Chapter 84

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Author's POV : 

Jungkook: "I'm sorry I realized it too late, but I think I like you. No, I guess I love you. All these years, I enjoyed you following me around, but my foolish heart didn't understand what it meant. However, the moment you weren't there for me, the moment you were there, smiling for another man, I nearly lost my sanity. Don't you ever dare look at anyone with those eyes except for me."

Jungkook pulled Seo Joon closer, eliminating the small gap between them, his grip firm but gentle.

Seo Joon: "Jungkook, are you playing with me? Please don't joke about something like this. I know you enjoy teasing me, but this is too much."

Tears welled up in her eyes as her emotions became a chaotic mess. The idea that her one-sided love might not be one-sided anymore was overwhelming and difficult to process.

She tried to push him away, but he held her tightly, refusing to let go. And then, to her astonishment, he leaned in and kissed her, leaving her stunned and breathless.

Jungkook: "Do you still think I'm joking?" He gently wiped away the tears that had escaped her eyes, his touch both comforting and electrifying.

Seo Joon's legs felt weak, but Jungkook's embrace supported her, pinning her against the wall.

Jungkook was about to lean in for another kiss when the door suddenly swung open, revealing an excited Jimin.

Jimin: "Hyung, you were amazing—" Jimin's words trailed off as his eyes landed on Jungkook holding Seo Joon so intimately.

Jungkook: "Looks like we have someone joining us, Joon. Come here, Jimin." Jungkook released Seo Joon's waist and took her hand instead.

Jimin was flustered by the unexpected situation. He should have knocked, but who was this girl, and why was Jungkook holding her hand like this? Thoughts raced through his mind, but he obediently moved closer to Jungkook as he was asked.

Jungkook: "Hey, Jiminie, don't be shy. This is Seo Joon, my girlfriend." The shock on Jimin's and Seo Joon's faces mirrored each other perfectly.

Jimin: "When did you—?"

Seo Joon: "When did we—?" They both couldn't fully comprehend what Jungkook had just revealed.

Yoongi: "I thought you'd never confess." Yoongi entered the room, holding IU's hand.

Jungkook: "Hyung, did you know?"

Jin: "Of course we are , you were dead obvious , 'love to annoy her my foot' we are watching you" Jungkook looked at Taehyung, who remained silent, only smiling mischievously.

Taehyung: "Don't look at me. I'm clueless about these things, but you were definitely not subtle." Laughter filled the room, but Jimin's mind was elsewhere.

How could his hyung hold her hand so casually and speak so calmly, as if nothing extraordinary was happening? Jungkook had just confessed his love and was about to kiss her, yet he seemed unfazed, unlike Jimin, who couldn't gather his thoughts or understand his own feelings when he is standing in front of Ara , what he need to do to be like Jungkook?


Taehyung's Room ..

Taehyung: "Jimin, what's wrong with you? You've been pacing around the room nervously since we got back from Kookie's show. What's bothering you so much?"

Jimin continued his restless movements, his anxiety palpable.

Jimin: "I need you to answer me, Tae. You told me it's normal to feel nervous and be unable to speak in front of the person you love. But look at how amazing Kookie is! He just went out there and confessed his love, held her hand. Oh my god, I wish I could be like Kookie right now."

Taehyung couldn't help but burst into laughter at Jimin's awe of Jungkook's confidence. Little did Jimin know that Jungkook had been a mess all these years, secretly craving Seo Joon's attention but never admitting that he couldn't live without it. Jimin had witnessed the final chapter of their story unfold.

Taehyung: "Calm down, Jimin. You'll have your moment too. Jungkook has known her for years, so it's natural for him to feel at ease around her. Plus, you've made progress yourself. Didn't she like your dance and even defend you against that guy who bullied you? It's evident to everyone that she likes you. You just need to take a step towards her."

Jimin: "How can I? I get nervous just when she looks at me. Plus, Dad's cameras are watching my every move. I can't do this when he's constantly monitoring me."

Taehyung gently caressed Jimin's head, trying to comfort him.

Taehyung: "Okay, it's been almost six months since he installed those cameras. Maybe it's time to ask him to stop. You've learned your lesson, and I don't think he would mind."

Jimin: "No, he'll think I want to skip again. But I swear I won't. Do you think I can ask Mom to talk to him and convince him?"

Taehyung: "Do whatever feels easier for you to convince him. If talking to Mom will help, then go ahead and ask her."

Jimin remained silent for a while as thoughts invaded his mind, causing his heart to race.

Jimin: "Okay, I have a question."

Taehyung: "What is it?"

Jimin: "About that guy you mentioned, Chul... I haven't seen him again. You didn't do anything to him, did you?!"

Taehyung broke eye contact with Jimin, know that Jimin will not be okay with what they did.

Taehyung: "Why are you asking?"

Jimin's voice trembled with concern and worry.

Jimin: "Hyung!! Don't tell me... Did you hurt him?! He didn't do anything to me; he just made me slip."

Taehyung quickly reached out to calm Jimin, his voice filled with reassurance.

Taehyung: "Hey, hey, calm down. We didn't do anything that would cause all this panic. Just relax."

Jimin's eyebrows furrowed as he demanded an explanation from his hyung.

Jimin: "Then what did you do?!"

Jimin crossed his arms over his chest, waiting for Taehyung to provide answers.

Taehyung took a deep breath, preparing himself to explain their actions.

Taehyung: "Well, we made sure that he wouldn't be able to perform in any dance competitions at your school. He got suspended for a month, so you won't see him for a while."

Jimin's eyes widened in surprise and disbelief.

Jimin: "Hyung!! He loves dancing, and he's actually really good at it. Why did you do this to him?"

Taehyung pulled Jimin closer, holding his hand tightly to reassure him.

Taehyung: "Jimin, bullying is not something we can accept or let go unpunished. It's a terrible behavior. He needs to understand that if he repeats what he did, he will lose something he truly loves. We didn't end his future in dancing; he can still dance outside of your school. But the place where he felt like he could easily bully someone just because he thought was better than him, no, we will not let that happen. Do you understand me?"

Jimin's emotions swirled inside him as he tried to process Taehyung's words. While he empathized with Chul's love for dance, he felt safe and protected by his hyungs and they didn't just go out of the line to take revenge blindly , they thought wisely and took there steps calmly without hurting anyone .

Jimin : " Thank you hyung .. you know that i really love you .. you know how to listen to me , even if you are much older than me , but I really feel like you are my best friend , just don't tell this to Taemin , his stupid jealous ass will be hurt " 

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