Chapter Thirty Seven

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Once Eden had been allowed to get out of the hospital, she and everyone else headed back home

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Once Eden had been allowed to get out of the hospital, she and everyone else headed back home. Well, it wasn't the home she was use to, but it was the home she'd learn to love. It was a nice, cozy place with a welcoming atmosphere; something Eden had always wanted in her life.

After a few weeks, Eden was completely healed up, and nobody had to walk on eggshells around her as much. They still had to be careful because of the baby, but it was nothing like it had been before when she was hurt. She was definitely grateful for that, she hated being treated like a fragile doll.

Once she was healed, Dom and the others decided it would be a good decision to have a barbecue. Eden was excited, since she hadn't really gotten to participate in things like that when she was younger. Truth be told, this might've been one of her first BBQ celebrations ever.

What Eden didn't know, was that Han had a secret up his sleeve that she had absolutely no clue about. Everyone else knew about it, even Brianna, and she promised she wouldn't tell Eden. Han had even invited his friends from Tokyo; Sean, Earl, and Twinkie. They had been flown all the way to LA for the secret that Han was trying to keep secret for a little while longer.

"Hey guys!" Han greeted his friends, whom all came up and hugged him.

Eden could tell that the three guys were happy that Han was alive. She could tell that they had went through the same grief as everyone else when they believed Han had died. The happiness in their eyes was more than enough to speak volumes that words couldn't.

"Guys, this is my girlfriend, Eden O'Connor, and our girls, Brianna and Elle," Han intorduced,"Girls, these are friends of mine from Tokyo, that's Sean, that's Earl, and that's Twinkie."

"A girlfriend and kids, damn Han, you really went up in the world." Twinkie commented, causing the others to laugh.

"It's nice to finally meet you guys, Han's told me a lot about all of you." Eden said, as she stuck her hand out to shake their hands.

"Oh, congrats on the baby. Han told us on the phone before we got here." Sean commented, and Eden smiled.

"Thank you." Eden replied, as she placed her hand on her growing belly.

Eden helped the girls in the kitchen, while the guys worked outside on the grill. Dom, Han, Sean, and Earl put out the tables and stuff, while the other four guys were at the grill. It didn't take too long for the food to finally get done, and Eden was definitely happy about it. She had felt like she was starving wince they had started cooking over an hour ago.

The table that held the group of friends and family seemed really full, but it wasn't uncomfortable. Everyone was happy and getting along. It was something that Eden wouldn't mind enjoying as often as she had the chance. She really began to see the Torettos as her family, almost as much as Han and Brian did.

After eating, Mia went to the house to grab the cupcakes she had made for dessert. Eden had wanted chocolate cake with coconut pecan icing. Mia was more than happy to make the cupcakes for her pregnant sister-in-law. Besides, the cupcakes also helped with celebrating the secret Eden didn't yet know about.

"Eden," Han grabbed her attention, and her eyes went wide when she seen him down on one knee,"I know neither of us are all about public displays of affection, but I knew you'd want everyone to see this happy moment. Truth be told, if it wasn't for you, I don't think I ever would've crawled out of the self-destructive hole I was in. I'm so thankful for you, Brianna, Elle, and this baby. You'll always be the love of my life, and I could never love anyone more than you," He opened the red box,"Eden O'Connor, will you marry me?"

"Yeah--yes, I'll marry you." Eden replied, and Han grinned.

He carefully slid the ring on her finger, before he stood up and pulled her up with him. He wrapped his arms around her, and placed his lips on hers. Everyone around them clapped and cheered for them. Honestly, everyone was happy for the couple, considering everything the two had went through in their lives. They were perfect for each other, and anyone with eyes could see it.

"Now, let's have some cupcakes to celebrate." Mia said, and Eden clapped excitedly.

Eden was the first to grab a cupcake, and the moment she took a bite of the sweet cake, she moaned with delight. Everyone laughed at her, as she enjoyed her cupcake. After watching Eden eat her cupcake, everyone else began to eat their own cupcakes. Eden ended up with another cupcake before she was finished eating for a little while.

Eden and Han had luckily found a home nearby the Toretto home, since they didn't want to fill up the entire house with their family. It seemed a bit rude to do so after everything the Torettos did for them. Honestly, Eden felt like she owed the Torettos everything for saving and protecting her family.

"I can't believe you proposed." Eden commented, and Han chuckled.

"I hope that's a good thing." He replied, causing her to grin.

"A very good thing. I could never ask for a better man to be spending the rest of my life with." She said, making him smile as well.

Even after everything she had been through, Han loved her, and she couldn't be more thankful. He was everything she could ever hope for, and she was happy to be having such a wonderful family with him. He was the man she had dreamed of when she was younger, and she was never going to let anything or anyone take him away from her...

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