Chapter Thirty

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After Eden was sure that her little girl was asleep, she headed back to the main area where everyone else was working

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After Eden was sure that her little girl was asleep, she headed back to the main area where everyone else was working. She could see the exhaustion on some of their faces, but they were working really hard to get Eden and Han's daughter back. They knew Elle meant a lot to the couple, and they blamed themselves for her being taken.

Eden went to Han's side and began to help him try and find Elle's location. The problem was, everyone was having trouble pinpointing a location. Every time they thought they had a location, the location would start to jump around and not have a definite place. Eden knew it was the bad guy's way of keeping Elle hidden from the group.

After a third time of having the location jump, Eden groaned and stood up from her spot next to Han. She was tired, she was irritated, and her emotions were all over the place. Not to mention, everyone else was stressed out, which was making her feel more stressed out. She was known for unconsciously feeding off the atmosphere of the room she was in, and sometimes she couldn't help it, so when people were stressed, she would sometimes feel that way, too.

"Okay, everyone's exhausted. We're not gonna get any good work done when everyone is tired and stressed out." Eden announced, causing everyone to turn to her.

"We don't want to let you and Elle down though," Mia said,"We want to help you find her as fast as possible."

"I know," Eden nodded,"but I also know she'd want us to take care of ourselves. Besides, we can't save her, if we're all exhausted and can't fight." She stated, and the group seemed to agree with her.

"See you all in a few hours!" Tej exclaimed, as everyone headed to different rooms.

Eden and Han laid down in the bed they were given, and Eden wasn't too disappointed with it. It wasn't stiff as a jailhouse bunk bed, but it sure wasn't soft enough to want to continually use it for days and days. She hoped they'd find Elle and be able to go home soon, otherwise they'd be stuck with this bed for longer than a couple days.

"You and Brian were gone for a while with Bri," Han commented,"I hope you two weren't gossiping about me."

"Oh, yeah, totally," Eden joked,"He was upset because you chose me over him."

"I told you already, I had to choose you 'cause he chose Mia over me." Han replied, making Eden laugh.

"Well, go sleep with your lover boy, I'll just bring Mia in here with me. I bet she'll be a lot more fun than you." Eden retorted, and Han rolled his eyes.

"Nobody puts their hands on you except me." Han said, pulling Eden forward so their lips could touch.

Eden grinned and slid herself over Han, and leaned forward against his body. She slowly moved her hips back and forth, causing her to let out a quiet moan every so often. Han held her hips with his hands in a tight, but not quite bruising grip.

"We have to be quiet," Eden murmured,"Can't have anyone hearing us, especially my brother."

Brian and Mia were in the room next to theirs, and Roman was across from them. Everyone knew that Roman had known the O'Connor siblings when they were younger, so with how close they were, Roman was definitely like a brother to Eden. So, Eden didn't want either of her brothers hearing what she and Han were up to in the room so close to each of theirs.

For almost an hour, quiet moans and gasps were heard inside of the room, but luckily not outside. Tired giggles were heard, as they headed for the shower that was connected to their room. They knew they didn't really need to continue with their fun time in the shower, even though it was hard not to continue. They had to get some rest, otherwise they'd be too tired to get work done in the morning.

Eden braided her hair, so it wouldn't be messy in the morning. Once she and Han were laying down again after their shower, Han wrapped his arms around her, as she laid her head on his chest. Sleeping next to him made her feel less anxious and upset. She was still distraught over Elle, but being in Han's arms made her feel a little better.

She was terrified to find out what was happening to Elle, or what had already happened while everyone was looking for her. Eden knew that she just had to hope for the best, but it was hard to do so when it felt like her whole world was collapsing around her. She just had to hold herself together for Han and Brianna. They were just as scared as she was, but with them by her side, she knew she'd be able to save Elle...


A/N: I hope you guys liked this chapter. Sorry for it being so short.

Love you guys!


- Youngblood Xxx

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