Chapter Twenty Three

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*One Year Later*

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*One Year Later*

Things had definitely changed since the small family of four moved to Tokyo. Eden was an amazing mother, and Han was not a bad father either. They were a happy family, even if it wasn't the conventional kind. They couldn't go out and have family days, but they could have family movie nights, which was just as good as going out.

Brianna had recently started calling Han "Daddy", and it was something that made his heart swell. At first, Eden was worried that Han would be mad about Brianna calling him "Daddy," but she was very surprised when he embraced it. He truly loved Brianna and Elle as if they were his own, much like Eden did with Elle as well. It really felt like they were a happy family of four, even if they had to stay hidden from the world forever.

Anyhow, even though it had only been a year, Eden had a feeling that Mr. Nobody had something up his sleeve. He hadn't sent her or Han on a mission in over a month, meaning he was hiding something. He never went more than a week without sending her or Han on a mission. It was as if he was giving them a vacation, though she definitely knew he wasn't. If he was, he would've given them Christmas off, but he didn't.

As if she could tell the future, she, Han, and the girls were sitting and eating dinner, when Eden's phone began to ring. She knew it was Mr. Nobody, because he and Han were the only ones with the phone number. There was absolutely no way for anyone else to find the number or get it, so she ignored the phone call. They were eating, and it was rude to answer the phone while at the dinner table.

"Who's calling, Mommy?" Brianna asked, causing the woman to smile.

"Nobody important." She replied, giving the little girl a smile.

"Are you going on another mission?" Elle asked,"I don't want you to leave." She murmured, making Eden frown.

"I haven't even answered the phone, so I can't go anywhere," Eden said,"but when I do answer the phone, I'll try not to leave."

After the group finished eating, Eden's phone rang again, but this time she did answer it.

"What?" She asked, her voice coming out rude and agitated.

"Ah, my favorite agent," Mr. Nobody commented,"I know I said that you and Han would work separate missions, but this one is very important. It's in Tokyo, so you'll be close to home, but you both need to be present. You and your family is at risk, which is why I need you both to complete the mission." He stated, making Eden's blood run cold.

"When?" Eden asked, her voice quiet, and slightly worried.

"As soon as possible. We don't want to wait much longer, and put your family in anymore danger." He replied, and she was quick to agree.

"I'll talk to Han, just send me the information." She said, before she hung up the phone.

"You're leaving." Elle commented, a look of disappointment on her face.

"We don't have a choice, Elle," Eden replied,"We have to keep our family safe. Han and I, we both have to go, but I know you can protect yourself and Brianna. You're a strong girl, and we've worked a long time to make you a badass."

"Please, don't go." Elle pleaded, making Eden's heart break.

"I'm sorry, baby," Eden said,"but I need you to promise me that you'll keep yourself and Bri safe. No matter what happens, you protect yourself and your little sister."

"I promise," Elle replied, determination in her voice,"I love you." She added quietly, as she wrapped her arms around Eden.

"I love you, too." Eden murmured, kissing the top of the girl's head.

Eden quickly headed to her and Han's room to grab the bag she had packed for Elle and Brianna. She was never too sure if anything would happen, but she always had a bag ready, just incase something happened, and only her girls could get out. Once she had the bag, she stuffed a couple more knives in the bag, before she carried it out of the room.

She handed the bag to Elle, and told her it was the bag that she and Brianna would need if anything happened. Elle was wary, but she was determined to protect herself and her little sister. After handing Elle the bag, Eden began to say her goodbyes to both of the girls. Han had done so while she was grabbing the bag from their room.

Once they said their goodbyes to their girls, Eden and Han headed out to their car to leave. Eden told Han what little she knew about the mission Mr. Nobody was sending them on. Eden was driving to the location, while Han read through the information Mr. Nobody sent. It wasn't too much information, but from what Eden and Han got out of it, they needed to take care of the threat for the safety of their family.

Eden was really worried about their girls, though she knew that Elle was well trained and could take care of herself and Brianna. Though she knew Elle was tough, Eden still worried because the threat was very dangerous. She really didn't want to chance anything happening to her children, even if that meant she had to put herself in danger.

Eden had never really turned away when it came to danger, even when it was really sticky situations. She was just the type of person that was never too scared to fight for what was right, or to protect herself and the ones she loved. In a situation like this though, she had to hope that nothing bad came from the mission, and she really hoped that nothing bad followed them home. She would never forgive herself if she lead danger right to her children...

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