Chapter Nine

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When Roger came back into the room, and hour had passed by

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When Roger came back into the room, and hour had passed by. Eden was staring at the wall, terrified beyond belief. Her body shook with fear, as Roger walked into the room. She looked over at him, and her eyes caught a glimpse of something shiny in his hand. Her eyes widened when she realized what it was—a knife.

Eden pushed herself back into the bedframe as far as she could, as though she could disappear and Roger wouldn't be able to get her. Roger slowly walked towards her, fear corsing through her with each step he took. Once he was in front of her, he pulled the knife out into her view. He held the knife near her face, the pointy side near her eyes.

"Now, are you going to tell me what I want to know, or are we going to have some real fun to get the answers out?" He questioned, causing her blood to run cold.

"Please, just let me go. I won't tell anyone." She pleaded, but he didn't listen.

"Answer my questions!" He exclaimed, causing her to jump.

She stayed silent still, because she was protecting her little girl. She couldn't put Brianna in danger, no matter how much pain she had to go through.

"Fine, have it your way." Roger snapped, and Eden felt her heart skip a beat.

Roger took the knife and slid it over Eden's arm, causing her to hiss. She watched as the blood pooled, but she didn't cry. She wouldn't allow herself to cry from the knife, even if he stabbed her in the heart. He wasn't too happy with her lack of reaction, so he took the knife and slowly slid it from her collarbone to the top of her chest.

"You're harder to break than I thought." He murmured, as he watched her breath heavily.

Raising his hand, he slammed his fist to the side of her face, and then twice to the right side of her ribs. When she didn't immediately react, he yelled out and tossed the knife to the floor. He stood up from the leaning position he was in, and he headed towards the door. He needed something else to scare her, since the knife and his fists did absolutely nothing.

Enid was in pain, but she didn't let it cloud her mind. Instead, she decided to try and spot the knife. When her eyes finally caught sight of it, she felt herself grow anxious. She had to get it quickly, otherwise Roger would be back, and there was a chance she'd not make it out alive.

She quickly jumped from the bed, and tried to keep her chains as quiet as possible. She was a bit too far away from the knife to grab it with her hands, but when she stretched out her foot to the side, she was able to barely touch it. She scooted it towards her, and once she had it, she felt a bit of relief flow through her.

She had to carefully pick the lock with the knife, but luckily it wasn't too hard. Once her one hand was freed, she was able to get her other hand freed quicker. As soon as her hands were free, she knew that she was in a better situation. She could defend herself, and that was what she needed most.

Barely a moment later, Roger was back in the room. He had come with a large bucket full of water, which confused Eden. She didn't give herself time to ponder it though, she simply ran at Roger. She attacked him with the knife, but she was still a bit slower because of her injuries and the drug. Roger was able to knock her to the ground, and he grabbed her hair in his hand. He shoved her face in the water, and she fought to get herself free.

She felt herself becoming unconscious, but she was able to reach the knife under her at the last second. She swung the knife, and managed to stab Roger in the abdomen. He yelled out, letting her go, and she was able to rip her head from the water. She coughed hard, as she tried to get the air back in her lungs. She had never been so close to death before, and that scared the hell out of her.

"You bitch!" Roger yelled, as he pulled the knife from his abdomen.

Eden took off running out of the room, and she managed to get to the kitchen before he caught her. She fought with him for a moment, before she spotted one of her weapons on the table. She kicked him in the nuts, and ran to the table. She grabbed the gun and raised it. The moment he charged at her, she pulled the trigger, and he went down. He was gone, and she couldn't believe it.

She didn't hear Jeremy coming into the room. She was too in shock of what she had finally accomplished. She had killed the man that had hurt her for so long, and he no longer had any power over her anymore. Jeremy raised his weapon at her, but before he could pull the trigger, another gunshot rang out, and he dropped to the floor. Eden was shocked, as she quickly jumped up and turned around.

On the floor was Jeremy. His body fell close to Roger's, and that made Eden feel a little sick. She hated them both, and she was glad they were gone. She wasn't a killer, but in this moment, she didn't care if she was considered one or not. She had to protect herself and her little girl from the evil men in this house, and now they were gone and she no longer had to worry about the one man that haunted her dreams. She would no longer have nightmares about him finding her, or at least, that's what she hoped. She wanted to finally sleep peacefully for a night...

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