Chapter Seventeen

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Eden hadn't slept much since Han had left

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Eden hadn't slept much since Han had left. She was afraid to sleep. She may have been tired of the way her mind was working against her, but that didn't stop her from keeping herself awake. All of the dreams she had of Roger made her feel more and more unlike herself, and she was tired of feeling that way.

Han had been gone for a couple of days, but Eden felt like it had been a week. She missed him, which was a really weird feeling for her. She was use to feeling this way for Brian and Brianna, but feeling this way for Han was different. She was unsure of her feelings, but she didn't allow them to bury themselves like she had so many times before.

While Han had been gone, Brianna often asked about him. She had formed a pretty good bond with the man, and Eden wondered if it was because she didn't have a father figure. Brianna seen Agent Whitney as an uncle or brother figure, but Han was different. Han treated her like a father would a daughter, and Brianna became attached rather quickly.

Brianna liked having him around. He would spoil her with a cookie or a bag of chips when her mother wasn't looking, but at the same time, he made her follow the rules. He would sit and eat with her, or he would watch TV with her. Sometimes he'd simply sit with her and listen to her talk for a long time, or play with her. Brianna wasn't like normal little girls. She loved playing with cars and she didn't care if she got dirty, but she could still enjoy a tea party like any other kid her age.

Eden was often the one doing tea parties with Brianna, but when Eden wasn't around, Agent Whitney would do a tea party. Brianna had been extra excited for her last tea party though, because Han had agreed to doing a tea party with her. Eden had supplied the tea, and Han had supplied all of the snacks. There was quite a bit of snacks, since Han had no idea what would go well with tea.

Anyhow, while Eden waited for Han to come back from his mission, she began to think about the kiss that she and Han had shared. She wondered if Han was going to treat her differently after the kiss they shared. She wondered if he was going to ignore her, or pretend that everything that happened didn't matter. She liked him, she could admit it now, but that meant she would feel terrible if Han told her everything was a mistake.

While Han was away, Eden spent most of her time with Brianna, and when she wasn't with Brianna, she was working out or cleaning. She would clean the same room twice if she became too antsy to be doing something. It had only been two days, and her apartment was so spotless that her cleaning again was definitely a waste of time.

After dinner, again Brianna asked if she could sleep in the room with her mom. Of course, Eden agreed, and after a bath Brianna laid down for bed. Eden laid in bed, but she didn't fall asleep. She simply laid their watching TV. Again, on TV was Two And A Half Men, but she was definitely happy that it was a show she really liked. The woman simply watched the show, trying to keep herself awake as long as possible.

As she was watching the show, she heard her phone buzz. She was curious, because most people were asleep. She didn't know who could possibly be texting her, but she figured that she needed to answer it. She had a feeling that if the person had her number, they needed her for something when texting at this hour.

      'I'm on my way back. It'll be sometime in the morning. When I get back, there's something we need to talk about. I think I have something that's going to change our lives.'

Eden felt her heart skip a beat. She was worried about what Han could be bringing back, or what they needed to talk about. For all she knew, it could be something serious. He could have someone after him, or someone found out he was alive, and they made him bring them back to base with him. She was scared, but she didn't want to worry herself too much.

      'Be careful. We want you back in one piece.'

She really didn't know how to answer his text, so this was the best she could text back. She wanted to ask him what he had to tell her, but she knew he needed to focus on driving and getting back. She didn't want him to get into an accident because of her. After sending the text, she turned back to the TV.

"The damage has been done. All that's left now to do is drink...until that part of brain that creates mental pictures is dead." Charlie had said, and Eden felt herself wanting to laugh.

Charlie was always her favorite character on the show, though Alan and Jake had their funny moments. She wondered if she would've found them as funny later on in life, if she had discovered them when she was older. The show had come out years ago, which was why she believed she really liked it.

Anyhow, after recieving the text from Han, letting her know that he was on the way back, she allowed herself to try and get a little sleep. The only problem was, her mind couldn't let go of the fact that Han said he needed to talk to her. She was worried, and her worry would most likely fuel a sleepless night. She just hoped that she could get a little rest, otherwise her emotions could easily get the best of her the next day when Han came back to the base...

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