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Eden stood far from her family, as they stood around her casket

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Eden stood far from her family, as they stood around her casket. The rain was pouring from the sky, as if the clouds were weeping due to her passing. She could see her brother, tears streaking his cheeks, as a dark haired girl stood next to him. The girl had her arms wrapped around him, and Eden could tell the woman was trying to calm her brother down.

Eden stood like everyone else at her funeral, wearing all black, with a black umbrella over her body to stay dry. She wore sunglasses and a dark wig, just incase anyone spotted her. She had a hand placed on her barely noticeable baby bump, as she tried to hold in the tears that threatened to fall. She felt horrible for putting her brother through all of this pain, but she was protecting herself, her baby, and Brian.

Eden could see the entire Toretto family at her funeral, even though she didn't know them. Brian had showed her pictures a few times, but she didn't know them. She had never gotten the chance to communicate with them, which she now wished she had done. The family may have been able to help Brian more if they knew her better.

Brian and the others were under the impression that she had been killed due to a rivalry. They didn't know it wasn't their rivalry with Shaw, nor did they know that it was all her own fault. None of them had any hand in it, not even her brother. She was "dead" because of her psycho ex-boyfriend, Roger Vos. He had become angry at Eden for breaking up with him. He had stalked her for weeks, but when she refused to take him back, things became violent.

Long story short, Roger tried to have her killed. Before she could be killed though, Mr. Nobody had saved her. He had managed to make it look like she had died, and nobody seemed to question why they couldn't see her body. Her brother and his friends believed that her body was too messed up to recognize, and Brian didn't need to see that.

Eden was thankful for Mr. Nobody. She hoped that one day she'd be able to see her brother again, but for now she'd have to learn to deal with life as it came. She couldn't be seen by the world, she had to stay hidden. If anyone seen her, they could report back to Brian or Roger, and things could end very badly. While being "dead" she planned to get her revenge, but she didn't know how long it would take for Roger to get what was coming to him.

After staring at her casket for another moment, she glanced at her brother one more time, before she turned and left. She couldn't be there too long, the longer she stayed, the more danger she was in. She had to walk away from it all. She had to be "dead" for as long as she possibly could pull it off. She just hoped that the day she came back to life, that her brother would forgive her, and she'd be able to live the life she deserved.

With one last glance towards her brother, she opened the door to the small black car with dark tinted windows, and climbed into the driver seat. She closed the door quickly, and started the car. She hoped that nobody noticed her, as she pulled away from the funeral. She had to start her new life under the guise of being dead to the world and everyone she cared about...

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