Chapter Three

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"So, you're my new partner in crime

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"So, you're my new partner in crime." Eden announced to Han, when Han came to the cafeteria for breakfast.

"What? Does that mean we're working as a team?" He questioned, and she smirked.

"Pretty sure, unless you're supposed to really kill me to make up for the fact that I faked it years ago." She replied, causing him to roll his eyes with a chuckle.

"Do you happen to know when our next mission is?" He asked, making her nod.

"In two days, so you better get plenty of sleep, I don't work with people that will make me compromised because they're too tired to have my back." She said, and he gave her a nod.

Han decided to sit with Eden and Brianna while he ate breakfast. He didn't mind their company, and he felt like he somewhat knew Eden, unlike the rest of the agents in the facility. They were always so nosey, which was something Eden and Brianna weren't.

"Who watches Brianna when you're not here?" Han asked, wondering what the mother did with her child when she wasn't able to be around to care for her.

"One of the most trusted agents," She replied,"Normally, it's Agent Whitney, since he's the youngest and can keep Bri occupied better than the others."

After breakfast, Han went back to his apartment to relax. He had a couple of days before he had to go on a mission, and he had to be perfect during the mission. He refused to get Brian's sister seriously killed. Brian would seriously kill him, not to mention the pain of it all would tear him up inside.

Anyhow, over the next couple of days, Han spent some time with Eden and Brianna, before he went back to his room. He never stayed in one room very long, other than his own. He didn't want to get too attached to an area, mostly because he knew Mr. Nobody could move him at anytime. He also didn't want to get use to anyone, not after everything that happened to him.

It had only been a couple of days, but he was feeling a little close to Eden and Brianna. He figured it was because they connected him to his old life a very slim bit, even though they had never met the Torettos. Han hated how alone he felt after his "death," but there really wasn't anything he could do about it. Now, he had a small connection to his past, and for a reason he couldn't decipher, he seemed to unconsciously gravitate towards the connection.

He knew that he shouldn't get attached, especially after losing the one person he loved most. Every night he dreamed about her, and every night he'd wake up in a cold sweat. He hated the feeling of emptiness and sadness he got when he woke up or went to sleep. He didn't like being alone, but he wasn't willing to open up anymore because he was scared of losing someone again and feeling the same pain he had before.

The morning he woke up to get ready for his mission with Eden, he felt a weight bearing down on his shoulders. He didn't know how to make this feeling go away. He just couldn't let it get in his head, otherwise he could get himself or Eden badly hurt. He wouldn't have anyone hurt because of him, especially someone related to one of his best friends.

"You ready?" He heard, before Eden peeked her head inside his apartment.

"Yeah," He replied,"Let's go."

Eden lead Han out to the area where the vehicles were parked. Mr. Nobody had told her that they had to use an inconspicuous car, and they'd have to hide in a hotel for a few days. The two would have to pretend to be a married couple, and it was not the easiest thing for them to do. Eden was unsure of pretending something like this, considering what all she had went through because of Roger. Han was unsure of doing this, since he felt weird being in even a fake relationship with anyone other than Giselle.

"Agent Whitney has Brianna already?" Han asked, and Eden nodded.

"He came by early to get her. He knew that I had to get going after breakfast, and he wanted to give me time to pack without Brianna trying to do her version of helping." Eden replied, causing Han to laugh.

"I'm sure she's not that bad." Han joked, and Eden chuckled.

"She tries to fold clothes, but she just wrinkles them up as she rolls them into balls. She also doesn't think I need pajamas apparently." Eden said, making Han shake his head with an amused smirk.

"This one?" He asked, as he pointed to a silver 2006 Ford Mustang.

"That works," She answered,"It's a fast car, but it's also normal in the public eye. Good job." She complimented, and a small smile appeared on his face.

Han popped the trunk and put their luggage inside, as Eden went to her car and grabbed her sunglasses. Han was going to be the one driving, since it was common for guys to drive their wives around everywhere. They had to look as normal and "in-love" as they possibly could, otherwise they might not have the chance to complete their mission successfully.

"You ready to go?" Han asked, as he turned on the car.

"Let's roll." She replied, giving him a smirk.

Han wasn't really surprised that Eden liked cars and how fast this one could drive. She was a lot like her brother, and Han could see it simply in the way she spoke.  She could be a real menace to society if she wanted to be, just by the way she acted and the way she handled things. She was truly a unique girl, and if Han hadn't still been heartbroken, he would definitely be all over her. She was the type of girl any guy would be lucky to have by their side...

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