Chapter Five

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"So, Mr

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"So, Mr. Nobody wants us to make friends with a couple that's supposed to be throwing a party in about a week's time. At the party is where we'll find the person we're after. It's a guy named Jeremy Davies." Eden said, as she tried to find information on her laptop about the couple they were supposed to befriend.

"Did he give you a name for the couple?" Han asked, and Eden nodded.

"Clara and William Kurtwood." Eden answered, showing him a picture of the couple.

"Have you found anything out about them?" He questioned, causing her to shrug.

"Basic information, like their age and birthday. I'm trying to find stuff that would help make it seem like an actual coincidence when we bump into them." She said, and he simply nodded.

"That," He pointed to the screen,"they go to Crystal's Coffee and Café every Sunday, which is today. It seems they go around the same time every Sunday, which is in about an hour. We should start getting ready, so we can bump into them." He commented, making her grin.

"You miracle worker!" She jokingly exclaimed, as she patted his arm and he laughed.

Eden quickly went to her luggage and grabbed a pair of black skinny jeans, a pastel pink shirt, and her favorite combat boots. Once she was dressed, she quickly put her hair in a ponytail and put on some makeup to cover the bags under her eyes. She never slept too well when she was away from Brianna.

"Let's go, Rick," Eden called, hearing him sigh in the bathroom,"Vamos!"

"Chill, Anna." He retorted, making her laugh.

The pair left their hotel room, making sure to take any important documents, just incase someone broke in. They could replace clothes, they couldn't stop information from spreading. They put the documents into the trunk of the car, since they were going to almost always be by the car.

"So, what are we going to do in here?" Han asked, causing Eden to look over at him.

"Pretend like we don't know what to get because we're new to town. We'll ask them, and hopefully that'll start a beautiful friendship." She replied, making him chuckle.

Han decided to play the gentlemanly husband, and opened her car door for her. He also held her hand the entire walk to the door, opened the door for her, and took her hand again once they were inside. He wanted his role to be played perfectly, as did she. They both wanted it all to workout.

"I have no idea what to choose, babe." Eden faked, as she let a pout form on her lips.

"I should've looked for recommendations here before we came. I don't know what any of these specialty drinks are." Han added, causing Eden to sigh.

"You should choose the chocolate chip monster," A voice said, and they turned to see Clara Kurtwood,"It's a Frappuccino with two different kinds of chocolate chips, white chocolate and milk chocolate drizzle, whipped cream, and chocolate shavings on top."

"That sounds amazing," Eden replied, completely honest with her answer,"I'm Anna, nice to meet you."

"I'm Clara," The woman answered,"and this is my husband, Will."

"Nice to meet you both." Will commented, shaking Han's hand.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Rick, Anna's husband." Han said, giving them a smile.

"From the sound of it, you two are new here. Most people know what they want when they come here." Clara voiced, and the couple nodded.

"We just moved here yesterday, and I forgot to pack the coffee pot from my mom's house. I practically live off all kinds of coffee." Eden joked, causing Clara to laugh.

"Made any friends in town yet?" Will asked, causing the couple to shake their heads.

"No, we haven't explored much, so we haven't met anyone." Han replied, causing the Kurtwood couple to glance at each other.

"We're having a party Saturday," Clara smiled,"We would like you two to come. I'll write down my address, and I hope we'll see you there." She said, and Eden nodded.

"We will definitely be there." Eden replied, causing Clara and Will to smile once again.

Eden ordered herself and Han the drink Clara recommended, and Clara used a napkin to write down their address. She also added her phone number, just incase Eden and Han got lost along the way.

"That worked out a lot easier than I thought it was going to." Eden admitted, as she and Han headed back to their hotel.

"And we got some good drinks out of it." Han commented, causing Eden to roll her eyes jokingly.

"I think we should come here everyday for these while we're here." She replied, and he quickly agreed, making her shake her head with a laugh.

"Let's pick up some chips over there," Han pointed to a gas station,"I'm almost out." He said, making her smirk.

They went inside and grabbed quite a few bags of chips and candies. Eden loved gummies, and Han wouldn't say no if she offered him chocolate. Once they had gotten what they needed, including a few energy drinks, because Eden was practically addicted to them, the two paid and left the gas station.

"Mr. Nobody give you a picture of Davies?" Han asked, as they placed all their bags down on the table.

"Yeah, but I swear he looks familiar." She replied, making him shrug.

"Maybe all white boys look alike." He joked, causing her to sarcastically laugh.

"No, all white boys do not look alike, only most of them," She retorted,"and I don't know what it is, but I sear I seen him before." She murmured, making him sigh.

"I don't know, Eden." He answered, and she sighed as well.

For all she knew, he could just look like someone she seen before. She just didn't want to accidentally run into someone she knew from before. If they knew her, it could ruin everything, and she could be in real danger...

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