Chapter 71

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Jin's POV  : 

Night after night, for the past month, nothing seems to alleviate the pain inside me. I find myself back to my old habits resorting to small cuts on my wrist, but they offer no solace. The pain in my heart persists, urging me to go deeper, to carve into more sensitive areas of my body. Inner thighs, calfs... The metallic scent of my own blood serves as a haunting reminder of the day I took his life, stabbing him and watching the life drain from his eyes.

Namjoon says I don't deserve punishment, but I can't help but blame myself. I ended his life with my own hands, and no amount of scraping or washing can rid me of the lingering scent of blood that stains my hands from that fateful day.

Jin's mind was consumed by guilt and remorse, the weight of his actions becoming unbearable. Each day, he carried the burden of his past, unable to escape the haunting memories that plagued his every waking moment.

Flashback  ...

Jin's adoptive mother name : Eun

Jin's adoptive father : Choi

Eun : "Baby Jinoo, wake up! It's already late." Cold water splashed onto the sleeping 15-year-old Jin, jolting him out of his slumber.

Jin opened his eyes to find his smiling mother standing beside his bed, holding the bucket in her hand.

Eun: "It's already 6 am. You need to get up, baby, or do you want to force your poor mother, who was once the kindest human being, to take you out of that hell you were in and make me do the chores?"

Eun never missed a chance to hurt Jin, whether physically or emotionally. She wore a psychotic smile that confused Jin to the core. Sometimes, she would hug him and console him after a hurtful punishment that left him bleeding. It was as if she took pleasure in his pain.

She had an uncanny ability to listen to every detail, knowing exactly what hurt him the most, so she could use it against his poor soul.

Jin had been tricked by her warm smile, opening up to her when he first came to her house. He had hoped to find the warmth he had missed all his life, but he was dead wrong.

The initial days was a heaven for him , maybe those days what made him stay all this time thinking that maybe it will come back and his mother will treat him nicely again

His father, Choi, was nothing more than a replica of his mother—a typical, abusive, and psychotic figure.

Jin (whispering to himself): "Why, Mother? What did I do to deserve this? I just wanted a family, a place to call home... Why do you hurt me like this?"

Eun (mocking): "Oh, poor Jinoo, always playing the victim. Don't you see? This is your punishment for existing, for being a burden in my perfect life. You should be grateful I even took you in."

Jin's heart sank, the weight of her cruel words crushing him further. He yearned for the love and acceptance he had never received, but instead, he found himself trapped in a cycle of abuse and manipulation.

Deep down, Jin held onto a glimmer of hope—a hope that one day, he would break free from the clutches of his adoptive parents and save his brothers from getting into family like this to build a real family for them to find the love and happiness he so desperately craved. Little did he know that his journey to liberation would be filled with challenges and sacrifices, but he was determined to find his own version of a family, one where he was cherished and valued for who he truly was.

There in his small room he started his cuts obsession where he can feel that he is still a live 

End of the flashback 



it was late night but I still can't stop reading this book , I need to sleep or I going to look like a zombie on the tomorrow morning meeting with the staff 

I walked out of the office heading to my room but my habits of checking my brothers never end , they looks like an angel when they are a sleep, beside they will not know how I love hug them , I don't like ro be physically contaact with them but I still like forehead kisses when they are sleep .

Kookie as always sleeping in all directions and throwing his cover , I tucked him in a comfortable way to not hurt his back kissing his forehead. 

The next was Taehyung he was sleep with his eyes semi open , the most arrogant of us but he is just a hurt soul , I caressed his hair planting a soft kiss on his forehead 

The next was Jin hyung room , it was long for us to talk heart to heart , I need to do it , he is not looking fine these days 

I opened the door to find the most horrible sense in front of me 

RM :" HYUNG ... "


Author's Note ...

hey guys .. hope it's not triggering anyone if you I just put the warning in the start of the story so I didn't in the initial of this chapter 🙏

And I just started a new story .. check it if you like to start a New journey ✨️

It's called " A love lost in the depths of sweetened coffee"

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