Chapter Thirty Six

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"Family of Eden O'Connor?" A nurse called out, causing the group to approach her

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"Family of Eden O'Connor?" A nurse called out, causing the group to approach her.

"Is she alive?" Han asked, and the nurse nodded.

"She's alive," The nurse replied,"We stitched up her head, she recieved about twenty stitches. She has a major concussion, so she'll have a headache for a few days. Two of her ribs were fractured on the right side, and there's an extensive amount of brusing on her body. We cleaned up the cuts and scrapes on her face and arms."

"Is she awake?" Brian asked, causing the nurse to nod once again.

"She's a little medicated though, so she's a bit loopy," The nurse said,"We couldn't give her much medication though."

"Why not?" Letty asked,"If she's in pain, she needs pain meds."

"Well, with the baby being only around ten weeks, we can't chance--" The nurse began, and everyone's eyes went wide.

"Baby?!" The group seem to gasp in unison.

"Yes, Ms. O'Connor is pregnant," The nurse stated,"but with the shocked look on all your faces, I'm going to assume none of you knew."

"No, none of us had any clue." Han replied, and the nurse nodded.

"Ms. O'Connor had the same answer," The nurse commented,"and are you the father?" She questioned, causing the man to nod,"Well, than congratulations."

"Can we see her?" Elle asked, making the nurse smile.

"Of course, follow me." She replied, motioning for the group to follow.

Slowly, the group filed into the hospital room, and Eden gave them a sleepy smile. She waved at them slightly, and they all seemed to sigh in relief. Carefully, Elle ran over and hugged the woman. Eden was so happy to see her oldest daughter was alive and safe.

"Would you guys like to see the baby?" The nurse asked, and Eden was quick to say yes, causing everyone to chuckle.

The nurse pulled an ultrasound machine from the corner of the room, and brought it over to the bed. She let Elle help her get Eden situated for the ultrasound. The nurse moved the wand around on Eden's belly, before she had a good view of the baby. She turned on the sound, and everyone in the room was able to hear the baby's heartbeat.

"Congratulations, Ms. O'Connor, you've got a healthy baby growing perfectly." The nurse said, making the woman smile.

"Can we get pictures?" Elle asked, her voice low, as if she was nervous to be told no.

"Of course," The nurse replied,"Just let me get them printed."

The nurse took a couple pictures of the baby, before she printed them out.

"I'll go make some copies for everyone, and I'll be right back." The nurse said, before she left the room.

"How are you feeling?" Brian asked, once the nurse was gone.

"Tired, sore, a little disoriented." She answered, and her brother simply nodded.

"Y'know you scared the shit out of me, Eden O'Connor. If you do that to me again, I'll kill you myself." Brian stated, making the girl smile sheepishly.

"Sorry, won't happen again." She replied, causing laughs to sound around the room.

"Here's the copies," The nurse said, as she entered the room,"and I hate to break up this family moment, but Ms. O'Connor needs to get some rest. Only one person can stay with her."

"I'll stay." Han replied, and the others agreed.

Everyone slowly filed out of the room, after giving Eden either a hug or a kiss on the forehead. Once everyone was out of the room, the nurse exited as well. She just wanted to make sure nobody tried to stay behind that wasn't supposed to.

"When will she be able to get out?" Brian asked, and the nurse sighed.

"Well, as long as she doesn't show any worrying symptoms or anything like that, she'll be able to get out in two days. We'll keep her for two days to keep her under observation though, just to make sure she and the baby are healthy and nothing happens." The nurse replied, causing Brian to smile.

His sister would be able to go home soon, but as soon as she got out, she'd have to go home with them. She, Han, Elle, and Brianna wouldn't be able to go back to their place in Tokyo. It just wouldn't be plausible, no matter how disappointing that would be for them. It wouldn't be safe, and they needed to be safe, especially now with Eden being pregnant.

"So, how do you feel about having another little brother or sister?" Roman asked Elle, and the girl shrugged.

"I think I'm excited. I can't wait to meet them." She replied, making everyone smile.

"You wanna head home before your parents?" Dom asked, but she shook her head.

She didn't want to leave them. She wanted to be near them at all times, and if she couldn't be with them, she needed to be with Brian. Brian was the one she felt safest with, other than Tej and her parents, of course. She didn't want to leave, considering anything could happen if she did leave.

"I wanna stay here." She replied, as she looked down to her feet, afraid that she'd get in trouble with the large, bald man.

"That's fine," Letty answered,"We just didn't want to force you to stay here if you were uncomfortable with hospitals and stuff."

Elle stayed near Brian for the next two days. She didn't leave his side unless she absolutely had to. She was afraid that if she did leave his side, she'd lose him, or she'd get taken again. She may have been taught to be a badass, but she was still a kid, and kids were allowed to be scared sometimes.

Brian kept Elle safe the entire time. He knew she was feeling a little nervous and anxious, so he tried to keep her as calm as possible. He'd even bring her ice cream sometimes just to get a smile out of her. For the most part, he spent the two days bonding with his oldest niece...

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