Chapter Twenty Eight

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Eden listened to the story Elle told everyone

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Eden listened to the story Elle told everyone. She hoped everyone could see just how important Elle was to her, Han, and Brianna. If they didn't see that, than they might not try to protect her as much as they would their own family. That scared Eden more than anything in the world, especially now that she knew that they were trying to keep people from activating Project Aries.

"So, you've been living the quiet life in Tokyo for the last year?" Roman asked, and Eden nodded.

"For the most part," Eden replied,"We had missions every so often, but it was quiet. We didn't get out much, we were stuck inside for most of the time."

"I'm guessing you two got close during that time, too, huh?" Roman joked, causing Eden and Han to look at each other for a second.

"Uh, well--" Before Eden could answer, Brianna's voice was heard.

"Daddy, I done." She tried to whisper, as she held up the empty bag.

"Okay, baby," Han took it from her,"You feel better now?" He asked, and she nodded.

"You she?" Brian questioned, but Eden shook her head,"Than I don't understand. What the hell is going on?"

"I was pregnant before I died," Eden revealed,"but I didn't know until after. I gave birth to Bri before I met Han."

"So, you decided to play house with Brian's baby sister?" Roman asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Look, it's not like that, man. It's different from what you guys are thinking." Han said, as Brian and Roman stood in front of them with crossed arms.

Eden stepped closer to Han, and she grabbed his hand with hers, and she placed her other hand on his arm. It was her way of silently saying she was with him, and she was going to stay with him, even if Brian and Roman were assholes. She remembered how they were when she was younger, especially when it came to boys, but she was older now.

"Brian, Roman, you two need to chill out. I love Han, and he loves me, Bri, and Elle. It doesn't matter if we met while working with Mr. Nobody, we still found our happiness with one another, and that's all that matters. I'm not letting you guys ruin this for us, because you want to be overprotective." Eden scolded, causing the two men to frown.

"Fine!" Roman exclaimed,"but the first time I see you cry 'cause of him, I'll kill him."

"Look, guys, I promise nothing is going to happen. I love her and the kids. You don't have to worry about me hurting any of them." Han said, and the two men seemed to accept his words.

Their small happy moment ended quickly though, when the bunker they were in was infiltrated. Everyone tried to fight the people coming in, but it didn't work. Guns were raised on everyone, and they were threatening to shoot anyone that moved. Brian had Brianna in his arms, so Eden knew her youngest was safe, so she had to figure out a way to save her oldest.

Eden tried to step forward to grab Elle when a couple agents had grabbed her, but Eden was stopped. A man kicked her in the knee, causing her to stumble slightly, before he hit her on the side of the head with the butt of his gun. Eden hit the ground, but she wasn't knocked out, she was just slightly disoriented.

The moment the agents were gone, Han dropped to the ground to check on Eden. He let a frown grace his face when he seen the bruise forming on the side of her head. He would get revenge on the man that hit Eden with the butt of his gun. Han was never going to let anyone get away with hurting people he loved, especially his girls.

"We've got to get her back." Eden said, and Han nodded.

"I know, but first we need to make sure you don't have a concussion or any other bad injury." He replied, but she simply shook her head.

"I don't care," Eden retorted,"Elle only has so much time, and she needs us there to save her. C'mon Han, we can't let her down. We have to save her. We have to save our girl." Eden felt herself wanting to cry.

"I know, we will. We'll save our girl." Han replied, kissing the top of the woman's head.

"We'll have to find the place they're taking her first," Roman commented,"Otherwise, We'll never be able to get to her."

"Roman, read the room." Tej scolded, sending his friend a glare.

"I'm just saying. I mean, we can't just run off and--" Roman was cut off by Letty.

"Enough." She said, and Roman went silent.

"It'll most likely be until morning before we can find her. They have some very high-tech stuff with them, not to mention the damaged they caused in here." Ramsey stated, causing Roman to scoff when she wasn't scolded for what she said.

"Guess none of us are sleeping tonight," Dom said,"We're not stopping till we find Elle."

"I wanna sleep, Mommy." Brianna whimpered, causing the older woman to smile.

"You can sleep, but the rest of us will be awake." Eden replied, and Brianna nodded in agreement.

She wouldn't be going to sleep anytime soon, but she was worried about not getting sleep later. Unlike most kids her age, Brianna loved taking naps and getting some sleep. Some nights she hated it, but most nights she was pretty good at it. Eden hoped the girl would continue to like it as she grew older, that way she and Elle could share a room without Brianna waking up and accidentally bothering her early in the morning.

Eden refused to think that anything serious could happen to Elle. She wanted Elle to be safe in her arms like she was before. It didn't matter if the devil himself got in her way, nothing would keep her from getting her oldest daughter back, with or without the team if need be...

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