Chapter Eight

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Eden felt herself becoming conscious, but she was very discombobulated

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Eden felt herself becoming conscious, but she was very discombobulated. Once her mind started to clear, she looked around and seen she was in a room chained to a bed. She didn't know where she was, but she knew she was in a lot of danger. She couldn't release herself from the chains, no matter how hard she tried.

She screamed at the top of her lungs, hoping to get someone's attention. At this point, she didn't even care if it was a cop, and she had to reveal her true identity. She wanted to get away, otherwise she could end up dead. In that moment, she began to think of her little girl, and tears swelled in her eyes. If she died, Brianna wouldn't have anyone, unless Mr. Nobody brought her to Brian. Brian would hate Eden for lying to him, and Brianna would never know what happened to her.

Eden didn't know if Han was looking for her, or if he even knew that she was missing. For all she knew, it was only an hour or so later, and he could just believe she was drinking with the other ladies. Another scream left her lips, this time she had to hold back tears, as she yanked on the chains attached to her wrists. She stopped screaming though, when she heard the door open to whatever room she was in.

"Stop all that screaming." A voice snapped, and she quickly looked over.

"Jeremy." She murmured, and the man gave her a sadistic smile.

"We've been looking all over for you," He said,"Roger is glad to have you back. He's waiting upstairs to talk to you."

"No," She gasped,"Please, don't let him in here." She pleaded, but Jeremy simply grinned evilly at her.

"Too bad, sweetheart." He retorted, before he headed out of the room once more.

Eden screamed, cried, and yanked at the chains around her wrists. She was terrified, and she needed to get the hell away from the area. She could feel that all of her weapons were gone, and she was left defenseless against a man who had tried to kill her. Moments later, she heard the door open once again.

"Oh, my darling, you're finally back. I believed I had killed you, but when Jeremy mentioned seeing you, I knew you were meant to be back with me. Jeremy promised to bring you back, and I can't thank him enough." Roger said, as he danced his fingers across her face.

A chill ran down her spine at the feeling of his fingers on her. He still disgusted and terrified her as much as he had years ago. She was trained to kick ass and take names, but she felt like a scared little girl in front of this man. There was no way she'd be able to get away without a weapon, not from a guy like him.

"Don't worry, my darling. You and I will be going home real soon, but first, I need answers. I need to know how you survived, and where you've been hiding all these years." He stated, but that was definitely something Eden refused to tell him.

Eden was not going to put Brianna in any danger, even if that meant she had to die to protect her. She would die to protect her daughter, and she knew the little girl would be in good hands. Roger couldn't know about Brianna, and that was something she was going to indefinitely be determined to keep secret.

"Sir down," Roger commented, though it was more of a command,"Now, you're going to talk, and if you don't, there'll be ways in which I make you talk."

She felt fear grip deep within her, but she couldn't shake the fear. She needed Han in that moment. He would be the one who could save her from Roger and Jeremy. She knew she had seen Jeremy before, but she thought it was a coincidence. It surely wasn't though, and he was truly a bigger enemy than she and Han had anticipated.

"Where have you been these last few years?" Roger asked, taking a seat on the bed.

Eden stayed quiet, not wanting to give him even a slight answer. He wasn't worth an answer, even if that meant she was going to be in a lot of trouble.

"Okay..." He trailed off,"how did you survive when you were supposed to have died?" He asked, crossing his arms.

Eden stayed quiet once more, and that angered Roger beyond repair. He was pissed, and he wanted answers. Instead of getting real revenge in that moment though, he decided to get a little psychological torture in on her. He grabbed her face with his fingers tightly and glared at her, before he roughly pulled his hand away and walked out of the room.

Watching him leave, Eden felt her heart drop into her stomach. She knew that he was going to come back with something to hurt her. She didn't know what it was, but she had to be ready for pain. She felt tears swell in her eyes once again, and she let them flow as she sat on the bed and yanked on the chains.

She felt like seconds were passing by like hours, and that made her feel sick. She felt like she was going to throw up, but she wasn't sure if it was from nerves or because of the drug that was in her drink. She didn't know what she was given, but she knew that it wasn't healthy. She was definitely scared out of her wits, and she needed something to clear her head.

She waited and waited, but when Roger didn't come back, she believed that maybe he had changed his mind. She knew better than that though. He would never give up on her. He was obsessed with her, and everything she did he made his business. She just hoped that he stopped torturing her soon...

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