Chapter 76

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Jimin's POV : 

He said Mom is Pregnant , his Voice looks like it muted , the word keep ringing in my ears , is it really happening , am i having a real family , a normal brothers fight , my heart keep bounding in my chest , i used to experience this reaction from my heart in a bad situation but now , i guess this is the first time it's happening from happiness , my tears joined too , the cursed kid is no more cursed , i'm the luckiest one on the earth right now , my thought traise got cut by my father panicked expression shaking my shoulders

Yoongi : " hey baby , what happened , are you sad that she is pregnant , i promise no thing will change you need to trust me , please don't cry , I .. "   I hold his feezed palm m his hand used to be called when he is worried about me .

Jimin : " Dad , i'm okay , in the fact , i'm beyond fine , this is the happiest moment in my life , but don't think that i will not be jealous , i will , and i will fight with him , but i will protect him from this world , i will be his hyung , his super caring loving handsome hyung  " he chuckled and wiped my tears .

Yoongi : " Thank you Jiminie , you don't know how much i'm proud of you , your Mom was so worried , No she is still worried we need to do something to assure her that we are in with her on this journey "

Jimin : " I have a perfect way let's go Dad " 


Jimin : "  MOM where are you ?! " i opened the main door runing into the house looking for Mom but she was not in the Kitchen as usual .

Taehyung : " why are you shouting little one , and what are you carrying in your hand  " Taehyung hyung got out of the living room 

Jimin : " yaah i'm not little one anymore , i'm a big brother now " his eyes widened 

  Taehyung : " WHAT ? what are you saying " he looked to Dad who was carrying more than what i Do questioning him , i hurried to explain 

Jimin : " Mom in pregnant" 

Yoongi : " Jimin baby we need to tell the news with your Mom and all your hyung being here" i can't wait i just want to tell anyone who will pass me i will be hyung 

Taehyung : " Nonaa in pregnant ?? " 

Yoongi :  " yes Tae but please keep it tell i check on her then we will reveal the news please she is already not stable" 

Taehyung headed to Yoongi hyung pulling him in a brotherly hug 

Taehyung : "congrats Brother , you deserve this happiness "

Jimin : "What , it mom is Sick , what happened you didn't tell me " 

Yoongi : " No not like that she .. " i didn't let him finish his words and ran to thier room she was there laying down 

Jimin : " Mom .. " she opened her eyes looking me in the eyes softly 

IU : " My boy .. what take you so long to come home   , come here " she hugged my tightly but i didn't let her put me on her lap , i don't want to hurt the baby " 

IU : " hey why you sit on the bed come here " she was about to pull me again but i hold her hands

Jimin : " no i don't want to hurt my brother " her eyes widened 

IU : " You Know already , nothing will change , you can do anything you want , believe me baby i will not let you , never , you can sit on my lap i don't care I .. "

Jimin : " are you going to be a bad Mommy for him to be good for me " her eyes felled with tears and couldn't reply to me

Jimin : " i went through so much thing in an early age and the most important thing i learnt is , One of the most painful thing is to feel not loved and neglected specially by your parents or by the one who should take care of you , so we all need to pamper my little brother , he doesn't need to know this fact " she broke down in a heavy set of cry pulling me in a tight hug.

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