Chapter Twenty Six

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When they arrived at the bunker, Han helped his girls out of the vehicle they were packed into

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When they arrived at the bunker, Han helped his girls out of the vehicle they were packed into. Eden had Brianna in her arms, since the little girl was falling asleep. She was exhausted, and they had been traveling for hours. Luckily, the little girl wasn't getting too emotional, but if she didn't get some sleep soon, she'd be very emotional.

"Dom." Eden heard, and she looked over to see a bald man she remembered from her funeral.

"I had a feeling you weren't dead." Dom commented, as he walked over and hugged Han.

Elle stood silently, but really close to Eden's side. She was feeling nervous, and Eden could tell she wasn't too confident. Eden reached over and grabbed Elle's hand, she squeezed the girl's hand, hoping to make her feel a little less stressed and nervous.

"And you must be Eden O'Connor," Dom voiced,"Brian told us a lot about you. You look pretty good for being dead."

"Thanks, I try," She replied, causing him to smirk,"and I know about you, too. Brian use to tell me about you."

"This your little girl?" He asked, and she nodded.

"Brianna, I named her after Brian," She said, and he smiled,"and this is Elle."

"Nice to meet you, Elle." Dom commented, holding out his hand for the girl to shake.

"Nice to meet you, too." She replied, her voice a bit lower than his.

"So, I heard from Letty that you two--" Dom began, before Han cut him off.

"Yeah, so keep Brian off my back, man." Han joked, and Dom laughed.

"Good luck, that's his little sister. You're lucky he's not out here right now," Dom replied,"Hell, with how much he talks about her, she's family, so maybe I should kick your ass for him."

Han chuckled nervously, as he slightly pulled his girls closer to him, as if to pull Dom's attention from him.

"He still talks about me?" Eden asked, and Dom nodded.

"All the time," Dom answered,"any time he finds something that reminds him of you, or gets in a situation that makes him think about you, all we hear for hours is stories about you. I think after hearing all his stories, I know you as much as he does."

"I thought he'd move on." She murmured, making Dom frown.

"You're his family, his little sister. No older brother could ever forget their little sister. You mean the world to him, and he'll always love you. If you really did die, he'd never forget you. I think, deep down, that he knew you weren't really gone. Just from the way he reacted at your funeral and after, if he thought you were truly gone forever, he would've let the world burn around him for taking you away." Dom stated, causing Eden's heart to clench.

"God, Dom," Eden sighed,"I really screwed up, but I had to do this to keep everyone safe." She said, and Dom nodded.

"I get it, believe me," He replied,"I'd do anything for my family, and I can see you feel the same. If I had to do what you did, I don't know if I'd be strong enough, but I'd make myself do it just to protect my family."

"Mommy, I'm hungry." Brianna murmured, as she picked up her head to look at her mom.

"I got some snacks in my bag." Han said, but Mia stopped him from going to get his bag.

"I'll take her. I need to bond with my nieces after all." She commented, and Eden agreed a little reluctantly.

"I wanna stay with Eden and Han." Elle said, as Mia grabbed Brianna from Eden.

"That's fine," Mia replied, giving the girl a smile,"We can have our own bonding some other time."

"Be good for Aunt Mia." Han told Brianna, causing the little girl to grin.

"I always good, Daddy." She retorted, sticking out her tongue.

Everyone laughed, as Brianna and Mia walked away.

"Is Brianna--" Dom began, but Eden cut him off.

"No, I was pregnant when I 'died'," She airquoted,"but Bri loves Han as if he was her father, and that's all that matters." She said, and Dom nodded.

"You guys ready to see the others?" Dom asked, causing Eden to bite her lip.

"Ready as we'll ever be." Eden murmured, making Dom turn to her with a serious look on his face.

"I know you're nervous about how Brian will react to seeing you, but I promise you that Brian will not hate you. You're his little sister, and he'll always love you and forgive you for anything you do." Dom said, and Eden took a deep breath, before nodding in agreement.

Brian was her best friend, her partner in crime, and her big brother. He was everything to her when she was younger, and she knew that he loved her. She didn't need to let her mind take over and make her think he would hate her. He loved her even when she was a nuisance as a teenager, so she needed to believe he'd love her now. She'd always love him, even if he messed up, and she had to know he'd do the same for her.

"I'll go first," Han suggested,"you two can follow, if that will help with your nerves, E."

"Yeah, I think that will help." She answered, and he nodded.

Dom and Letty entered the area first, and Han followed slowly after. Everyone in the room was silent and shocked when they seen Han, but the room seemed even more surprised when Eden and Elle entered the room. They knew a little about Elle, but everyone knew Eden from pictures and stories. It was like they had met two ghosts in one day, and it made them wonder just how much they didn't know...

Note: Don't forget, I'm going to be changing things in this story from the way the movies were, since it's an AU. Please don't try and fight with me or tell me I'm wrong, I'm telling you one last time that I'm changing things. If you don't like it, don't read it.

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