Chapter Twenty Seven

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Eden was scared seeing her brother

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Eden was scared seeing her brother. She felt like her world was caving in around her. To be honest, if it wasn't for Elle standing right next to her, she'd probably faint or take off running out of the room. She felt like she needed to get out of there, even if Dom, Letty, and Mia swore that she wasn't going to be shunned.

As if Elle could feel her nerves, the girl grabbed her hand and squeezed it. Han knew that she wasn't going to just approach her brother, no matter how much she felt the pull. She needed to see that he wasn't going to lash out at her, even if the others promised he wouldn't.

Han walked over to Brian, and it was as if no time had passed. Brian gave the man a smile, and greeted him like he would an old friend that he hadn't seen in a long time. He never said anything to indicate that he was angry at Han for faking his death. Instead, he simply hugged the man with a happy laugh.

"Hey man," Brian greeted,"I'm happy to see you again." He added, giving the man a grin.

"Good to see you, too, B." Han replied, chuckling at his friend's greeting.

Dom and Letty could see that Eden wanted to greet her brother, she was just too scared. The couple looked at each other and silently nodded to the other, before Letty walked over to Eden. She grabbed the girl's hand like they had been friends for years, and walked her over to Brian. Brian's laugh ended when she approached, and he seemed to almost be like a deer in the headlights.

It was almost obvious that the reason that Brian went quiet was because he was still in shock to see his sister. He was still grieving over her death, but here she was standing in front of him. He didn't know rather to believe that she was real, or think that maybe she was a figment of his imagination; something he'd think about when he seen someone he thought was dead, but it wasn't the person he wished it to be.

"Just hug already!" Everyone seemed to exclaim, making Brian chuckle.

Slowly, as if he was afraid she'd disappear, Brian wrapped his arms around his sister. The moment she was in his arms though, that was when everything changed. The entire atmosphere around them changed, but in a good way—kind of. Brian's arms tightened around Eden, as he felt tears prick at his eyes.

"God, I missed you." Eden murmured, as her arms tightened around him.

"Don't you ever do that shit to me again." He grumbled, placing a kiss on her head.

Eden let out a quiet sob, causing everyone in the room to smile to themselves. They could feel the emotion, and to be honest, it was hard for them not to shed a tear as well. Brian held her as she got herself together, before he pulled away and laughed as he wiped his eyes.

"So, I'm guessing this is Eden." Tej commented, as he motioned to the girl.

"Yeah, uh, this is my little sister, Eden," Brian said,"Eden, you remember Roman, and I'm guessing you've met Dom and Letty. So, that's Tej and that's Ramsey."

"It's nice to finally meet you, Eden," Ramsey voiced,"Brian has told us a lot about you. Roman told us some stories, too, but Brian was the one that told us the most about you."

"Only good things, I hope. They both like to exaggerate." She replied, causing the woman to laugh.

"Only good things, including when you kicked Roman's ass in the sixth grade when he stole your pop tart," Tej said,"it's good to see ya, girl." He added, and she smiled.

Right after meeting Tej and Ramsey, Mia came into the area with Brianna. Brianna had a bag of cookies in her hand, and a smile on her face. The moment she seen her mother, she ran over and wrapped her arms around her leg.

"Mommy, Aunt Mia got me cookies." Brianna said, making Eden smile.

"Did you say thank you?" Eden asked, and the little girl nodded.

"Who's this?" Brian asked, as he crouched down to Brianna's level.

The little girl gave him a shy smile.

"Brian, meet your niece, Brianna," Eden introduced,"I named her after you."

"Hey, Brianna, I'm you're uncle Brian," The man greeted,"I'm so happy to finally meet you."

"Mommy told me stories 'bout you." Brianna murmured, making the man laugh.

"I hope they were all good stories." He commented, making the woman laugh.

"Of course, all I've got are good stories about you and Roman." She replied, causing everyone to laugh.

After the small conversation between the three O'Connors, Elle was asked about herself. Eden and Han filled some blanks, but for the most part, Elle seemed to be open about her story. Not once did she mention Eden and Han's relationship though, since she wasn't sure if they wanted everyone to know. She had heard the jokes about how Brian would react, and she didn't want to put her family in an type of predicament...


A/N: I hope you guys liked this chapter. Sorry it's about 100 words short, but I hope the next chapter will make up for it. I just needed a good splitting point for the two chapters, so this was where I cut it.

Love you guys!


- Youngblood Xxx

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