Chapter Twenty Five

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Han had barely parked, by the time Eden had jumped out of the car and ran towards the apartment

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Han had barely parked, by the time Eden had jumped out of the car and ran towards the apartment. Han quickly followed her, as soon as he had safely parked the car and turned it off. Eden ran up stairs, and her heartbeat spead up when she seen the damage outside the apartment. She barely allowed herself a second to look at the damage, before she practically yanked the door from its hinges to open it.

"Elle! Bri!" She exclaimed, as she stepped inside of the apartment.

A few seconds passed, before tiny arms wrapped around her leg, and a teenager launched herself at the woman a moment later. Eden held them close, as if her life depended on it. They were alive, safe, and in her arms. She just held them for a moment, not wanting to let them go, afraid they'd disappear if she did.

"Eden?" She heard, causing her to quickly look up.

Her eyes went wide when she seen who was standing in their living room. She didn't know how they got there, or how they found her and her family. She was supposed to be dead, but now here she was standing in front of them.

"You're alive?" Mia questioned,"The pictures...he's alive, too? He's been with you?"

"Mia--" Before she could say anything, Han came running in.

"Eden! You don't just run off like that! You could've been hurt! I--" He stopped, when Eden motioned to the side.

His head turned and he smiled. He gave the women a wave, causing them to cross their arms. They weren't all to happy with the couple. Mia especially wasn't happy with Eden, since she remembered how Brian reacted when she "died," and how he still mourned his little sister.

"Dom sent us. We need you to come with us. There's some pretty bad people after us, and--" Letty cuts herself off, not wanting to scare the children.

"Is, uh, is Brian gonna be there?" Eden asked, her voice barely audible.

"He wasn't going to be, but he changed his mind last minute." Mia replied, and Eden nodded wordlessly.

"Pack your bags, we've got to move. We don't know how much longer we got until this place is ambushed again." Letty said, trying to get out of the awkward situation.

Han went to their room to pack his and Eden's things, while she packed Brianna's, and Elle got her own things. Once they had their things packed, they went back to the living room where Mia and Letty were waiting. Mia held the picture frame in her hands, that held a picture of Eden, Han, Brianna, and Elle. It was a family photo, that Eden had gotten after about a month of them living in Tokyo.

The family of four were brought to a bunker in the Caspian Sea. Eden sat close to Han with their hands clasped together. Brianna slept against Eden's side, while Elle sat quietly next to Han. Eden and Han knew that Elle was feeling nervous, but there really wasn't much they could do to help her. The most they could do was be there for her, and reassure her that they were by her side.

"Brian never mentioned that you had a kid." Mia commented, trying to calm down the nerves everyone was feeling.

"He didn't know I was pregnant," Eden replied,"I didn't know until after...everything."

"What's her name?" Letty asked, looking at Eden through the rear view.

"Brianna," She answered,"I named her after Brian."

"That's sweet," Mia said,"Brian's going to love her. He'll love them both."

"Y'know, I never thought I'd see the day when Han would end up with the girl version of Brian." Letty joked, causing the man to chuckle.

"Well, Brian chose Mia over me, so I had to go for the next best thing." He replied jokingly, causing Eden to elbow him in the side, as the women laughed.

"Brian's gonna shit when he finds out you two are together." Mia commented, and Letty nodded.

"Especially since you two have been together while you were supposed to be dead." Letty added, making Eden frown.

"You don't think he's going to hate me, do you?" Eden asked, her voice slightly trembling.

"No, he could never hate you, Eden," Mia replied,"He might be mad, but he could never hate you. He always said you were his best friend, and that he felt like his other half had been ripped away from him when you passed. I don't think anything or anyone in the world could ever make him hate you."

"Right after your funeral, Brian used those emotions as an extra boost to help him take out Shaw. Honestly, his anger was one of the only reasons we found Shaw." Letty commented, hoping what she said wouldn't be taken the wrong way.

"I bet Brian looks very different from what I remember." She murmured, making Mia laugh.

"Not at all," She replied,"He's still the blonde racer boy you know, maybe just a little more facial hair and a couple lines on his forehead."

"He's getting old," Eden chuckled,"that's definitely something I can use against him, once he forgives me, if he forgives me." She said, causing Mia to look back at her with a smile.

"He's going to forgive you, Eden. He'll probably forgive you faster than he'd forgive any of us." Mia replied, and Eden smiled hopefully.

"Including Han, who's been boinking his sister for God knows how long." Letty added, making Han roll his eyes playfully.

"You are never going to let that go," Han retorted,"It's not even that bad. She's happy, I'm happy. It works."

Eden squeezed Han's hand and gave him a smile. She knew that the women were just messing with him, and that they were trying to keep the atmosphere light-hearted. Han loved his family though, and he didn't exactly enjoy the idea of joking about them. They were his whole world, and he'd never leave them for anything...

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