Chapter Eleven

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Eden woke up with a gasp

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Eden woke up with a gasp. Her body was shaking, and she felt like she couldn't breath. She wasn't use to feeling like this. It wasn't normal. She was always so in control of her emotions, especially those of fear and sadness. This felt foreign to her, and it scared her more than ever.

She looked over at Han, and she saw he was still sleeping just fine beside her. She envied him, considering she knew she wouldn't get sleep like that in a while. Her heart was rapidly beating in her chest, and her body was feeling the adrenaline from the fear that was coursing through her.

She stood from the bed with shaky legs and headed towards the bathroom. She closed the door behind her, and decided to use the toilet real quick. Once she was done, she went to the sink and washed her hands. As she was drying her hands, she looked in the mirror and her eyes caught sight of the injuries that littered her body.

As she stared at herself for a moment in the mirror, she began to feel tears swell in her eyes again. She wanted to scream and throw things, but she didn't want to wake up the entire hotel. She also didn't want the police called, since the neighboring hotel rooms would mostly believe it was a domestic situation.

Before she could stop the tears, they began flowing down her cheeks. She placed her hand over her mouth to suppress the sob that threatened to leave her lips. She felt her body trying to crumble, as she held herself up with the sink. Her cuts were hurting, and her ribs felt like they were burning. She couldn't stop the sob that left her lips when she touched her ribs and pain shot through her.

"Eden?" She heard, as Han knocked on the door.

She couldn't stop her crying though, she felt like she couldn't breath as tears flowed down her cheeks. She didn't want Han to see her this way, looking so weak and defeated, but she couldn't stop herself from feeling this way.

"Open the door," He called,"If you don't open this door, I'm going to come in." He warned, but she never answered.

In moments, Han had opened the bathroom door. He caught sight of her, and his demeanor softened almost immediately. He quickly went over to her and pulled her into his chest. Her body shook as she cried, his shirt filling with tears. He simply held her tighter, and ran his fingers through her hair in a soothing manner.

"C'mon, let's get back in bed." He said, as he lead her back towards the bedroom.

"I'm a mess. I can't be like this." She cried, causing him to sigh.

"It's okay to feel this way, Eden. You can't always be strong." He commented, but she shook her head.

Han helped her into the bed, and she curled into a ball on her side of the bed. He quickly laid down, and she scooted over to him. He allowed her to lay her head on his chest, as he wrapped his arms around her once more.

"I have to be strong. Brianna needs me to be strong. She can't see me weak." She whimpered, causing his heart to shatter.

She had always been so strong, and she expected herself to get over all her pain simply for the fact that her daughter needed her to be strong. She didn't want to allow herself to be weak, but Han understood that. He believed that he had to be strong for the team when Giselle passed, even though they should've been there for him.

"Well, Brianna isn't here, Eden, and you can let yourself feel weak for a few minutes. I promise I won't look at you any different." Han said, and it was as though those were the words she needed to hear.

Eden cried, as Han just held her and let her cry. He didn't want to lie and tell her that she would feel better in the morning, or that she would be fine soon. He knew she wouldn't, because he knew she had been through a lot. She hadn't even told him, and still he could see that she had been traumatized.

"Thank you for being here," She murmured, causing him to smile slightly,"I don't know what I'd do if you weren't here."

"You're stronger than you think, Eden. You would've gotten through it.' He replied, and she sighed.

"Getting cut and beat up scared me, but I just...he tried to drown me, Han. I could feel my life slipping away. It was like I could see visions of Bri growing up without me. I've never been so scared in my life. I--" She cut herself off with a quiet sob, and Han simply hugged her tigher.

Hearing what Roger had done really upset him. He wasn't happy about Roger cutting her or hitting her, but almost drowning her really pissed him off. She was traumatized. She couldn't sleep, and she was really upset. Han really wished he could call Brian and tell him that Eden was alive, but she needed support, but he couldn't call him. Brian believed that Han and Eden were dead, and it had to stay that way.

For the rest of the night, Han stayed awake and held her in his arms. He stayed awake to make her feel safe, and to be there If she woke up again. He didn't want her to go through it all alone. He didn't know why, but he felt protective over her. She made him feel different, and he tried to stop himself from feeling this way.

When he had found out she was missing, his heart dropped the same way it had when he lost Giselle. When he found her, he had never felt so much joy and relief in his life. He just hoped he wouldn't have to feel that way again. He really didn't want to have any feelings again, but his body was telling him otherwise...

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