Chapter Fourteen

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Eden tucked Brianna into her bed, and gave her a goodnight kiss, before she got up and turned out the light

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Eden tucked Brianna into her bed, and gave her a goodnight kiss, before she got up and turned out the light. Once the light was off, and only the TV was on in Brianna's room, Eden closed the door and went to her own room. She changed into some pajamas, and laid down on her bed. She decided to leave her TV on as well, since she hoped it would help her sleep. A Two And A Half Men marathon was on, and she liked that show, so she figured it would help her calm down and fall asleep.

* Dream *

Eden woke up in the same bed that was in her nightmare the night before. Her wrists were chained to the bed again, but this time so were her ankles. She couldn't barely move, as she tried to get out of the chains that were stopping her from escaping.

Moments later, she heard the door open to the room, and Roger came in with a knife. She pleaded with him to put the knife away, but he wouldn't listen. He took her ankles out of the chains, and detached her chain from the bed, before he used it to drag her around where he wanted her to go.

He lead her to the bathroom, where the tub was filled with water. He forced her to her knees in front of the tub. He held the knife to her neck, as his hands gripped tightly to the chain and her hair. He forced her head to tilt back to look at him in the face.

"Tell me what I wanna know!" He exclaimed, but she wouldn't speak.

Instead of using the knife, he simply forced her head down into the water. She screamed, but the water simply filled her lungs. Her vision began to blur, and black spots were becoming visible, before he pulled her head from the water.

"Tell me what I want to know," He spat,"or I'm going after our little girl. I bet she'd love to finally see her Daddy."

* End of Dream *

Eden shot up in bed, barely holding a scream inside, and she could barely catch her breath. She was terrified, and though she knew that Roger was dead, she couldn't stop her mind. She had to get up and check on Brianna, otherwise she'd never fall back to sleep. When she peaked into the room, a sigh left her lips seeing the little girl fast asleep in her bed.

The moment she closed the door, tears swelled in her eyes. She couldn't do it. She couldn't deal with the fear and anger that was built up inside of her. She hated Roger for making her feel this way, but he was gone, and she couldn't do anymore to him. She needed some help, but she didn't know what to do.

Thought her mind was telling her not to, her heart was telling her to go to Han. He was there for her last night, and she needed him. This was the worst nightmare she ever had, and she wouldn't be able to go back to sleep without him. She left her apartment and went across the hall to Han's. She knocked lightly on his door, and she was surprised when he opened the door barely a moment later.

"You okay?" He asked, his voice raspy from sleep.

"No," She answered, tears building in her eyes,"I had the worst nightmare of my life, Han. I-I can't go back to sleep, not by myself."

Han felt his heart shatter at her words. He felt horrible for her, but he knew better than to tell her that it would all be okay. Without any hesitation, he went and grabbed the key to his apartment, before he locked up, and followed Eden to her apartment. Once they were both inside her apartment, he closed the door and locked it, giving her a little more sense of security.

"Let's lay down," Han said,"I think we're both exhausted at this point."

"W-will you hold me?" She asked, her voice very low,"You don't have to, but I feel like it would help me sleep, and--" She rambled, but he cut her off.

"Lay down, sweetheart." He murmured, causing a small blush to rise on her cheeks.

Eden climbed into the bed, and Han followed right after. Once she was comfortable, he pulled her into his chest, and wrapped his arms around her. He held her close, and slowly he could feel her falling asleep. As soon as he was sure that she was asleep, he allowed himself to start falling asleep as well.

Eden knew that she couldn't get use to having Han in her bed every time she was scared, but for now, he was going to be there for her. He understood that she was feeling scared and she needed some form of reassurance, and he was going to be that reassurance for her. She didn't have to be alone in all of this, and that's all that mattered.

Having Han around when she was feeling at her lowest, kept Brianna from funding out that Eden wasn't well. Brianna didn't need to see Eden like this. She didn't want her daughter seeing her scared or upset. She wanted her daughter to think she was badass and fearless, that way she'd always feel safe and protected. She had to be the rock for Brianna, but Eden really didn't have that, other than the somewhat forming bond between her and Han.

She didn't know what her feelings were, nor did he. They were both on shaky ground, and they didn't know what they were doing. They had been through so much, and neither of them knew how to save themselves. It was as though they relied on each other, but that wasn't something that was unhealthy, it just wasn't completely normal. They just hoped it wouldn't bring them down in the end, but the future was always something nobody could predict...

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