Chapter 61

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Author's POV : 

Jimin : " DAD YOU ARE BLEEDING ...."

Yoongi tried to remain calm, not wanting to alarm Jimin further, even as pain radiated through his injured shoulder.

Yoongi: "Calm down, baby. It's nothing, don't panic. It's just—"

Jimin cut him off, his panic escalating.

Jimin: "MOM!"

Jimin ran out of the room, heading towards where IU and Jungkook were waiting. IU was startled by Jimin's distressed state.

IU: "What happened, baby? Slow down." Jimin was a mess of tears and jumbled words, trying to explain while frantically pulling IU towards Yoongi's room.

Jimin: "Dad... I... I hit him... I made him bleed. I swear I didn't mean to. Please, do something. There's too much blood, Mom. I promise I won't be mad again. Please, don't let him bleed like this."

IU's mind was filled with a whirlwind of confusion and concern as Jimin practically dragged her towards Yoongi's room. She struggled to process his words, but her eyes fell upon Yoongi's slumped figure and the sight of his bleeding shoulder, instantly snapping her into action.

Shock and worry etched across her face, IU hurriedly moved towards Yoongi, her heart pounding in her chest.

IU: "Oh my God! What happened to you?"

She gently cradled Yoongi's face in her hands, trying to assess the severity of his injury. The sight of the blood stained on his clothes sent a wave of panic coursing through her veins.

Yoongi, his voice strained with pain, managed a weak smile.

Yoongi: "I'm... I'm okay, babe. It's just a flesh wound. Jimin... he didn't mean to hurt me."

IU's eyes darted between Yoongi and Jimin, her expression a mix of worry, confusion, and a touch of anger. the question keep ringing on her head  . WHY ?! why Jimin could do this to Yoongi ?!!

IU: "Jimin, what happened? How did this...?" Yoongi was trying to pull IU's hand to stop saying anything to Jimin but he just can't speak

Jimin's whole body shivered under her gaze he never faced the angry IU and the last thing  he need now is to face it , he need her arms around him saying everything will be okay , maybe he was right , he is a cursed kid who don't deserve to be loved ,  the one who calmed to be his mother will never welcome him when he is the devil who hurt her love .

Jimin, his voice quivering with guilt and he felt like his soul being squeezed from his body 

Jimin : " I .. I " he just can't utter a word when a strong arms engulfed his small figure from his back. shielding him from IU's anger.

Jungkook : " You don't have to explain, little one. Everything will be okay" Jungkook whispered, pulling Jimin's face into the crook of his neck, shielding him from further harm. almost hide him is his arms , looking to IU with a dagger eyes for her reaction with Jimin .

IU's heart ached for both of them. She understood the depth of Jimin's remorse and the pain Yoongi was enduring. Overwhelmed by everything that had happened—the kidnapping, Yoongi's surgery, and now this—IU found it hard to keep her emotions in check. she just can't take it anymore .

Approaching Jimin, who was still in Jungkook's embrace, IU spoke softly, her voice filled with both love and understanding.

IU: "I'm sorry, baby. I didn't mean to scare you. It's going to be alright. We'll get him the help he needs, and everything will be okay," IU reassured him, planting a gentle kiss on his head that still hiding in Jungkook neck .

IU carefully helped Yoongi lie down, her hands trembling slightly, as she tried to keep her emotions in check.

IU: "You're going to be okay, Yoongi. Just hold on, alright? The doctor will be here soon."

Yoongi managed a weak nod, his pain evident in his eyes. he mustered the strength to whisper a plea to her.

Yoongi : "Be kind to him, please,"  Yoongi urged, wanting to ensure that IU wouldn't be too hard on Jimin.

IU : " He is my son. Don't think I would ever hurt him. I have the right to be angry, but you're right, it was the wrong timing. I'm sorry "   IU whispered, her voice filled with sincerity and love.

he smiled weakly .

As the doctor finally arrived, IU and Jungkook exchanged glances and Jungkook got it

Jungkook : " little one , we need to leave now , the doctor need to check your dad " Jimin pulled out of his neck 

Jimin : " but i don't want to leave him .. " 

Jungkook : " you want the best for your dad right !! " Jimin nodded trying to hold his tears but failing measurably

Jungkook : " so come with me now okay " Jimin looked to Yoongi who was still looking to him but can't utter a word in his current status but nodded with his head to give the kid some assurance

Jimin : "i'm sorry dad " with that he left the room with the weight of guilt killing him inside.


Jungkook : " Jin hyung i'm sorry i know you all need to rest but the matter her is not in the best way , i think Jimin needs you .. please can you all come here for him specially you "

Jin answered weakly he just wake up from the first sleep he got from the kidnap incident that wasn't empty from nightmare of course

Jin : " we will be there soon , don't worry kookie " Jin hang up the phone and harried to inform the rest to head to their brothers 

in the other hand Jungkook tried to make Jimin sleep but the kid already not responding to him at all 

all his mind was overwhelmed by   his uncle voices , The gunfire that wounded his father , his fist that was landing repeatedly on his dad's shoulder till he started to bleed again and finally his mother's angry gaze that he never thought he will ever met in his life .


Author's Note : 

hey guys , what's up ?!

Do you have any suggestions?? I feel like my mind has stopped for a while?

what do you want be the next after Jimin overcomes his trauma ?! or i should end it like this ??

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