Chapter Seven

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"You ready to kick ass?" Eden questioned, as she loaded her weapons

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"You ready to kick ass?" Eden questioned, as she loaded her weapons.

"As long as you are." He replied, and she gave him a grin.

"I've got to finish getting ready, but then we can go." She said, causing him to nod.

Eden went to the bathroom and quickly slipped on some nicer clothes. She put on a pair of black skinny jeans, a red strapless corset top, and her favorite boots. She never did a job without her favorite boots. She had multiple pairs of them, just incase a pair messed up.

"Let's go!" Han exclaimed, and Eden shook her head with a smirk.

He was getting back at her for the way she treated him on their first adventure out together in the town.

"I'm ready, chill." She retorted, causing him to laugh.

Han drove them to Clara and William's house, and Eden almost felt bad for the fact that they were most likely going to cause some damage. The house was huge compared to everyone else in the town, which made Eden wonder just how much the Kurtwood family actually made.

"Keep your eyes and ears open." Eden scolded, before they stepped out of their car.

They had to pretend to be the same lovey-dovey couple the town believed them to be. As long as everyone believed it, the two could achieve what they were sent to the town to do. They couldn't have anyone questioning their identity, not yet. Hell, they honestly hoped that it'd never happen.

Eden and Han stayed close together throughout the party. They didn't want to be caught off guard, not at the very beginning. They knew how to fight, but that didn't mean they wanted to the moment they stepped into the gigantic Kurtwood home.

"There he is." Eden murmured, as she gestured with her head towards Jeremy.

"He just got here," Han commented,"we should wait until he's had a few drinks. He'll be easier to take down that way."

"Want a drink?" Eden asked, causing Han to narrow his eyes at her.

"Anna!" He scolded quietly, using her fake name incase someone close by was listening.

"Fine, we'll do it your way," She grumbled,"The more boring way." She added, causing him to roll his eyes.

Eden was a big fan of getting to where the action was. She wanted to get things done, and not waste anytime. She didn't care if waiting made things easier, she wanted to get it done and over with. Han understood that she wanted to get back to base where her kid was, but she needed to be more patient. Patience was a virtue that Eden didn't seem to possess.

"Hey, Anna, I made you a drink," Karen commented,"that guy over there seemed to be trying to drink it all, and I know you like this, so I wanted you to have some before he drank it all."

"Oh, thank you." Eden replied, taking the cup from Karen's hand.

"Rick, do you want a drink?" Karen asked,"Clara has me as the designated drink waiter for the night." She commented, but Han shook his head.

"No, if you remember how, miss tipsy was the last time she drank, I figure it's best if I stay sober to drive her home safely." Han answered, and Karen cooed.

"You're so sweet," She pouted,"I wish Marko was like you." She admitted, and her husband nearby simply rolled his eyes.

"Karen! I need you to help me get more wine!" Clara exclaimed from across the room, causing Karen to sigh.

"Duty calls." She jokingly grumbled, before waving to Eden and Han.

The couple stayed a bit away from the others, as they waited for the perfect time to strike. Enid drank the alcoholic drink Karen had brought her. She knew she shouldn't drink too much on the mission, but one drink wasn't a horrible idea. It would definitely take the edge off.

"He's getting out of sight." Eden murmured, and Han nodded.

Han grabbed her hand and walked past a few people. The people from town didn't think anything of it as the two passed. It was like any normal couple, since they never called too much attention to themselves. They were getting really good at pretending to be a couple.

"I've got eyes on him." Han murmured, causing Eden to purse her lips.

The night wasn't going as fast as she had wanted. She wanted to get rid of Jeremy quickly, so she could get back to her little girl. She missed Brianna a lot, and she had never been gone this long. Normally her missions only lasted a couple of days, at most four days, never a week.

"I think we should move in on him," Eden commented,"he's had a lot of this drink according to Karen."

"Let's split up," Han replied,"we can keep our eyes on him at all times, and we can sneak up on him easier."

Eden agreed reluctantly. She hadn't wanted to split up, since she felt like the idea was pointless. They could catch him and get him out of there together, splitting up was an extra step they didn't have to have. She did as he said though, since she believed he was as dedicated as she was to catching Jeremy.

As she was walking around the hallways, she began to wonder where Jeremy had went. She had lost sight of him, which wasn't something she expected. She looked around the area, but she didn't see anything that indicated Jeremy was around. He seemed to have vanished into thin air.

Actually, Eden was having trouble seeing. As she was going around looking for Jeremy, her vision began to get blurry, and soon she was stumbling around the room like she was drunk. Before she could stop herself, she collapsed to the ground, and she became unconscious. Unbeknownst to Han, Eden was in danger, and unbeknownst to Karen, she had accidentally given her a drink that was spiked with a drug to knock Eden out...

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