Chapter Twenty

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Living in her own home with Han and two kids was definitely different

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Living in her own home with Han and two kids was definitely different. She liked living with all of them though. Her little girl was always happy, especially with Elle around. Eden had to help teach Elle when it came to school, since she couldn't exactly go to school anymore to learn.

The group of four, or might as well be named family of four, worked really well together. They would have all their meals together. They'd watch movies together. Being together was just something they all thoroughly enjoyed.

After they got somewhat comfortable in their home in Tokyo, Mr. Nobody got them started on new missions again. This time though, only one of them went at a time. If Han had to leave, Eden would stay home, and if Eden had to leave, Han would stay home. Both children became really close over this time, practically sisters.

Han began to love both children as his own, even though neither of them were blood related to him. It didn't matter, since this was how adoption worked, and it was similar to what was going on. Eden and Han pretty much adopted Elle with Mr. Nobody's help, and if things worked out with Eden, Han would eventually adopt Brianna as his as well.

Anyhow, the two adults had a routine that was almost similar to a married couple. They'd wake up together, make breakfast, wake the kids, eat together, watch movies together, have lunch, do a type of school, have dinner together, then they'd work together to get the kids off to bed, before finally going to bed themselves.

Whenever one of them was gone, the routine was broken, and sometimes they had trouble sleeping without the other one next to them. They had gotten so use to each other, that it was hard for them to not almost always be with the other. Eden almost wondered if this was Mr. Nobody's plan, but that thought had left almost immediately when she remembered that he had tried to make Han and Elle leave without her and Brianna.

"You're back." Eden murmured, as she walked up to Han and wrapped her arms around him as he entered their apartment.

"Sorry it took so long," He commented, as he held her close,"I ran into some complications, but I took care of it."

"Well, as long as you're safe," She replied,"the kids really missed you."

"Only the kids?" He questioned, raising his eyebrow with a smirk.

"Okay, so maybe not just the kids." She joked, and he grinned.

"I'll see the kids in the morning," He commented,"it's a little too late to wake them up."

"You can surprise them at breakfast." She answered, and he quickly agreed.

"You tired?" He asked, causing her to shake her head.

"Not really." She replied, and he smirked.

"Good," He chuckled,"then we can have some alone time together." He murmured, making her grin.

Quickly, she placed her lips on his, and he wrapped his arms around her waist. He used his strength to pick her up, and she wrapped her legs around his waist. He carried her to their room, closing the door carefully with one hand, as he gripped her tightly with the other to keep her from falling.

Once the door was closed, he walked her over to the bed, and carefully laid her down on the bed. The two continued to kiss for a bit, before they decided to take it a bit further. Eden slowly unbuttoned the shirt that Han wore, and slipped it from his body with her fingers. As soon as the shirt was off, he was left in a white t-shirt that had been under it.

She carefully pushed the shirt up on his body, and he detached their lips to help her get the shirt off. He then quickly pulled hers off, leaving her in a lace bra that didn't leave much to the imagination. The two stared into each other's eyes for a moment, before Han started to leave kisses from her jaw all the way down to her breasts.

She let out a breathy sigh at the feeling of his lips on her breasts. She then felt his fingers working their way down to the waistband of her sleep pants. He carefully slid them down her legs, as she bent her knees to make it easier. She quickly brought her hands down to his jeans and unbuttoned them. He practically shoved his jeans off, not letting them take up too much time to come off.

The feeling of her almost naked skin against his made his heart flutter. He knew tonight they weren't going to go all the way, mostly because he didn't want to force her into anything. She was almost ready, but she wasn't quite ready to go all the way. She wanted to be with him for just a little longer.

"You're so beautiful." He murmured, and she gave him a lazy smile.

Han's lips found her neck again, and she let out a quiet moan. He let his fingers graze lightly over the top of her panties, and he could feel her legs tighten around his waist slightly.

"Can I?" He asked, causing her to give him a nod.

With a boyish grin, he moved her panties to the side, and one of his fingers lightly ran through her folds. She let out a moan, as he began to rub her clit in figure '8's. Feeling how responsive she was, he carefully slid a finger into her warmth, then a second, and he could hear her quiet moans as she enjoyed his movements.

When he felt her walls tightening on his fingers, he worked faster and harder to make her come. He felt her release on his fingers, and he continued to move them in and out of her at a steady pace so she could ride out her high. He pulled his fingers from her, and placed a kiss on her lips.

"You're amazing," He murmured,"God, I love you."

She hadn't expected him to say that. It caught her by surprise, but it made her heart flutter.

"I love you." She replied, pulling his lips back down to hers.

She was never too sure about love, but she knew in that moment that she truly did love this man...

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