I started changing." said Star as she put on a shirt.
"Okay" said Marco.

.......Time Skip....

It was first period and the teacher let the students talk because they were done.
"Marco?" asked Star.
"Yeah"said Marco.
"I am nervous"said Star.
"For what"asked Marco.
"For Graduation. It is this Friday and I don't know if we are going to the same college or university since they pick it for us by are grades.
"Don't worry Star. Even if you end up in a different school. I will still be with you in your heart." said Marco as he hold Star's hand.
"Okay" said Star.

......Time Skip.......

It was lunch time and Star and Marco had finished eating there lunch.
Then Marco grabbed Star's hand.
"Come with me I am going to show you something" said Marco.
"Okay" said Star.
Then Marco showed Star his skateboard.
"What is this" asked Star.
"It is a Skateboard." said Marco.
Then he got in the front of the skateboard and told Star to hop on the back. Then he began to skate threw the halls with Star holding his waist. Then suddenly Marco stopped. He then saw the Principle coming. He hid his Skateboard and dragged Star to the janitors closet.
"Is this are hiding spot" asked Star.
"Yes" said Marco.
Then the Principle went to the office. Then Marco and Star went to there class.

........Time Skip......

"Star let's go somewhere" said Marco.
"Okay" said Star.
The Marco guided Star to the Harley Davidson store which sold motorcycles. He then got a black one with a blue design fire around it and brought a blue motorcycle hat and a black one. he then paid for the things and drove it to there home. When they were driving Star felt the wind threw her face and she felt safe around Marco. She then wrapped her arms around his waist. Then they arrived to there home and Mr. and Mrs. Diaz came out looking at Marco and Star.
"Where did you get that?" asked Mrs. Diaz.
" I brought it at the store." said Marco.
"Is it safe" asked Mrs. Diaz while Mr. Diaz just kept staring at it.
"Yeah mom" said Marco.
"Son can I take it for a spin" asked Mr. Diaz.
"Sure" said Marco as he got off the motorcycle and his dad got on.
"See you later" said Mr. Diaz as he drove away.

Author's Note
Sorry for a short chapter I didn't know what to right so I left it there but I hope you enjoyed it.

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