Chapter 15: Sickness

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Reader's POV
Star woke to see Marco with his arms around her. She then tried to slip threw, but accidentally woke up Marco.
"Where are you going Star" asked Marco.
"I am going to the bathroom" said Star.
Then suddenly she collapsed. Marco got up quickly and looked at her. Marco then picked her up and took her downstairs. He then put an ice pack on her head, but she didn't wake up. He then called his parents and they didn't know what was wrong with her. They decided to take her to the hospital. Marco then carried her to the car. When they got to the hospital. Marco carried her in and placed her on a bed. Then the doctor took her to a room. Marco was worried. He didn't know what was wrong with her. Then the doctor came out and asked if her parents were here. Marco said "No". Then who is. Her Father and Mother in law are here said Marco. Were is the husband. I am him. He then told Marco to pass and see Star. Star was in a bed and she was sweating and was hot. The doctor than told Marco that her appendix was gonna erupt and they needed to operate.
"Are they any risk" asked Marco.
"Yes if she does not do the operation fast her appendix will erupt and she will die" said the doctor.
"We need someone to sign the papers that let us do the operation and since her parents aren't here you will have to sign." said the doctor as he handed Marco the paper and pen.
Marco then signed the paper but he asked if he could be in a separate room seeing the operation. The doctor agreed. Marco then kissed Star on the forehead and wished her good luck before she went in. He then was escorted to another room where he could see the operation. After the operation finished the doctor told Marco that she needed to rest so she could get better. Marco then sat next to Star in her room and asked his parents if they could bring Star some things so she could fell like she was in her bed. Marco then waited until his parents got back with extra clothes and with Star's blanket. He then wrapped Star with her blanket and tucked her in. His parents then left.
"Marco?" asked Star.
"Yeah" said Marco.
"Don't leave me" said Star.
"I wasn't planning too." said Marco.
Then Star fell asleep and so did Marco.

Marco's POV/ Marco's dream.
I saw Star. I went towards her and then she got on top of me and began chocking me. I saw red in her eyes as she was chocking me. Then her necklace that was in a heart shaped was turning purple and in a red at the same time.
"Star what are you doing. don't you care for me" said Marco as he was being strangled.
"I can't stop... QUIT!!!!" said Star.
Then Marco ripped her necklace and she fell on top of him.
"I am sorry Marco I couldn't stop." said Star.
"It's okay" said Marco.

Reader's POV
Marco woke up on the hospital chair. Then he saw Star on her bed crying. Star what is wrong asked Marco.
"Did you have a dream where I was chocking you and couldn't stop until you ripped my necklace." asked Star.
"Yes, did you have the same dream" asked Marco.
"No, because it wasn't a dream I was actually chocking you."said Star as she began to cry harder.
Then Marco looked at his neck in a mirror and saw it was red.
"Star you didn't want to hurt me. You weren't in control." said Narco as he tried to hug Star.
Star then avoided the hug.
"What if I would have killed you" said Star.
"No you wouldn't I know you. You stopped because you couldn't kill me" said Marco.
"But what if" said Star as she was interrupted by Marco.
"Don't think that way you wouldn't have killed me" said Marco as he hugged Star.
"Who brought you the necklace Star" asked Star.
"That is the problem I brought it." said Star as she cried harder.
Marco then hugged her tighter and passed his hand on her soft blond hair.
"Did you have anything that someone else gave you." asked Marco.
Star then looked at the blanket and kept staring at it.
"My mom gave me the blanket" said Star.
Marco then took the blanket off Star and placed it in a bag. Then Star fell asleep and Marco fell asleep on the chair.

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