For as long as I live

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─── ・ 。゚☆: *

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─── 。゚☆: *. .* :☆゚. ───

She had stayed up most of the night, cradling the body of Izuku as he slept soundly, off in dreamland. Her arm that was placed underneath his head had fallen asleep and she didn't mind the tingly sensation. She only stared out the window where she could see the sky, the stars brightly shining down on them.

She counted the stars until she slept, but every time she did she would wake up. She was beginning to get annoyed as all she wanted was to sleep. She thought the snores of the male next to her or his warmth would help, but it only did little.

She let out a muffled groan and dug her face into Izuku's hair, ignoring his shuffling as she got into a better position. She only slept for a couple hours, until she woke up to the bed moving. She raised her hands to wipe her eyes before sitting up, looking at Izuku who removed himself from her, "Leaving already?"

He nodded with a solemn look, "Yeah. The earlier we get there the sooner we arrive. I didn't mean to wake you up."

"It's fine." F/n then stood up, "Couldn't sleep anyways."

He worryingly looked at her as he placed a shirt on, "Are you worried about something?"

"Maybe." She shrugged as her eyes landed on him. Seeing him get dressed up to leave had her heart feeling heavy. She swallowed her saliva as she heard him move to the bottom floor. Her fingers peeled the skin near her nails, blood was then drawn.

She went after him, watching as he placed his shoes, "Hey.."

He hummed as he looked at her, "What is it?"

"When you get back.." She can feel her heart aching and the feeling felt unnatural to her. She didn't like it, not one bit. The only reason why she's even opening her mouth was to calm herself, "Let's go somewhere."

Confusion was written in his face as he stood up. There wasn't anywhere to go, so he wondered if this was her trying to leave, like she always intended, "You want to go somewhere? Where would we even go?"

"We can go to Tokyo." She says, her heart lifting at his smile.

"Tokyo?" He let out a laugh, being caught off guard, "What are we going to do there? We're miles away and reaching the city would take days. Besides, I'm sure there's nothing even there."

"It's my fantasy if we were to live normally. Play along, please." She smiled at him, feeling warm when he stepped closer to her, "Tokyo's pretty big, so we can go shopping or maybe get massages or do whatever it is people do. We can even hold hands, drink out of the same cup with two straws, eat each others food and we can talk about our future. I can even let you kiss me in public and you know how much I hate that."

Izuku laughed a blush coating his cheeks as she continued, "We can decide on which school we want to go, move in with each other so we're not apart, look at houses or apartments and talk about other things down the way. We can pretend to be like a normal couple who lives in a normal society, where all we think about is how much we love each other."

𝐖𝐞𝐥𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐓𝐨 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐍𝐞𝐰 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝Where stories live. Discover now