Chapter Twenty Four

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"This seems a bit quiet to be a hideout for some crazy, emotionless, psychopath

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"This seems a bit quiet to be a hideout for some crazy, emotionless, psychopath." Eden commented, causing Han to chuckle.

"You know a lot of psychopaths, E?" He asked, making her roll her eyes.

"No, but I'm just saying, if you're a crazy psychopath, wouldn't you have like a shrine to yourself, or at least bodyguards outside protecting you from whoever might be after you?" She voiced, making Han shrug.

"If I was a psychopath, I'd have an entire group of people protecting me, and I'd probably find myself a girl as crazy as I am. Every crazy psychopath needs a crazy ass woman by his side." He replied, making her narrow her eyes at him.

"Ha ha," She retorted,"I know where you're going with this, and I'm not crazy."

He simply looked over at her, and once he was sure she wasn't actually mad, he gave her a smirk. She always understood his jokes and such. He never had to explain himself, or try and cover up a joke because she was offended. He hated when someone couldn't take a joke, because in bad situations, sometimes humor was the only way to handle it.

"We're here?" She questioned, looking over at him.

"It's the address he gave us," He replied,"So, unless they were tipped off before we got here, they should be inside."

He and Eden grabbed their weapons, before heading to the back entrance of the building. Eden and Han quietly entered the building, holding their weapons up in front of them. They stayed back to back to make sure nobody could sneak up on them. They searched through most of building, but they didn't find anything.

Matter of fact, it was almost like the place had been abandoned for weeks. Everything seemed to be too in place though, which stood out to Eden. She knew something wasn't right, but she couldn't quite put her finger on it. As they came to the last room of the building, Eden's stomach filled with nerves. Han slowly and quietly turned the doorknob and pushed the door open.

As soon as the door was open, Han and Eden raised their weapons, but nobody was inside. The two looked at each other with furrowed eyebrows, before they entered the room to search for any sign of where the people were, or if they had ever actually been in the building at all. For all they knew, Mr. Nobody could've gotten false information.

"There's nothing here." Han said, as he searched through the papers.

"Anything that could give us ideas at all?" She asked, but he shook his head.

As Han opened a drawer to one of the desks, they heard the screen of the computer turn on. They quickly turned around and waited for it to load. Once it did, four words popped up on the screen; Too Little Too Late. Eden knew immediately that this was all a ploy, a trap for them that they had walked into.

"It's a trap, we've got to get out of here." Eden said quickly, as they started hearing a quiet beeping noise.

Quickly, Han and Eden ran from the room and headed back the way they came. They had to be fast, and they had to try and cut as many corners as possible. Neither had any idea of how long they had before everything was going to blow, but they knew it wasn't very long.

They barely got out of the door, before the building began to blow. Eden was knocked to the ground, causing her to groan. Han quickly tried to pick her up, but the force of the explosions from the building was making it hard for him to get her to her feet. He pulled her towards the car, and once they could both stand, they climbed into the car and peeled out of the lot as fast as possible.

"That was close." Eden commented, feeling her heart beating like it was going to come out of her chest.

"We need to get back to the girls, since we don't know if this was all a ploy to get us away from them, so they could get to them." Han said, making Eden's heart drop.

"Oh god," She gasped,"I didn't even think of that. Drive faster!" She cried, feeling as though her whole world was going to fall apart.

She didn't have any idea what could be going on in their apartment while they were gone, but she was scared that the girls were in danger. She and Han were supposed to be taking care of the danger, and protecting the girls, but she felt like they had failed the girls. She felt like the girls were in danger because of them.

"We're five minutes away," Han said,"and Elle's a badass, like you said, she can protect herself and Bri."

"You're right," She sighed,"but that doesn't make me worry any less." She replied, and Han simply reached over and grabbed her hand.

He was driving as fast as possible, but he still had to be careful. He couldn't exactly get himself and Eden killed on the way to saving the girls, otherwise it would've been pointless even trying. He knew Elle was a fighter, but that didn't mean he worried any less. He was scared to death about what could happen to the girls, but he wasn't going to let Eden see how worried he was.

The girls meant the world to him, and he had to protect them with his life. All he had was his girls, and he couldn't lose them. He hoped like hell that they would get to the apartment before anything bad happened. He'd never forgive himself if something happened. The first time he and Eden left to go on a mission together in over a year, it turned out to be a trap, and their children were put in danger. He didn't know if he could trust going on anymore missions after this one...

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