Chapter Ten

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The moment Han seen Eden, he felt relief flow through him

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The moment Han seen Eden, he felt relief flow through him. He had felt absolutely terrified and beyond angry when he realized Eden was gone. Then he realized that Jeremy had gotten her, so he used her computer, and figured out that he was working with Roger. Han knew immediately that Eden was in a lot of danger. So, he tracked her phone that the idiots forgot to destroy, and he was able to find the place she was being held.

When he heard the gunshot, his heart practically jumped out of his chest. Then he seen Jeremy with his gun raised, and he immediately acted without thinking, taking the man out without a care. He spotted Roger's body almost immediately when Jeremy's had fallen, and that meant the one person that put Eden in the most danger was gone.

"Eden?" Han called out, and quickly the girl turned to him.

Without thinking, she quickly ran to him and wrapped her arms around him. She felt all of her fears and worries leave, as she felt Han's arms wrap around her. Han felt tears landing on his shoulder, as he held the girl to him. He no longer felt scared and angry. He felt elated and relieved to see she was there, and feel that she was alive and in his arms.

"You're hurt." Han commented, when he seen the blood on her clothes.

"I'm fine," She murmured,"Just get me back to the hotel."

"We need to collect your weapons. They don't need to tie you to these murders." Han said, and Eden nodded almost immediately.

Eden and Han went through the house collecting all of her weapons, along with the knife that had been used on her. She took the chains as well, so the DNA couldn't be matched to her.

"We can start a fire," Eden said,"my DNA would be completely gone, and they'd never be able to find out it was me."

"As long as you let me clean your cuts when we get back to the hotel." He replied, and she begrudgingly agreed.

Han used the bed she was chained to, to start the fire, but he also started a fire in another bedroom upstairs, just incase the other one didn't spread. Within minutes after the fires were started, Han had Eden in the car and headed back to the hotel. The moment they were at the hotel, Han lead Eden inside and told her to get changed.

"I can't shower." She whispered, making him frown.

"Are you hurting that bad?" He asked, and she nodded, but he could tell she was lying partially.

Once Eden was changed into a pair of shorts and a loose shirt, Han had her lay down on the bed so he could fix her up. He grabbed bandages, ointments, and cleaning supplies for her cuts. He carefully cleaned them, trying his best not to cause her any pain. Once all of her cuts were cleaned and bandaged, he asked to see her ribs.

"They're bruised, but they'll be healed in a few days." He said, and she felt relieved.

"Thank you for finding me, and helping me." She murmured, causing him to give her a smile.

"I'd save you any day," He replied,"Just don't make it a common occurrence. I was terrified." He commented, and she gave him a small smile.

"No promises." She answered, causing him to chuckle.

"Get some rest, Eden. Your body needs it." He said, and she nodded.

"Can you turn on the TV?" She asked, her voice small and almost inaudible.

"Of course." He replied, grabbing the remote.

He turned on the TV, and put Kitchen Nightmares on for her. He remembered her saying that she loved watching Gordon Ramsey, so he figured it was a good show to choose. He could tell that she was still shaking, but he knew it wasn't from being cold. He had put a blanket on her, so she didn't really have a reason to be cold.

He felt horrible for her, but he didn't know what he could do to help her. She needed help, but there was only so much he could do for her. She had to tell him what she needed from him, otherwise he'd be unsure and practically useless in cheering her up. He knew he had to stay close to her though, to make her feel safe.

"Will you get me some food?" He heard, causing him to nod.

He grabbed a small bag of cookies from the table, since he knew she wouldn't be too hungry. He also grabbed her a water bottle, but when she took it, she looked almost hesitant to even hold the water. It made him wonder what all had happened to her. When he had found her, she was soaked, but he didn't know exactly what happened.

Once she had eaten, she calmed down a little bit more. Han tucked her in slightly, and helped her get comfortable. He went to turn off the light, but she stopped him, and asked him to leave her light on. She didn't want to be in the dark, but he understood why she would feel that way.

Han watched her from afar, making sure that she eventually fell asleep. He didn't want her staying awake all night because she was scared to fall asleep. He would stay up all night if he had to, just to make sure she felt safe enough to sleep. He just hoped that she'd be able to stay asleep.

The more he watched her, the more he began to worry about her. She looked fragile, something he had never seen in her. Hell, even in the pictures he was shown, she looked tough and fearless. This was very different to him, and he felt horrible for Eden. He just hoped that she didn't spiral, because she had a little girl back at the base that depended on her, and she would be very worried if Eden wasn't the same woman she was when she left...

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