Chapter Eighteen

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The next morning, Eden woke up feeling worried about why Han needed to talk to her

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The next morning, Eden woke up feeling worried about why Han needed to talk to her. She was tired of worrying, so she decided to get a shower to try and calm herself down. She actually felt better once she had gotten her shower and cleared her head. Just about the time that she finished her shower, Brianna woke up and needed the bathroom.

While Brianna was in the bathroom, Eden grabbed clothes from her room. She slipped into a pair of grey skinny jeans, her favorite black boots, and a black shirt. Once she was dressed, she went to Brianna's room and grabbed her a new outfit for the day. Brianna soon joined her in her bedroom to get dressed and have her hair fixed.

As soon as she and Brianna were ready, she decided to take Brianna to the cafeteria for breakfast. The two girls decided to eat fruity pebbles for breakfast, since it was one of their favorite things to eat in the morning. Eden grabbed them a bottle of apple juice each, before the two girls went and sat down at a table. They ate silently, still feeling a bit tired. As they were finishing their food, Eden's phone vibrated, letting her know that she had a text message.

     'Be there in 5.'

Eden quickly finished her food, and waited patiently for Brianna to finish. Once they were both done, she went to find Agent Whitney. She didn't want Brianna to be with her, just incase her and Han talked about something too serious, or got into an argument. Eden wanted Brianna to keep thinking the best about Han, even if the two got into a fight.

"Just come get her whenever you want her." Agent Whitney commented, as he grabbed Brianna's hand to bring her to her toys.

As soon as Eden was sure that Brianna was busy, she left the area to find Han. When she found him, her eyebrows furrowed at the sight of the little girl at Han's side. The girl couldn't be older than thirteen, and she looked scared. She called her a little girl, considering she was barely a teenager.

"W-what happened?" Eden asked, as she approached Han and the little girl.

"We'll talk about that later," He replied,"but for now, I'll introduce you two," He smiled,"Elle, this is Eden, and Eden this is Elle."

"Nice to meet you, Elle." Eden said, giving the little girl a smile.

"Hi." Elle murmured, waving slightly.

"Remember Elle, I told you Eden is safe. You can trust her with anything." Han told Elle, causing the little girl to nod.

"Do you want to watch cartoons?" Eden asked,"I bet my little girl would love to watch TV with you, or if you'd rather take a nap, you can borrow my bed." Eden commented, and Elle looked at her shyly.

"I wanna watch cartoons." Elle replied, and Eden smiled.

"Follow me." Eden said, as she waved her hand for Elle to follow.

Almost immediately, Elle flocked to her side and followed. Han couldn't suppress the smile that appeared on his face. She was so shy and timid when he met her, but Eden's aura seemed to make her comfortable. Once Eden had found Agent Whitney and Brianna, she knocked lightly to get their attention.

"Hey Bri, you wouldn't mind if I brought you a friend to watch SpongeBob with you, would you?" Eden asked, causing Brianna to quickly run over.

"Han!" She exclaimed, causing the man to laugh.

"Hey, Bri." He replied, patting her back as she hugged his legs.

"Brianna, this is Elle," Eden motioned to the standing next to her,"She's come to watch cartoons with you. I was thinking I could get you guys some snacks and a fee drinks, and you two can have a cartoon party." Eden commented, and Brianna nodded immediately.

"Yes!" Brianna exclaimed,"Come Elle, we gotta hurry!" She added, as she grabbed Elle's hand.

Eden and Han brought snacks and drinks to the girls, before they left the room to talk. Eden had a lot of questions, but they mainly revolved around who Elle was, and why she was with Han. She wanted to know what happened and why it happened.

"So, I know why you went on the mission, but I don't know why you brought back a little girl." She commented, causing him to sigh.

"I went to retrieve the device, and her parents were supposed to be taking her to dinner. She was supposed to be in the car when they started it, but she wasn't. The car blew up, and people came in to take the device. She was going to die, if it wasn't for me. I took her with me, considering I couldn't leave a little girl there to die. Not to mention, I know that she's needed to activate the device, and people are going to be after her." Han replied, making the girl sigh.

"So, what are we supposed to do?" Eden asked,"Do I need to take care of some people?" She raised an eyebrow,"You know I'm not too scared to set a fire in a warehouse." She commented, causing Han to smirk.

"Hopefully it won't get to that point," He murmured,"but I knew you would be the one that would help most when it came to this. You would help her, because you're a good mom."

"Should we ask Mr. Nobody what we need to do?" Eden asked, making the man sigh.

"Probably," He replied,"but I think we should leave her with Brianna for now. We'll go talk to him, but I don't think we want her there when we discuss things."

Eden agreed, obviously, since she didn't want Elle getting upset. Elle didn't deserve to have to listen to people discuss her future. Eden just hoped for the best when it came to the little girl's future. Even if Mr. Nobody wanted to put her out, Eden would fight for her, or keep her against his protests...

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