Chapter Thirteen

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The moment Han parked the car in its designated area, Eden practically shot out of the car

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The moment Han parked the car in its designated area, Eden practically shot out of the car. She anxiously tapped her foot, waiting for Han to pop the trunk. As soon as he did, she grabbed her luggage and headed up to her apartment. Han shook his head and chuckled softly, as he grabbed his own luggage and brought it to his apartment. He then went back and grabbed all their food and drinks from the hotel and brought them to his apartment as well.

Once all of that was put away, he went down to the car and grabbed the food he bought for Brianna. As he got closer to the area where Brianna usually sat and watched TV with her mother or Agent Whitney, he could hear her laughing at the TV. Hearing her little laugh made a smile appear on his face.

The moment he came into the room, Brianna and Agent Whitney turned towards him. Brianna gasped and quickly jumped off of the couch. She let her little legs carry her all the way to Han. Once she was in front of him, her tiny arms wrapped around his leg. A big grin adorned her face, as she looked up at him.

"You're back!" She exclaimed, and Han smiled.

"Of course, I am," He replied,"and I brought you some dinner. I hope you haven't eaten yet."

"No, I was going to bring her to the cafeteria after this episode." Agent Whitney commented, causing Han to nod.

"I've got her now, if you wanna go get some dinner and relax." Han said, making the agent laugh.

The agent left after saying goodbye to Brianna. He could tell that Han was feeling a little anxious, so he decided it was best to leave without asking questions. Brianna didn't seem to mind that he left. She was too in love with the bread sticks and pizza to care that he was leaving for the night.

Anyhow, once Eden was finished in the shower, which took longer than she hoped since she was hurt, she quickly dressed in a pair of comfortable clothes. She then headed down to find her daughter, who she hoped would be excited to see her. She needed the little girl's excitement and happiness right about now.

When she found Brianna, the little girl was happily eating her food with Han. Eden felt a smile paint itself on her lips, as she watched Brianna talk with Han. She wasn't sure if Han understood everything Brianna was saying, but he pretended to understand everything if he didn't. She wouldn't be able to tell easily if he did or didn't.

Brianna finished eating her slice of pizza before she realized her mother had entered the room. She jumped up to greet her mom, but Han stopped her to wipe her hands with a paper towel. Eden had just taken a shower, and Han doubted that she wanted all the pizza sauce and grease all over her clothes.

"Mommy!" She squealed,"I missed you!"

"Oh, I missed you, too, baby." Eden replied, holding her daughter close to her.

Holding her daughter in her arms made her very happy. She felt lighter than she had before, and it was all because of Brianna. After everything that happened, she felt like all she needed was her little girl in her arms. She just hoped that having her daughter nearby would be enough for her to sleep through the night.

"Han got me pizza and sticks, Mommy." Brianna said, as she pulled her mother towards the couch where Han still sat.

"Did he?" Eden pretended to be surprised,"Well, that was very nice of him. Did you say thank you?" She questioned, and Brianna smiled.

"Thank you, Han." Brianna commented, as she went to Han and gave him a real hug, instead of just wrapping around his legs.

"Did you bring the soda?" Eden asked, her voice low, trying to have only Han hear her.

"Yeah," He answered,"you want me to get you one?" He questioned, and she shook her head.

"Nah, I was thinking more for Bri." She replied, and he nodded.

Han stood up from the couch and headed towards his apartment. Brianna stopped him, asking him where he was going, but he simply promised he'd be right back. While he was in his apartment grabbing the soda, he decided to grab her a chocolate bar as well. Once he had what he needed, he headed back down to the area where Brianna and Eden were sitting.

He brought the stuff into the room, and Brianna's eyes widened when he sat the stuff down in front of her. She gasped and quickly grabbed the soda and chocolate bar. She turned to Han and asked him nicely to open her soda, and he did as she asked. Once she was finished with her pizza and bread sticks, she asked her mother to open her chocolate bar.

Han hadn't known what chocolate bars she liked, so he grabbed a regular Hershey bar. Brianna's favorite chocolate bar was a 3 Musketeers, but she would happily eat almost any chocolate bar. She just absolutely hated dark chocolate like her mother did, but Han didn't seem to really have a preference.

"Want some?" Brianna asked, as she broke pieces off, and offered them to her mother and Han.

Eden and Han took a piece each, not wanting to tell her 'no.' Eden had missed her so much, that if Brianna offered her a half eaten bread stick, she'd happily take it. Truth be told, Han had missed Brianna as well, even if he hadn't known her and Eden for very long. Brianna and Eden were both very special people, and they could leave a big impression on people in a very small amount of time.

"I missed you guys." Brianna murmured, as she wedged herself between Han and Eden on the small couch.

"We missed you, too, baby." Eden replied, giving her little girl a kiss on the top of the head.

Han gave the girl a bright smile, causing her to giggle. He wouldn't admit it outloud, but he actually liked the little moment the three of them were having...

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