I wish you nothing but the best

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─── ・ 。゚☆: *

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─── 。゚☆: *. .* :☆゚. ───

F/n let out a yawn as she was inside a home, hearing Katsuki rummage in the other room next door. She ignored him and looked underneath a bed. A few shoe boxes were there and she grabbed each of them, pulling them to the side. She squinted, trying to see what else was left and her eyes caught on something.

Reaching her hand in, she tried to grab on the yellow straps, but her arms weren't big enough to reach so she ended sticking her head and shoulder underneath, finally feeling the straps in her hand.

She harshly pulled it as another box was on top of it. The box along with the bag came out. She placed the other item aside as she dusted the yellow bag. Besides it being dusty, the bag reminded her of when Izuku had one at the beginning. It looked almost identical except the small pouch had its zipper missing.

But, it was in good shape, not a tear or a string sticking out. She smiled as she rolled it up and placed it in her duffel bag, planning on giving it to Izuku as an apology for getting drunk.

Standing on her feet, she exited the room where she saw Katsuki on the front porch, swinging his knife to do a trick. She continued to watch him for a short moment, being successful on his trick, "Ready?"

He jolted as he was to busy in his mind and hadn't realize she was behind him, "You should wear a fucking bell."

She looked at the sun going down, a grin on her lips as she remembered how this played out, "I rather not, it can attract rotters."

He looked away as he rolled his eyes, a smile growing on his lips as well as his cheeks coating in dust, "Ditto."

"You ready?" F/n walked down the stairs, "Izuku's probably freaking out on where we headed. Besides, I think he's still pissed off at me and I don't want to come home sleeping on the couch."

"You deserved it." He said as he followed after her, "If you had done something without telling me, I wouldn't have spoken to you in weeks."

She chuckled and Katsuki felt himself regret opening his mouth as his cheeks grew hot. He couldn't believe he had just said that. To her, no less. Damn, did he want to slap himself and maybe claw his eyes out for embarrassing himself.

"I can see that." She said as they turned the corner, "You give me jealousy vibes."

"What!?" He glared at her, "I am not the jealous type! What makes you think that!?"

She shrugged, "You just do, but it's fine, really, I'm sure girls dig that."

He wanted to ask if she was into that, but he wanted to avoid anything that could spill his feelings for her, so refrained from doing so and crossed his arms, "Are you the jealous type?"

"Nah." She placed her hands in her jacket, "I don't really give a crap about that stuff."

He squinted at her, "But you're with that damn nerd. How can you not care about that stuff?"

𝐖𝐞𝐥𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐓𝐨 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐍𝐞𝐰 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝Where stories live. Discover now