Chapter Fifteen

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Two days had passed, and Eden was tired of feeling this way

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Two days had passed, and Eden was tired of feeling this way. She was tired of hurting, feeling like she was going to self destruct, and feeling like her life was falling apart. She wanted it all to change. She wanted to be the person she use to be, so her daughter could see that she was happy.

"Mr. Nobody, may I have a word with you?" Eden asked, after she found the man she was looking for.

"Want me to leave?" Han asked, but Eden shook her head.

"You can stay." She replied, as Mr. Nobody lead them to a room to talk.

Eden had gotten Agent Whitney to watch Brianna while she talked to Mr. Nobody.

"What do you want to talk about, Eden?" He asked, as the three sat down around a table.

"I want to see my brother." She said, causing his eyebrows to raise.

"Eden, as far as anyone knows, you're dead. If you were to be seen, you could become a target to a lot of people for coming back from the dead." He commented, and she nodded.

"I know, but I really miss him, and I finally took care of the whole reason I was dead in the first place." She replied, causing him to sigh.

"Eden, at any other time, I would agree and let you see your brother, but we're pretty piled right now." Mr. Nobody said, making her frown.

"Mr. Nobody--" She began, but he cut her off.

"And lately you haven't been yourself. I know you've been through a lot, but I believe if you would agree to see our therapist, you could go back to how you were before." He commented, causing her to groan in frustration.

"God damn it!" She exclaimed, tears swelling in her eyes,"I'm sick and tired of feelings! I'm tired of crying! I'm tired of feeling weak and scared! I just want to to home! I just want this all to end! I want my life back!"

"Eden--" Mr. Nobody began, but cut himself off, "I understand you're upset. I'm going to give you time to calm down." He said, before he stood and walked out of the room.

The moment he was out of the room, she let out a cry, and knocked everything off the table. Eden was absolutely angry and upset, and Han didn't know how to handle it. He wasn't the best at handling emotions, but he hoped that just being there would help her calm down.

"Am I wrong for wanting to go home? For wanting to see Brian?" She asked, looking over at Han.

"No," He answered,"but I understand both sides of the argument. I believe that you'll be able to see Brian again soon, but I think we have a few more missions to complete before that happens."

"Do you ever feel tired of doing missions for people that don't give a damn about you?" She questioned,"Like, they could find a person to replace you, before your seat even gets cold. They could care less, because they have people just waiting to take our place." She said, and he sighed.

"I know it's hard, but we're doing what we need to, to save the world. Besides, we know how to handle ourselves and protect our own asses. They may not give a damn about us, but we're not alone anymore. I got your back, and I know you've got mine. We don't have to worry about getting killed, because we won't let someone kill us." He stated, and she simply nodded.

"I'm going to calm down for a bit in my room," She commented,"You think you can bring Bri to me in an hour?" She asked, causing him to smirk.

"You know I will." He replied, making her smirk back.

Eden stood up from her chair and headed to her room. She pretended to be oblivious to the fact that Mr. Nobody could hear her and Han in the room. He had microphones to spy in every room, other than the apartments. The only reason he didn't have any in the apartments was because he couldn't mess with people's privacy that much. Hell, she and Han both knew he spied on them in that room, which was why she decided to calm down before she said anything else that could get her in trouble.

As she sat on her bed, she held her phone in her hand. She had "lost" her old phone, but in reality, she knew that Brian had it. She had a new phone, but only a select few people had the number. She also had a burner phone that could easily be disposed of. She picked one or two up every time she had to go on a mission, that way nobody could track her using a phone number.

This phone she used for her last mission, and she could help but wonder how bad it would be if she called Brian. He wouldn't know it was her, she would stay silent. She just wanted to hear his voice. She hoped it would help her calm down, and possibly clear her head a bit. With a shaky sigh, she slowly typed in his number, and hit the call button. She brought the phone to her ear and listened to it ring for a bit, before the other end was answered.

"Hello?" She heard, and she had to hold back a sob,"Hello? Is someone there? I don't have time for prank calls. How did you get this number? Hello?"

She could feel a cry threatening to spill, so she quickly hung up the phone. She let the tears fall, knowing that it was what she needed after hearing her brother on the phone. Her burner phone began to ring, and she knew it was her brother. She was tempted to answer it and tell him that it was her, she was alive, but she couldn't. After listening to it ring again, she couldn't take it anymore. The temptation was too much, so she walked to her bathroom, turned on the sink, and put the phone under the water. In only a couple minutes, the phone was destroyed, and she'd never hear it ring with her brother's number again...

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