Chapter Nineteen

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Long story short, Mr

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Long story short, Mr. Nobody decided that it was best if Han took Elle and disappeared from any radar. The problem for Mr. Nobody when it came to his idea, was that Han refused to leave Eden and Brianna. He wanted them to go wherever he went, and he knew if he asked Elle, she would agree with him.

Mr. Nobody reluctantly agreed with their terms, and within two hours, he had new identities and such for the four of them. He also had four plane tickets, and a place for them to live. They'd have to live in close quarters to look like a little family, but Eden and Han didn't seem to mind that idea that much.

Once everything was set up for them, Han went to his "apartment" to pack his things, and Eden did the same in her own. She also packed Brianna's things, and once everything was packed, Han and Eden carried their things to a blacked out SUV. It felt almost like they were picking up their lives and starting new, but they weren't quite at that point.

"Bri, Elle, we've got a plane to catch in two hours, so you two need to come eat before we leave." Eden said, and the two girls quickly got up from their seats in front of the TV.

Brianna and Elle sat in between Han and Eden as they ate their food. They weren't in a rush, but the girls didn't exactly take ten hours to eat either. Once they were finished eating, the four took a quick bathroom break, before heading to the SUV to get to the plane, then get to the place Mr. Nobody had ready for them.

When Eden grabbed their tickets, her eyes scanned over them and she found their location; Tokyo, Japan. She remembered Han telling her all about his life in Japan, so she worried about what could happen when they were there. As long as they stayed hidden nobody would be able to find them. The only time they'd have to leave would be for missions, if they needed anything they'd have to have it brought to them, or they'd have to sneak out in a disguise.

Brianna liked the idea of being on a plane, but once she was up in the air, she didn't like it. She was distraught, but at the same time, she didn't cry and throw a tantrum. The plane ride to Tokyo took some time, and it seemed to be extra long because Brianna was upset. Once they were in Japan, the adults practically sighed in relief.

"Mr. Nobody has an SUV waiting on us outside the airport," Han commented, as he held up a key,"and I know my way around, so I should be able to find our new place."

"I really hope this wasn't a bad idea on his part," Eden murmured,"if anything happens to any of us, I'm going for his head."

"Calm down, hothead," He jokingly reprimanded,"We can handle ourselves." He added, and she gave him a slight nod.

The moment they had landed and were able to search for their SUV, Eden felt a little bit of the pressure lift off her shoulders. The SUV would have blacked out windows, so nobody would be able to see inside and easily spot and recognize anyone in the vehicle.

Han drove them straight to the area of their new place, and Eden could admit she wasn't disappointed. Brianna and Elle would have to share a room, and Eden and Han would share a room. Han and Eden had shared a bed more than once, not in sexual way, so this arrangement wouldn't be an issue for them.

"I'm tired." Elle murmured, as she laid her head on Eden's shoulder.

"We can get some sleep, and unpack our things tomorrow." Eden replied, and Elle nodded.

Elle stood up from her spot on the couch, and headed to her room. Clothes and things she needed had been brought to the apartment by one of Mr. Nobody's agents. Brianna soon entered the room to get her pajamas on as well. Once both girls were in their pajamas, Eden grabbed all the new toothbrushes and toothpaste she had brought for their move.

Eden then brought the girls to their room, and tucked them into their beds. She gave them both a kiss on the forehead, before she went to the little TV in the room and turned it on. They'd need some type of noise to keep them asleep, just as Eden did. Once she was sure the girls were asleep, she headed to her own room to grab pajamas.

She quickly changed, before brushing her own teeth and washing her face. As soon as she was ready, she climbed into the bed and turned on the TV. Han soon joined her, and once he was comfortable, Eden laid her head on his chest, and wrapped her arm loosely around his waist.

"This is going to take some adjustment." Eden murmured, causing Han to chuckle.

"Yes," He answered,"but at least we're in this together."

"I don't know what I'd do if I was doing all of this on my own." She admitted, and he sighed.

"I don't know what I'd do either," He replied,"but we've got each other, we're not alone."

Eden liked laying next to Han. He made her feel safe, and after what had happened to her, it should've been hard for him to do so. He practically became her security blanket, but she wouldn't change him for the world. He was a good person, and though she wouldn't admit it, she was glad Mr. Nobody had introduced the two.

Han and Eden were way off from being in a completely serious relationship. They definitely had feelings for each other, and they wanted to be together, but it would take time to get into a good relationship. Besides, they had two children to think about, and things were never as easy when kids were involved, especially in a situation like theirs...

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