Chapter Thirty Nine

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It still felt so surreal

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It still felt so surreal. Eden was going to be marrying the love of her life in less than an hour. Dom was doing the honor of marrying them, which had been something they had wanted since they figured coming back from the dead to get married would be almost impossible.

They weren't doing a big wedding, it was just something small in the backyard of the Toretto home. Letty and Mia worked very hard on all the food and decorations. Mia had managed to find the perfect cake for the wedding. Much to Eden's dismay, Letty had even managed to find a maternity wedding dress. The dress actually looked beautiful, though Eden didn't really feel like wearing a dress.

Mia had managed to talk Eden into wearing the dress though, since she used the excuse of wanting perfect wedding photos. Besides, Brian would want her to wear a dress, as would her girls, and those were good enough reasons for Eden to decide that wearing a dress wasn't a horrible idea.

The actual ceremony of getting married didn't take very long. Eden was surprised, considering how long it took in the shows and movies she seen. She couldn't stop the flutter in her chest and the permanent smile she had on her face after the ceramony. Han's vows to her would forever be etched into her mind.

"Eden O'Connor, I love you more than anything in the world. When I met you, I was lost and on a path of self-distruction. You saved me, and for that I thank you. I don't know what I'd do without you in my life. You and the girls are everything to me, and I wouldn't be here without you. I will forever love and cherish you and our girls and our baby once he's born. You're the most amazing woman I ever met, and you'll always be the love of my life."

Mia had actually teared up at his words, but Eden didn't blame her, his words were absolutely beautiful. It was like he was a poet with how amazing his vows had sounded to everyone's ears. After the ceremony, Mia began taking pictures of everyone.

The first picture was of the newly weds, Han and Eden. The second picture was of Han, Eden, Brianna, and Elle. The third picture was of Eden and Brian, then Brian, Eden, and Han. Mia had even managed to set the camera up to get everyone in one picture together, and it was a picture she'd have framed as soon as possible. The couple even managed to get their Tokyo friends to come, and they made sure to get pictures with them as well.

After all the pictures, it was time for dancing. Eden didn't want to dance, but Mia said it was required for the perfect wedding. If it was up to Eden, she would've danced to an eighties hair band song, but Mia wasn't having it. She wanted the first dance to be perfect, meaning no classic rock. Eden had managed to get My Girl by the Temptations to be her song for the dance.

After the first dance, Mia was more lenient with the music. Eden had even managed to get her classic rock songs into the mix, including Billy Idol, Mötley Crüe, Guns n Roses, and Nirvana. Eden's favorite band was Mötley Crüe. She knew all their songs, had all their albums, had their books, had merch, and even had a poster hung in her and Han's room—much to his dismay. When she was younger, her entire bedroom was decked out in Mötley Crüe posters and pictures.

When she was a teenager, Brian had promised her that one day he'd take her to see Mötley Crüe. It took quite a few years, but he had managed to keep his promise, and that was one of the nights Eden would never forget. She had even managed to meet the band, and meeting them was the best night of her life. If anyone asked, Nikki Sixx was her favorite member, but Vince Neil was a close second.

Anyhow, after dancing, Eden was able to sit down and get some much needed food. She hadn't even realized she was so hungry until food was placed in front of her. Everyone laughed as she practically inhaled her food, but they understood, considering she was seven months pregnant.

Music continued to play as they ate their food and talked amongst each other. Eden enjoyed the music, the food, and the family. This was something she had wanted for years, she just never told anyone how she truly felt. She always tried to keep her feelings under wraps so it wouldn't freak anyone out.

"Who put this on?!" Mia exclaimed, as Hollywood Undead began to play.

Eden gasped, an excited smile making its way to her face. She pushed herself up from the table, and Brian soon followed with a laugh. Roman jumped up as well, knowing the song because of Brian and Eden. The trio started singing along and dancing as they sang Everywhere I Go by Hollywood Undead.

"I don't think the girls and Jack should be listening to this." Mia murmured, causing Letty to push her shoulder lightly.

"Let it go, it's her wedding, let her be happy. She's having fun." Letty scolded, and Mia simply sighed.

She may not have agreed to the kids listening to such an explicit song, but Letty was right. Eden and Brian were having a lot of fun, and that was all that mattered. Seeing Eden, Brian, and Roman acting like fools as they sang along to the song made a smile appear on her face.

Han also watched with a smile, knowing his wife was truly happy. He hadn't seen her smile that big in a long time. In that moment, he felt completely at ease and happy with everything in his life. The love of his life was happy, their girls were sitting with him, and they were finally back with their family. Han couldn't ask for a better outcome to everything they had gone through in their lives...

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