Chapter 7: I do or I don't

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Third Person's POV

Star looked at Marco which was on one knee and said

" No, I am sorry this is to fast after fighting Tom and him forcing me into marrying him. I can't I am sorry."
Star looked at Marco which then when running to his room.

Star went up chasing after him.
He then went to his room and sat in a corner. Star entered slowly. She then sat next to him. He looked sad and depressed at the same time.

" Marco, I am sorry." said Star.

Then Marco put his knees to his face and wrapped his arms around them.

"Marco please speak to me." said Star.

He said nothing. He felt ashamed and embarrassed. Star then hugged him.

" I love you, Marco please speak to me." said Star.

"I love you too Star, why won't you marry me Star?" asked Marco as he still covered his head.

"Because we are still in 12th Grade and I don't want to go to fast." said Star as she looked at Marco.

"Okay I can wait" said Marco as he uncovered his face.

Then he hugged Star and wiped the tears of his face without letting Star see. She then kissed him in the cheek.

.......Time Skip.......

Marco then went with Star to the ice skating ring.

" I am not very good at ice skating" said Marco as he put on his shoes.

"I will help you. My mom gave me lessons when I was little." said Star.

Then Star held Marco's hands and took him to the ice. As she dragged him through he felt nervous. She then took him to the center. She let go of his hands and gave circles around him.

"Follow me" said Star with excitement.

As he tried to move but couldn't. Star grabbed his hands and guided him. He then let go of Star's hands and started skating.

"That's it" said Star.

He only moved around and did zero tricks. Then Star jumped and landed on the ice. He was amazed.

"You are really good" said Marco.

"That's nothing look at this" said Star.

Then she jumped really high and then suddenly she tripped on the ice and Marco catched her.

"Thanks Marco" she said.

" No problem" said Marco.

Then he lifted her up and pushed her close to his body. Star blushed. Marco then danced with her on the ice. Then the DJ put romantic music and pink lights. After they danced they were skating holding hands. Star tried the move again and succeeded.

"Want to go to the movies" asked Marco.

"Yes" said Star.

Then they took of the skates and went to the movies. They ate popcorn and drank soda. When the movie finished they went to there home where Mrs. Diaz had prepared dinner for all of them.

........Time Skip..........

Then Star went up stairs with Marco. They both sat on her bed looking deep into each other's eyes. She then kissed him on the cheek.

" Marco I had fun today" said Star.

"Me too" said Marco as he tucked in Star and wished her a goodnight. Then he left to his room.

Marco's POV

She said No. Why does the world HATE ME!!!!! I tried to make it right, but Tom had to ruin it.

Third Person's POV

Then Star came into Marco's room and scouted next to him. He then looked at Star.

"I would marry you in the future" said Star and kissed Marco in the cheek.

" You would!!" said Marco.

Star then fell asleep on Marco's bed.
Then Marco fell asleep.

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