Chapter Twenty Two

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Elle felt a bit emotional for the rest of the day, so she mostly stayed in her room

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Elle felt a bit emotional for the rest of the day, so she mostly stayed in her room. Eden would check in on her every thirty minutes to an hour, sometimes bringing food or a drink. She knew the poor girl just wanted time to recuperate, and figure out her emotions. Eden remembered when she was Elle's age and had a problem with her emotions, but Eden was never really given the chance to calm them.

Growing up, Eden didn't really have a supportive mother or father. Hell, she and Brian grew up with a single mother. Their mother worked all the time, and when she wasn't working, she was trying to take care of her children. She wasn't a great mother, especially to Eden, but she wasn't horrible. Honestly, Eden knew her mother blamed her for her father leaving, but she never outwardly said it.

Eden and Brian had the same father. Their father left only days after Eden was born, and throughout their life, Brian was like the father figure and older brother put in one body. He had to be there for Eden, especially when their mother wasn't. He had a feeling their mother wasn't very fond of Eden, but he never allowed his sister to feel unloved or unwanted.

Anyhow, since Eden knew how hard it could be to deal with feelings and regulate them, she was going to let Elle work it out however she needed to. She'd never yell at her for being emotional, or degrade her for being upset over the little things. Sometimes emotions were hard to handle, especially for someone who didn't know how to handle them as well as an adult did. Even some adults weren't the best at handling emotions, so it was ridiculous that they got angry at kids who became emotional so easily.

Han tried to keep his distance from Elle, since he didn't want to upset her anymore. Eden didn't want to talk about it too much with Han when the girls were awake, since she didn't want to embarrass or upset Elle anymore. Once the girls were in bed though, Eden knew she had the chance to talk to Han without upsetting anyone, or having any little ears eavesdropping on their conversation.

"D'you think Elle will be back to normal tomorrow?" Han asked, as he slipped into a pair of sleep pants, and threw his dirty clothes into the hamper.

"Han, she's a teenager, she has to figure out how to handle her emotions and regulate them," Eden replied,"It's not easy, but we're helping her the best we can; way better than my mother ever did."

"She's still upset with me, isn't she?" He questioned, as he laid down next to Eden.

"No, she's not upset with you, Han. She's just scared that you'll disappear like her parents did. Honestly, I think she's just afraid of being an orphan again." She answered, making Han frown.

"We're going to protect her more than her parents ever could." Han murmured, and Eden nodded.

"Yes," She rolled over and straddled his waist,"but she's not scared for herself. She's scared for us. She doesn't want to lose us. She wants to stay a family forever, without losing any of us because of the dangers Mr. Nobody sends us into." She said, causing Han to sigh.

"No matter what, I'm always coming home to you guys." Han replied, squeezing Eden's waist with his fingers.

"I know, baby, I know." She murmured, as she leaned forward and placed a kiss on his lips.

"Is this your way of distracting me?" Han questioned, as a smirk played on his lips.

"Is it working?" She asked, giving him a playful grin.

"You know it is." He rasped, pulling her body down to lay upon his.

"I know," She smirked,"you could never resist me." She teased, leaning forward to place a kiss on his jawline.

"I'm going to take the girls out for dinner soon," Han murmured,"show them that I don't leave all the time because I don't care."

"You're so hot when you're being a caring father." She cooed, giving him a small smile.

"I'm not a father." He said, causing her to frown.

"Han, the way you care for those girls, the way you show them love, and the little things you do for them without even thinking about it, proves that you are a father. You may not be their blood father, but they love you as if you were." She stated, and hearing those words, as cliche as it sounds, made his heart flutter.

Han didn't want to discuss anymore of the serious topics anymore. His girl was sitting on his lap, straddling his waist, and he could barely keep his mind steady. He'd talk more about it later, when he didn't have a clouded mind.

Eden placed her lips on Han's and it didn't take long for the kiss to become heated. Eden moved her hips around slowly, feeling the friction of his growing member in his sleep pants. He gripped her waist, holding her to him, as to not lose the friction she was giving him.

After a few moments, Eden pulled away from Han to catch her breath, as she continued to slowly move her hips. She grew tired of the sensual teasing though, so she raised her hips and pulled at his sleep pants. Han gave her a lust-filled smirk, as he slid her nightgown up on her hips, and with a quick, rough tug, snapped the waistband of her panties and threw them to the side.

"You're gonna have to buy me new ones." She murmured, and he chuckled.

"I'll buy whatever you want, as long as I get to take it off of you." He replied, making her roll hee eyes playfully.

She really liked his teasing, especially while they were in bed alone. He always knew the right things to say, and the right places to touch to make her go absolutely crazy. He was perfect, and she couldn't get enough of him...

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