Chapter Twenty Nine

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Eden realized that Brianna was getting tired

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Eden realized that Brianna was getting tired. The day was becoming night, more than it was when she arrived. She was so worried about her oldest daughter, that she didn't realize that it had gotten rather late. She felt horrible for not realizing how late it was. Her poor little girl was exhausted.

"Is there anywhere I can lay her down?" Eden asked, as she looked over at her brother.

"Yeah, follow me." He replied, motioning for her to follow.

Eden followed behind her brother, with her daughter trying hard not to fall asleep in her arms. Brian brought her to a set of rooms, and he opened the door to one of them. A bed laid in the middle of the room, and it was a small twin sized bed, meaning only one person could fit in it.

"There's a room right next to hers that you and Han can share, if you guys need some rest after the long trip." Brian commented, causing Eden to sigh.

"I don't know if we'll be able to get any rest, truth be told, considering we lost Elle, and have no idea where she is." Eden replied, making her brother frown.

"We'll find her, Eden, even if it takes some time." Brian said, and the girl pursed her lips.

"She doesn't exactly have time, so we need to find her as soon as possible." Eden retorted, and her brother simply nodded.

He knew she didn't mean anything rude by it. She was just worried about her kid, and he understood where she was coming from. He'd do the same for his, and he was doing the same for hers. He may have barely known Elle for more than an hour, but she was his niece, and he loved her. He was going to save her one way or another.

He watched as Eden laid her little girl on the bed, and slipped her shoes off. She laid the shoes on the floor next to the bed, before pulling the blanket over her small body. Eden leaned forward and placed a kiss on her daughter's forehead, before she stood up and backed away from the bed. She waited near the door for her daughter to fall asleep, since she didn't want to leave the little girl alone in a place she didn't know.

"She's precious. She looks just like you." Brian whispered, as he stood close to his sister in the doorway.

"She is," Eden murmured,"She's the best thing that ever happened to me," She smiled at her little girl, before looking over at her brother with a frown,"She was the reason I was able to get through all the time I was stuck pretending I was dead. I don't know if I would've ever handled my life as well I did, if she hadn't have been there for me to focus on and care for."

"I wish you would've just told me what was happening,"Brian commented,"You know I could've helped you. Hell, Dom and the others would've helped, too. We could've protected you."

"I know, and I realize that now, but when it happened, I felt like I was alone. I didn't want to put you in danger, and I felt like the only way to protect you and the others was to leave and pretend I was dead." She replied, and he simply nodded.

"So, how did you and Han meet?" Brian asked, looking over at his sister with a boyish smile on his face.

"Believe it or not, but Mr. Nobody was the one that introduced us," Eden replied,"He brought Han to the place we were hiding out, and moved him into the room across from mine and Brianna's. I don't know if that was his way of setting us up or what, but it worked. Han was so good with Bri, and I just kinda fell for him."

"So, he's a good dad? He doesn't care that the girls aren't his by blood?" Brian questioned, completely curious, not in a way that was bashing Han.

"He loves the girls. To be honest, a week after meeting him, Han was all Bri would talk about. He was the one that found Elle, and he was the one that brought up the idea of keeping her to Mr. Nobody. He had asked me, and you know me, I'd never leave a kid on their own. So, together, we took Elle in as our own, and Han loved both girls as if they were his by blood." She answered, causing her brother to smile.

"He's a good man, Eden, and I'm so thankful that you had him to rely on. I'm thankful that he took care of you, and that he loves you guys as much as he does. He's the perfect man for you, and he's definitely the best father those girls could ever have, which is perfect, considering you're the best mom they could ever have." Brian stated, making his sister smile.

"I'm so happy to see you again. I really did miss you, and I'm really sorry for everything I put you through." Eden said, and her brother wrapped his arms around her.

"I love you, Eden, and I'm so happy to have you back. I felt like a piece of me was missing without you." He murmured, kissing the side of her head.

Eden was thankful she could have her brother back, and that she could meet the Toretto family. If it wasn't for them, she doubted he would've gotten through it all on his own. She promised herself that she'd never hurt Brian, or anyone else like that again. She refused to ever leave her family in any way.

She knew that he'd help her find Elle. She knew that the Torettos would stop at nothing to save their family. They were truly the people she wished she had, had growing up. She was thankful for them now, and she hoped that they would always welcome her like she welcomed them...

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