Chapter 2: The Next Day

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Third Person's POV

Marco's mom called Marco and Star downstairs for breakfast. She had made eggs and bacon. Marco stood in front of Star's room thinking if to wake her up or not. Then Marco's mom asked Marco what he was doing.

" I kissed Star last night mama I don't know if to wake her up or not." said Marco.

"Hijo, be a good boy and wake up your friend and tell her something from your heart that tells her how much you care about her." said Mrs. Diaz.

"Thanks mama." responded Marco.

Marco enters Stars room and looks at Star sleeping.

Marco's POV

She is even pretty when she sleeps. I love her a lot. She is so beautiful. I will never let anyone hurt her.

Third Person's POV

Marco carries Star bridal style to a chair and as he is walking, Star puts her arms around his neck. Star wakes up looking up at Marco.

"Hello my beautiful Star. You shine brighter than anything I have ever seen before." Marco said.

Star blushed when Marco said these words. Marco puts Star down.

" Breakfast is ready. When your ready you can come downstairs." said Marco.

" I love you" said Star.

" I love you too" replied Marco.

........Time Skip.......

Star finished her breakfast and went to change her clothes. Marco was already ready and waited for her downstairs. Star then came downstairs.

" Bye, Mr. and Mrs. Diaz# said Star as she waved goodbye to both of them.

They replied " have a great day at school".

Marco told Star to not tell anyone at school that they were boyfriend and girlfriend. Star agreed.

.........Time Skip.......

It's Lunch Time and Marco and Star were eating together, then suddenly came Jackie and Oskar.

"What do you want Jackie?" asked Marco.

"Nothing just to see how miserable you guys were without us in your lives." said Jackie.

"We don't need you in our lives." said Star.

" Well, you look pretty sad to me without a man in your life to care about you." said Oskar.

"Go somewhere else besides here." said Marco.

"Don't worry Marco you will be very fine alone forever." said Jackie.

"Marco won't be alone." said Star.

" Yep he won't he will be alone like you, Mrs. jealous much." said Oskar.

Star left the lunchroom with tears in her eyes running far. Marco followed Star.

"Oops I think she got sad." said Jackie with a sassy voice.

Marco took Star to the janitors closet where they were alone. Don't cry Star you have me and I will protect you. Then he hugged Star. Marco felt her tears dripping on his sweater.

"There gonna pay for making you cry in school." said Marco.

" Don't, I don't want you to get in trouble." said Star with the saddest voice ever.

"Okay, but they will pay." said Marco.

"Are you better, Star?" asked Marco.

" Yes I am fine." said Star.

Marco then kissed her on the forehead.

" Go to the bathroom and wash your face" said Marco.

Star left the janitors closet covering herself with Marco's red hoodie. Marco then waited outside the girl's bathroom to see if Star was okay.
She then gave him his hoodie back.

" We should get going to class" said Marco.

"I love you Marco" said Star.

Marco then put the dangling piece of hair she had, on her left, behind her ear.
" I love you too Star" said Marco.

Then they hugged each other and went to class.

.........Time Skip.........

The bell rung.
Marco then saw Jackie and Oskar. He then jumped in front of them.

" This is for hurting Star's feelings" said Marco and kicked Oskar in his stomach and punch Jackie in the head.

They both were knocked out. Then Star came out of school and saw Marco. She then went to him.

" Are you okay, Marco?" asked Star.

"Yeah I am fine, but they are not." said Marco.

"You did this?" asked Star.

With a guilty conscience he said "Yes.".

"It's okay Marco. They deserve it anyway. Plus you didn't kill them. So it's fine." said Star.

"Let's go home." said Marco and Star agreed.

.......Time Skip.....

Mrs. Diaz had made dinner.

" How was your day, Star?" asked Mrs. Diaz.

" It was fine" said Star.

Star's POV

Everything is fine Mrs. Diaz besides the part your son beat up Jackie and Oscar for me. No need to worry.

Third Person's POV

"That is great, Star." said Mrs. Diaz.

"How about your day, Hijo." asked Mrs. Diaz.

Huu?? Said Marco.

"I think he is in another world" said Mrs. Diaz.

"She asked how was your day" said Star.

Marco replied "Fine".

"Okay that is great to see my boy happy" said Mrs. Diaz.

Then Marco turned red of embarrassment.

........Time Skip......

Marco went up stairs with Star to her room. Marco tucked in Star and wished her a goodnight. Then he kissed her in the forehead.

"Goodnight" said Star.

Then Marco went to his room and fell asleep.

Starco forever after (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now