Chapter Thirty Eight

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Throughout her pregnancy, Han stayed by her side

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Throughout her pregnancy, Han stayed by her side. He was the perfect baby daddy, and she was glad that she had him. She visited the Torettos often with Han and their daughters, since Mia, Brian, and Jack could often be found there. It was normal to see the pregnant woman there, especially when Han was working with the others on cars.

Elle and Brianna seemed to be excited for the baby that would be there in a few months. Brianna could be found talking to her mother's belly at night before bed. She would tell the baby stories, or simply just talk to the baby to get a kick or movement. Brianna thought it was amazing every time the baby moved or kicked.

Elle wasn't as clingy as Brianna, but she was still just as excited. She would often lay her hands on Eden's belly when they were sitting together on the couch. She also became very excited when the baby would kick or move under her hand. That was her baby brother or sister, and she couldn't wait to meet them.

Brian and Dom had come around and helped Han create a nursery for the baby, but since they were keeping the gender a secret(if it was possible), the guys had to make the baby's nursery a gender neutral color. They had decided to go with a grey color, but they had incorporated cars in the design, as well as a portrait of Tokyo. The baby had been conceived in Tokyo afterall, and it was one of their favorite places on earth, so a portrait of the place wasn't a bad idea.

Anyhow, after the nursery was set up, things became a little more real in the house. The family was getting ready for the baby, though the baby wouldn't be born for months. It was definitely exciting for all of them though, and that was a good thing, considering what had happened for them to even find out Eden was having a baby anyway.

After what had happened to her, Han became more protective of her and the girls. He didn't want them away from him for too long, and he was always worried about something bad happening. Eden was thankful for the way he was with her and the girls, but it was a bit overbearing at times. She did get tired of it a few times, but she didn't let her bad mood ruin anything.

At night, Han would lay next to Eden, letting her head rest on his chest, as his arms stayed wrapped around her. One of his hands stayed on her belly at all times, feeling the baby move under his hand. He loved being this close to his fiancé, as well as the feeling of their baby moving under his hand in her belly.

Eden didn't know, but Han was nervous about the baby. He was scared that the baby would be disappointed by him, or that he wouldn't be a good father to the new baby. He believed he wasn't the best father already, considering what had happened to Elle. He blamed himself, and he just hoped that he wouldn't disappoint his other two children as much as he believed he disappointed Elle.

Truth be told, Elle never blamed either of her parents for what happened to her. And if she had to blame someone, she'd blame her birth parents for making her the key. She never would've been kidnapped if she wasn't the key. She would've been safe, but she didn't get that liberty, and she was just lucky that Eden and Han had found her. They loved her like she was their own, and she could never ask for better parents.

"What are you doing in here?" Han asked, when he found Eden in the baby's nursery.

"I was just admiring your work," Eden replied,"and I was thinking of putting some clothes in the closet, maybe some toys on the shelves."

"Don't get too excited," Han smiled,"We've got time before the baby gets here." He said, causing her to roll her eyes playfully.

After a moment of the two just standing there together in the nursery, Eden grabbed Han's hand and placed it on her belly. Han felt the baby kick his hand, causing a smile to appear on his face. Without a second thought, Han crouched down to have his face close to her belly.

"Hello my sweet baby," Han cooed,"Your mommy and I can't wait to meet you. Your sisters are excited to meet you, too. You're going to be the most loved baby in the world, and I hope you see and feel just how much we all love you, every minute of every day, my little bean."

Han placed a kiss on Eden's belly, as Eden smiled lovingly down at him. She ran her fingers through his soft hair, as he looked back up at her with a smile on his face. He was truly happy in this moment, and he had never felt anything like this before. He never even believed he'd have a family like this until he met Eden, and he'd never want to change anything about it.

"C'mon, we've got to video call Twink, he's been texting me nonstop for the last three days about the new book we've been reading." Eden commented, causing Han to chuckle.

Eden and Twinkie had become good friends. Han was honestly surprised to see how well they got along, considering the two lived on complete opposite sides of the world. The two actually bonded over books and music, and eventually movies as well. She knew quite a bit about cars, but she didn't necessarily talk with everyone about cars.

Han couldn't help but imagine their baby while watching his fiancé. He imagined that their baby would be as strong as her, and as smart as the two of them put together. He imagined that the baby would be hard-headed like her, but maybe as laid back as him when everything was going fine. Honestly, Han was excited to see just how amazing their baby turned out as they raised the baby along with Elle and Brianna, their happy little family...

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