Chapter Six

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Eden and Han had to do their best to fit in with everyone

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Eden and Han had to do their best to fit in with everyone. It wasn't easy, but to pretend to be married wasn't too hard either. All they had to do was walk around holding hands and give each other loving smiles. Public displays of affection made people uncomfortable, so they were able to not kiss and get away with it.

During their third day in town, Eden was invited over to an all girls tea party, though it was more wine and laughs than tea and cookies. Eden wasn't going to accept at first, but after receiving a look from Han, she realized she should agree. He was practically telling her that she needed to agree for their job, but also because she she needed a moment to relax.

"Are you sure I can go?" Eden asked,"I can always call them and say something came up." She commented, but he shook his head.

"You have to go. We don't want them thinking we're unreliable. They may not want us at the party if they think that." He replied, and she sighed.

"You're right." She groaned, begrudgingly slipping on her boots.

"I'll drive you. I'll be back in two hours to get you." He said, and she nodded.

Surprisingly the drive wasn't far, so if she wanted to leave early, she knew ahan could get her with a quickness. Once Han stopped the car, Eden let out a rather loud sigh. She hadn't been to a person's house as a guest in years, especially after she had "died." Roger really didn't let her visit anyone, and she was too scared to visit people when they broke up since he was stalking her.

"You'll be fine," Han said,"and you can call me the minute you feel uncomfortable, and I'll come get you. I promise."

"I'll see you in two hours," She replied,"possibly tipsy."

Han waited to leave until he watched her walk up to the door and knock. He also waited until she went inside, just incase she changed her mind real quick and made a break for it. He knew it was a possibility, and he wanted to be there for her if she needed to get out of there.

"You're husband's sweet, waiting for you to walk inside before leaving." Karen, one of the women at the tea party, commented, smiling lovingly.

"I asked him about it once, and he said it was because his mother raised a gentleman." Eden replied, causing the women around her to coo.

"You drink wine, right?" Everly, another party goer, asked, and Eden nodded.

Melissa, the lady who invited Eden, poured wine for all of them, including Clara. Eden didn't know Clara was going tonhe there, but that meant she could get closer to her. It would give more trust between the two, and she'd look less suspicious during the party as she and Han looked for Jeremy.

"So, what does Rick do for work?" Clara asked, as she took a rather large swig of her wine.

"Well, he use to be a mechanic for a car shop back where we use to live, but he's thinking about opening his own shop, so right now he doesn't really have a job." Eden answered, and the girls nodded.

"What about you?" Karen asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I'm a babysitter, but I haven't put an ad out yet. I'm waiting until we're completely unpacked and settled before I put out an ad." She said, causing the girls to applaud her.

The women continued to talk to each other, and ask questions about each other's lives. Eden and Clara actually got along the best, which wasn't surprisingly really. Eden did have to lie about quite a few things, but she and Han had made an entire list of things that they'd use for a lie about their lives. It couldn't be much worse than living to everyone saying they're married.

"It's been a while since I drank this much, apparently I'm turning into a light weight." Eden commented, as she stood up and felt a little woozy.

"I wouldn't say you're a light weight, you've drank more than the rest of us." Clara replied, as the other girls giggled.

"Rick's outside for you." Everly said, causing Eden to jump up, and stumble as she tried to steady herself.

"I think he should come help her out." Clara commented, as she and everyone else laughed.

"Rick!" Karen called from the door,"She's a little too tipsy to walk all the way there by herself!"

Han laughed, as he stepped out of the car and headed towards the house. He went inside and straight to her side. She gave him a sheepish grin, as he wrapped her arm around his shoulders, and his arm went around her waist.

"Let's get you to the car, miss tipsy." Han joked, causing all the girls to giggle.

Han carefully walked Eden to the car, and helped her get situated in the passenger seat. Once she was buckled up, he went around to the driver side and got in. He was careful about his driving, since he didn't want her to get sick in the car. As soon as he was back at the hotel with her, he carefully lead her all the way up to their hotel room.

"Oh, I'm so happy you made me go." Eden commented, causing Han to chuckle.

"I told you that you would have fun." He replied, and she grinned.

"I'm besties with Clara now. She'll never be suspicious of us at the party." She said, making Han sigh.

"That's good, though I knew we both would've been fast enough and discreet enough not to get caught." He answered, and she simply shrugged.

"I miss Brianna and Brian." She murmured, as she laid back on the bed.

"They miss you, too," Han replied,"Get some sleep. You'll feel better when you wake up."

Eden simply closed her eyes and started falling asleep, and Han chuckled to himself. He stood up and walked over to her, and he pulled her shoes off so she could be more comfortable. Once he was sure that she was comfortable, he decided to lay down and get some rest as well. They were both going to need it...

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