Chapter Twelve

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The next morning, Eden and Han were both extremely tired, but neither mentioned it

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The next morning, Eden and Han were both extremely tired, but neither mentioned it. Eden didn't want Han to realize just how poorly she slept, and Han didn't want her to know that he had stayed up all night to watch over her. They were both keeping their truths a secret for now, though they knew keeping secrets wasn't the best idea.

"Are you ready to head back?" Han asked, and Eden nodded silently.

"Did you tell Mr. Nobody about what happened yet?" She asked, her voice rather quiet.

"No," He replied,"I figured we should wait until we get back to base to tell him anything. We don't want to chance this place being bugged."

He and Eden packed their things, including all the snacks and such they had left over, before they brought all of it down to their car. Eden was quiet for a good bit of the ride, since her mind was still full of everything that happened. Her mind was plagued with memories, and she couldn't make them go away.

Against her own will, she began to feel tired. Before she knew it, her eyes closed, and she drifted off to sleep. It wasn't very comfortable, but she really needed the sleep. She had barely gotten any while they were in the hotel room.

Han looked over at Eden, and a relieved smile appeared on his face when he seen that she was asleep. He made sure to drive smoothly and at a constant pace so she would sleep fine. When she began to move around, and look like she was upset, Han reached over and grabbed her hand. Her hand tightened it's grip on his, and she began to relax once more. He was glad that his simple touch had calmed her down, if she freaked out in the car, it might not have gone too well.

Eden didn't sleep for too long, but even just a couple of hours made her look healthier than she did when she first got in the car. Han was happy that she had gotten some rest, so Brianna wouldn't be able to tell that something was wrong with Eden. He wanted Eden to feel like she looked as strong as she felt like she was supposed to be for her daughter.

"Are we almost back?" Eden asked, her voice raspy from sleep.

"About an hour," He replied,"Do you want some food?" He asked, and she nodded.

"Let's stop somewhere without cameras," She commented,"I don't want any mistakes or accidents happening."

"Hometown Pizza sound good to you?" He asked, seeing the sign further up the road.

"Yeah." She murmured, and he nodded.

Han pulled into the parking lot of Hometown Pizza, and went around to the drive-thru. He looked over the menu, and decided that they would get bread sticks, pasta for Eden, and a calzone for himself. Once he ordered, they waited for about ten minutes, before they recieved their food.

"Want to try the pasta?" Eden asked, as she held a fork full out to Han.

He leaned over and took a bite of the pasta, and was surprised to taste that it was pretty good. He and Eden had never been to Hometown Pizza, so it was something new for both of them.

"I'm going to save my bread sticks for Bri," Eden commented,"She loves when we have them at base."

"You should've told me, I would've ordered extras." He replied, making a small smile appear on her face.

"I didn't want to put you out." She answered, causing him to scoff.

"I don't care if it was my last five dollars. If your kid or any other kid wanted food, or really liked a specific food, I'd buy it for 'em." He said, and Eden's heart fluttered.

She didn't know why, but hearing him say that made her feel some type of way. Hearing that he cared for kids made her feel different. She had been feeling different about him since he had pretty much saved her from Roger and Jeremy. He was there for her when she was rescued by him, and he was there when she was inconsolable. He was an amazing person, and she was glad he was there for her.

Truth be told, when she first seen him, she believed he was handsome. Him saving her made her feel a little more for him than she really planned to. Now, hearing him say he cared so much about kids made her heart flutter, and her stomach fill with butterflies. She just couldn't allow herself to feel anything more than friendship for Han, not after everything that happened with Roger.

She knew she shouldn't hold herself back so much just because of Roger, but she didn't know what to do. She didn't know how to change her ways. So much had happened to her, and she didn't know how to get past it. She wanted to be better, but she had to protect herself and her daughter.

"We're about to pass a Pizza Hut," Han commented,"You wanna stop to get some bread sticks for her?" He asked, and she shrugged.

"I mean, we're almost back at base, but if you don't mind..." She trailed off, but he didn't get mad at her.

He knew that she was still feeling unsure about everything after what happened to her. He didn't want to upset her, so instead of saying much, he pulled into the parking lot. He went to the drive-thru and ordered some bread sticks, as well as a small cheese pizza. They would be back at base right at dinner time, so Brianna would definitely be hungry.

Once they had what they needed, Han started their finally thirty minute drive back to base. As soon as they arrived, he could see a change in Eden. She looked like some of the weight lifted off of her shoulders. She was back in a safe location with her daughter, and she felt better, but he could tell there was still trauma she had to get through. He just hoped that she would slowly get back to the way she was before...

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