Chapter Twenty One

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The next morning, Han was the first one to wake up

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The next morning, Han was the first one to wake up. He rolled over and wrapped his arms tightly around the girl laying next to him. He loved her more than life itself, and he was very content with the way his life was going with her and the kids. Honestly, even with Giselle, he never seen himself  having a life like this.

After a few minutes of just holding his girl, feeling the warmth of her naked skin against his, he decided that he needed to get up and quit being lazy. He was going to let her sleep, as he got up and took care of the kids. He was going to make the girls breakfast, but he had to start soon, since he knew the kids would be up soon.

After slipping on a pair of sleep pants and a tee shirt, he headed to the kitchen to tart breakfast. It wasn't going to be anything extravagant, just a normal breakfast he could make within thirty minutes. Even if the girls didn't tell Eden, they loved Han's French toast more than any other they'd eaten before.

"You didn't have to make breakfast," Eden commented, causing Han to jump, since he was very focused on cooking,"You could've woken me up, and I would've made breakfast."

"I got it, babe," He replied, glancing over her body, and giving her a smirk,"Besides, I was wanting to let you rest. I knew I tired you out last night, and you needed your rest. I mean, you're only in a robe right now."

"I'm wearing a tank top and shorts underneath." She retorted, making him chuckle.

"You're lucky the girls will be up at any minute," Han commented,"Otherwise, I'd be enjoying more of you, maybe just in that silk robe."

"Maybe tonight, baby." She murmured, as she leaned forward and placed a kiss on his lips.

Barely a couple minutes later, Brianna and Elle came out of their room for breakfast. Eden began to fix cups of orange juice for the girls, and coffee for her and Han. She then placed the cups on the table, as Han placed plates of food down in front of the girls.

"I'm guessing you guys are too tired to realize who's home." Eden commented, causing the girls to quickly look up.

"Han!" The girls exclaimed, as they jumped from their seats.

Before he could sit down, the girls ran over to him and wrapped their arms around him. He chuckled and wrapped his arms tightly around them. He placed a loving kiss on top of their heads, before he told them they could go eat. He was lucky Brianna hadn't started eating before she huged him, otherwise he would've been covered in syrup and powdered sugar.

"How long are you staying home?" Elle asked, looking over at Han.

"I'm not sure," He replied,"Depends on what Mr. Nobody finds and needs me to do."

"Can't he just make someone else do it?" Elle questioned, causing Han to sigh.

"No, that was part of the deal to protect you. Eden and I have to do missions whenever Mr. Nobody needs us to. We were lucky he allowed one of us to stay with you two while the other one goes on a mission." Han said, making the girl frown.

"Why is it always you?" Elle asked,"Do you get to choose who does the mission? Do you go on them just to get away from us?"

"Mr. Nobody chooses who goes, and I thought you liked being here with Eden and Brianna." Han commented, peeking over at Eden to make sure Elle wasn't making her upset.

"I do, but Bri and I miss you. We want you to be around just as much as Eden." She murmured, making Han and Eden frown.

They felt horrible for the girl, but there was only so much they could do. One of them had to go on a mission every time Mr. Nobody needed them, even if they didn't want to. Recently, they were lucky if Han was home for a week or two at a time, without being called out to complete a mission.

"Elle--" Han began, but Elle just shook her head.

"Forget it," She stood up,"it's fine." She said, as she walked off to her room.

"I'll go talk to her." Eden commented, as she stood up and followed the girl.

She knocked lightly on the bedroom door, before she opened the door and peeked inside. Her heart broke at the sight of the silent tears rolling down the girl's face. She quietly slipped into the room and closed the door behind herself. She walked over to the girl's bed, and careful sat down next to her.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't be crying. We all miss him." Elle murmured, causing Eden to frown.

"It's okay to cry, sweetheart. I understand why you're feeling this way," Eden replied,"To be honest, sometimes I feel like crying because I miss him so much when he's away." She admitted, making Elle smile slightly.

"I'm always scared we'll lose him when he leaves the house." She said, and Eden felt her heart clench.

She didn't know what to say. Honestly, she had the same fear, but she didn't want the girl knowing that. She wanted her to believe that she was as strong as everyone seemed to think she was.

"Please promise me you'll never leave me," Elle practically whimpered, as she wrapped her arms around the woman,"I don't want to lose you or Han or Bri."

"We're not leaving you, sweetheart, I'll never let that happen. I'll fight the Devil himself, if that means protecting you and Bri." Eden replied, holding the girl close.

"I love you, Eden." Elle murmured, and Eden let a smile grace her face.

"I love you, too, sweetheart, and don't ever forget it." Eden answered, placing a kiss on the girl's head.

She was glad she had helped Elle, but also because she and Elle had a deeper conversation than Eden ever thought they would...


A/N: I'm back! Sorry for being gone, I've had a lot of things going on, and things don't seem to be getting better, but I'm writing!

Also, as I was editing this chapter, it started glitching, so if something doesn't make sense, or words are missing letters or spaces, let me know.

Love you guys!


- Youngblood Xxx

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