Chapter Sixteen

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The next day, Eden stayed in her apartment for most of the day

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The next day, Eden stayed in her apartment for most of the day. She left her door open, so Brianna could go to Agent Whitney's if she wanted. It seemed the little girl could tell that something was wrong with her mother though, because she stayed in her room watching cartoons. She didn't want to be too far away from her mother.

As Eden was making lunch for her and Brianna using the microwave in the apartment, she heard a light knock on her door. She glanced to the door, and seen that it was Han. She motioned for him to come in, as she continued doing what she was doing.

"You haven't been out all day." He commented, and she nodded.

"I know," She sighed,"but I was pissed at Mr. Nobody, still am, so I don't want to run into him." She said, making him sigh.

"Well, I guess you won't like him anymore than you do now after I tell you what I've been asked to do." He replied, causing her to sigh.

"What?" She asked, turning to him and crossing her arms.

"He asked me to go on a mission." He answered, and her eyebrows furrowed.

"By yourself?" She questioned,"We're supposed to go on missions together." She commented, shaking her head.

"He wanted to give you time off. He thinks you've been running yourself too hard," He replied,"but yeah, I've got a mission. He wants me to retrieve the Project Aries device."

"Every search and retrieve mission has been dangerous lately. You can't seriously think this is a good idea." She said, making him sigh.

"I don't think it's safe, but I'm not going to raise hell about it. I know I can handle this.' He replied, and she frowned.

"Y-you can't do this alone," She murmured,"If something happens to you, I--" She felt her lip quiver,"I don't know if I'll be able to sleep without you. You've been helping keep my nightmares at bay. I don't know if I can handle this all alone yet. I've never had to handle stuff like this before. I don't know what to do."

"Eden, calm down." He said, making her look away.

"I hate fear. I'm scared of being alone at night. I'm scared you're going to get hurt or die on this mission alone. I'm scared that Brianna will realize I'm not as strong as I was before. I'm scared of my own mind and feelings, Han. I don't know what to do to handle it. I need something to distract myself. I need to be able to go on a mission, or do something that could distract me. I--" She rambled, and Han couldn't get a word in edge wise.

Without a single though, Han placed his hands on her hips and pulled her to him. He placed his lips on hers, and after a moment of shock, she began to kiss him back. Her hands traveled up to the back of his neck, allowing her to pull him closer. He hadn't expected the kiss to feel so right, but once the kiss started, he didn't want it to stop.

Slowly, the kiss became a bit heated. His hands started traveling under her shirt, feeling her soft skin with his fingertips. Before anything could get really heated though, Brianna came out of her room.

"Mommy?" She called, calling the two to quickly pull apart,"Is lunch ready yet?" She asked, as she came to the kitchen-like area in the apartment.

"Uh, yeah. Go wash your hands, and your food will be on the table." Eden said, and Brianna quickly nodded.

"I should start packing," Han commented awkwardly,"I've got to leave soon."

"How long will you be gone?" She asked, and he sighed.

"I don't know," He replied,"but I'm hoping only a couple of days."

"Please be careful." She said, and he smiled.

"I will," He murmured,"and you try to relax. Bri wouldn't want you worrying all the time, and neither do I."

"I'll try." She answered, causing him to chuckle.

Han took a hesitant step towards the door, before he turned back to Eden and pulled her into a quick kiss. He then turned without a word and left her apartment. Eden was stunned, but she didn't say anything. She simply finished making Brianna's lunch, and placed it on the table. Brianna was quick with her footsteps, as she ran to the table to get her food.

"Where's Han?" She asked, as Eden sat down with her own lunch.

"He has to go pack because he has a mission later." Eden replied, causing Brianna to frown.

"But I'll miss him." She said, making Eden frown as well.

"I know, baby, but he'll be back. I promise." Eden answered, though she knew it wasn't a good idea to make a promise she couldn't make sure would happen. 

Eden hoped like hell that Han would come back from the mission alive and safe. She couldn't lose him and neither could Brianna. Both girls really cared for him, and losing him would hurt a lot, especially for Brianna. She had never lost someone before, so she wouldn't understand the grief, or why the person wasn't coming back.

"Can I sleep in here tonight?" Brianna asked,"I sad." She added, making Eden frown.

"Of course." Eden replied, though she wasn't sure if it was a good idea.

She wanted to support her daughter, but she was worried about how her nightmares. She didn't want to accidentally wake Brianna up because she had a nightmare. She wanted Brianna to sleep through the night, but it wasn't always that easy. She hoped that her mind wouldn't screw her over.

Honestly, she was scared of having nightmares of losing Han while he was away. She didn't know where their relationship stood between them now that they had kissed. She liked him, yes, but she still wasn't sure about relationships after Roger. She didn't know what to do or even think, but she knew she liked the feeling of having Han around, and maybe that was all she needed to focus on. She needed to finally let the negatives go, but she wasn't sure how easily she could manage that...

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