Chapter One

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* A Few Years Later *

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* A Few Years Later *

Eden had been trained to be a warrior. She could use anything as a weapon, and she could protect herself in any situation. Nothing scared her, and that's what she had always wanted. She wanted to be fearless, and thanks to Mr. Nobody she was. She was a real danger to enemies, and anyone that knew she was a force to be reckoned with tried to stay away from her.

She was sent on quite a few missions, as long as there was someone she could trust to watch her little girl. Brianna was her little miracle, and she would always adore her. When Eden was busy on a mission, a very trusted agent would watch over Brianna. The little girl was the sweetest, and she was her mommy's biggest fan. She thought her mother was amazing, and could kick ass more than anyone she'd ever seen.

"Hello?" Eden echoed, as she placed her phone to her ear.

"Eden, how'd it go?" Mr. Nobody asked, and Eden smirked.

"How's it always go?" She retorted, causing him to chuckle.

"Right, sorry for asking," He replied,"Are you almost back at base?" He asked, changing the subject.

"I'm about an hour out," She answered,"Why? Something wrong?" She questioned, her heart skipping a beat in her chest.

"No, nothing is wrong," He said, a chuckle echoed through the phone,"I actually have someone coming to base that I think you should meet."

"Oh, no. Not another recruit that needs to be taught a lesson." She murmured, making the man laugh.

"Not quite," He replied,"just get back here as fast as you can. I want you here before he gets here."

Eden hung up the phone, rolling her eyes as she set it on the seat beside her. She pushed her foot down on the pedal harder, as she zoomed down the road as fast as she could without getting stopped. Luckily, she was able to cut her time down to forty five minutes. The moment she pulled into the area of the base, a couple of agents came to the car to make sure she was who she was supposed to be.

They knew her face and car by sight, but they had to follow procedure. Once she was cleared, she was able to bring her car to its designated area, before she stepped out the car and headed to her "apartment." She went straight for her shower, knowing she smelled like sweat and blood from the people she had fought on her mission.

As soon as she was clean, she stepped out and wrapped a towel around her body. She quickly dried off and went to her room to get some clothes to change into. She slipped into a pair of black pants and a white shirt, then put her boots back on, since she hated walking around without shoes unless she was in her "apartment."

All the agents in the base were given "apartments." They were really just rooms really, but Eden's actually looked like an apartment. She had two bedrooms, a bathroom, and a small area with a microwave and table. All the other agents only had one room, but she had a kid, so she was given the "apartment" with two rooms.

Anyhow, the moment she walked out of her apartment, she went on the hunt for her daughter. She wasn't surprised when she found her with the youngest agent on the team. Darren Whitney was only twenty years old, but he was very smart and a good part of the team. He was also Brianna's favorite agent, since he watched cartoons with her, and actually seemed to enjoy them.

"Brianna!" Eden called, and quickly Brianna and Darren looked Eden's way.

"Mommy!" Brianna yelled, as she pushed herself off the couch.

The little girl ran towards her mother with a huge smile on her face. Eden smiled at her, as she bent down and caught the girl as she ran over. Eden peppered kisses on Brianna's face, causing the little girl to laugh and squeal with happiness. She was always so happy to see her mother when she came back from a mission.

"How was she Darren?" Eden asked, as Brianna buried her face in her mother's neck.

"Just like always, she was a great kid. Honestly, you have the best kid. Everyone else should be jealous." Darren replied, causing Eden to chuckle.

"You still on for watching Frozen with her tonight after dinner?" Eden asked, and Darren smirked.

"You know I am. I've been wanting to see it since she started talking about it." He answered, making Eden shake her head with a laugh.

"Do you happen to know who Mr. Nobody is bringing to the base for me to meet?" Eden questioned, raising an eyebrow.

"No, he hasn't said anything to me. I think he wants to keep it a secret, and he knows I'm not one to lie to you." He said, causing her to sigh.

Eden kissed her daughter's head one more time, before she placed the little girl back down on the floor. Brianna loved when her mother held her, but she also liked being a big kid and walking around next to her mother. Eden grasped her daughter's hand and lead her to the cafeteria part of the base.

"What do you want to eat, baby?" Eden asked, as she looked down at her daughter.

"Cheese san'wich." Brianna replied, causing Eden to chuckle.

"Only a grilled cheese?" Eden questioned,"No fries or chips?"

"Chips, Mommy!" Brianna exclaimed, causing her mother to smile.

Eden never limited the types of food her daughter wanted to eat, as long as she was eating. Eden hated when parents limited their kids to only eating healthy foods even if they didn't like it. Brianna knew what she liked, and she was willing to try new things, since her mother allowed her to eat what she wanted without forcing her other food. It was a process that worked out well for both of them...

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