Chapter Thirty Four

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(Sorry for the crappy gif, but it's the best one I found for what I wanted it to represent)

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(Sorry for the crappy gif, but it's the best one I found for what I wanted it to represent)

Eden, Han, and Tej were close to each other, as they took out agents through the hall they were traveling through. As agents came out of different rooms and directions, the trio attacked and knocked out most of them, but obviously they couldn't keep all of them alive.

When a group of six men came running towards them with large weapons, Eden was ready to fight. She was quick to pull out her knives and twirl them in her fingers, before gripping the handles tightly. The first man that approached her recieved a stab to the arm.

She quickly ripped the blade from his arm, and kicked him in the abdomen with her knee. When the man hunched over, she kicked him in the knee to knock him down. She then used his other knee for leverage to kick him in the head and knock him back. When he hit the ground, he groaned and tried to get back up.

Eden didn't let that happen though. She was quick to kick him in the head once, twice, three times before the man passed out. She then ran at the second man. Each of the trio had two men to fight. Eden attacked her second opponent with an angry look on her face. These men were in the way of her saving her daughter, and she didn't care what happened to them.

She was quick to start fighting the man. The man was definitely a fighter though, unlike the other man. He was able to get a few good hits in, before Eden stabbed him in the shoulder, and used that as leverage to get the man on the ground. Once the man was on the ground, she dropped her knee to the ground, hopefully just knocking him out with a knee straight to the face.

"There's more coming," Eden commented,"We need to split up. There's no way we're getting through here as a group."

"No, Eden--" Han began, but she cut him off.

"I got this," She replied,"I'll be right back. We can meet here if you want, but we've got to find Elle, and splitting up is the only way."

"Fine," Han grumbled,"but be careful. I'll kick your ass if you don't."

Eden gave him a cheeky grin, before the three split up between the three main hallways in their part of the building. The hallway Eden was in seemed to be suspiciously quiet, so she was on high alert. She had to be careful, otherwise she could accidentally pass up an enemy or even Elle. Eden turned a corner, and that was when she came face to face with a group of guys. There were like five of them, but they were armed.

"Shit." She cursed, knowing this was going to be hard to get through.

After taking a deep breath, Eden quickly ran at the men. She was able to fight them without getting pummeled immediately, which was definitely a win on its own. Eden managed to knock out three of the guys, before any real damage happened to her. That was also definitely a win in itself.

Eden recieved quite a few hits to the ribs, and she was sure she had a concussion. She was stumbling and staggering by the time the fight was simply one versus one. She had to fight as hard as she could, even though it wasn't easy. Her head was hit against the wall, and she saw spots. She quickly threw up her hand that was still holding her knife, and luckily she had managed to stab the man in the neck.

The man fell to the ground, and Eden pulled herself up and began to stumble and stagger away. She had to get back to where she was supposed to meet Han and Tej. Even if they had to find her like this, at least she'd be found before she could be taken and used as bait. She used the wall for support, but it wasn't working very well. She was still very wobbly and seeing double.

As her vision began to darken, she knew something was very wrong. Before she could call out for help, she felt her legs give out from under her. In seconds, she hit the ground and she was unconscious. The final impact of her head to the ground had busted her head open, and slowly blood was pooling.

Han and Tej had found each other first. Tej had found Elle, and she had her arms wrapped around one of his. She was petrified to let go, and Tej completely understood why she felt that way. When Han found them, Elle ran to him and hugged him. As they began their walk back down the hall, Elle attached herself back to Tej's arm, so Han could fight anyone that came at them.

Han was the first to round the corner, and he frowned when he realized Eden wasn't there. He gave Tej a look, telling him to keep Elle there so he could find Eden. Once he was sure Elle was safe with Tej, Han headed down towards the area Eden had gone. It didn't take long for him to find her though, and his heart felt like it had jumped out of his chest.

Quickly he ran to her side and practically threw himself to the floor. He immediately checked and sighed in relief when he felt a heartbeat, but his relief didn't last long when he seen the blood. She was badly hurt, and he needed to get her to safety. Carefully, he picked her up and held her to his chest. He had to be fast, but he had to be careful. An enemy could sneak up on them at any moment, which would put them both in danger. He had to protect her, she was everything to him...

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