Chapter 4

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Author's POV :

Jin :" as I see Yoongi he is comfortable with you , can you prepare a lunch for him and feed him , he didn't eat anything from the breakfast. 

Jimin get up from yoongi's shoulder 

Jimin:" oh no need hyung a meal is enough you don't have to bother " Taehyung felt a bang on his chest and he get up walking to the kid crouching in front of him 

Taehyung : " you will have a three meals per day leave a lone the snacks, never count what you eat or hold back your desire when you are with us , we are not doing a favore for you and you are not a Borden, you are one of our family now , so don't let me hear you talk like this again or you will not like my reaction am I making my self clear little one ?!"

Jimin hold Yoongi's shirt tightly afraid of Taehyung's look but he noded as yes

Taehyung : " your voice baby boy "

Jimin :" yes Sir " Taehyung smiles sofly

Taehyung : " it's hyung for you little one, don't be scared of me I just don't like when someone one doesn't know how to fight for his rights "

Yoongi :" okay baby let's go to feed your tummy you must be hungry " 

Jin :" take kookie with you he is about to start his shift so he needs to eat "

Jungkook:" thank you hyung, let's goo "

And the three left leaving the rest for another topic 

RM :" why you made him leave , what the topic "

Jin :" jimin education, he can't read and his age past grade one, how we can enroll him in the scroll??"

J-hope:" home schooling, we can help him learn fast to skip till he reach the exact grade that match his age " 

Taehyung:" I can help with j-hope in his study"

Jin :" great  , so let's schedule the three of us as his teacher till he be able join a normal school, and Taehyung please don't be too strict with him , he has been through a lot, don't over do it I know you "

Taehyung:" hey I never over do it with kookie" 

Jin :" yeah I know but he is not kookie he is a traumatized kid so be careful when you deal with him " 

Taehyung :" okay I got you , I will be careful"


Jimin's POV : 

I don't know why I feel safe around youngi hyung , I don't stiff when he touch me , the real brotherly feeling that I feel from him can't be denied, the all fackness my uncle made don't have a thing withe what youngi hyung doing with me

His look for me is pure and full of adoration, don't have the lustfull that were In my uncle's eyes , I don't have any prove but I really feel safe around him , and since my parents gone I missed the huges they used to gave me , I feel empty inside , when I hugged yoongi hyung earlier I feel the emptiness getting fell , I think I found my safe place , I hope I'm not being fooled again.

Yoongi :" hey where your mind " he is waving his hand in front of my eyes

Jimin :" sorry hyung I lost in my thought " 

Yoongi :" no problem  let's eat I prepared the food , JUNGKOOK COME HERE " my  heart sank and I fell from the chair putting my hand on my ears

Yoongi :" hey hey what's wrong , I didn't mean to shout at you I was calling jungkook to join us " I can't keep my tears he is too scary when shouting 

Jimin :" yo..  you scard me .. yo.. you shouted so sudden " he hugged me patting my back softly 

Yoongi:" I'm sorry I didn't know it will scare you , I'm living with 6 men who is not budging even if you screamed your heart out , so I didn't know , forgive your hyung"

Jungkook:" Woooow the so cold yoongi hyung turned to be softy , what a lovely sight "

Yoongi hyung put his hand on my ears to not hear his reply to Jungkook hyung 

And he sit beside me 

Jungkook:" why are you crying little one is this devil pulling you " 

Jimin :" nooo hw is not and he is not a devil , I just got scared when he was calling you " Jungkook smile frown and he sits beside me 

Jungkook:" I know you had been through a lot but believe me all of us we will never hurt you , we have been the he'll so we know exactly what it feel  , so no one will be the he'll for you , you can trust us , even if we shout or curse or do any human mistakes, you can shout back , you can object as much as you can , don't agree on anything you don't comfortable with , you have all the right , okay buddy ?' And he raised his fist waiting me to bump mine with him and I did with a smile 

Jimin :" thank you hyung "

Jungkook:" finally I'm hyung , you don't know how much I dreamed to be one , thanks for you "

We laughed and we started to eat 

I can't believe I'm eating for the second time in the same day while being taken care for  by a loving people like them, I feel like I'm dreaming 

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