Chapter 48

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Author's POV:

Jimin's room ..

Jimin :"  Hyung, can I ask you something?" Snuggles closer to Yoongi, looking thoughtful 

Yoongi:" Of course, baby. What's on your mind?" Yoongi Wraps his arm around Jimin, a warm smile on his face

Jimin:" can IU Noona sleep with us too ??" Yoongi was surprised 

Yoongi:" why are you bringing that up ? Or what makes you ask something like this??" Yoongi doesn't want to force IU in Jimin's life he want Jimin to love her naturally without Jimin forcing him self to please Yoongi

Jimin :" if you don't want to okay " Jimin looked down , Yoongi hold his chin making him looking back to his eyes 

Yoongi :" I didn't say that , can you please answer my question, why you want her with us ?! " 

Jimin :" I misunderstood her hyung , I hated her cause she took part in your life , I want you all for me , your attention should be all mine , but .. but when she took my side and made you take your punishment back and hugged me , I felt warm , I liked her touch , I felt safe like I feel when you touch me , so would you mind if she joined us , I know you would like that she is only be yours but .. " Yoongi was over the clouds , Grinning widely, he cut him off

Yoongi :"  Jimin, I can't express how happy and proud I am of you for accepting IU and wanting to include her in our lives. It's a testament to your growth and maturity.

Jimin Blushing, feeling touched

Jimin: " hyung don't say that , but .. " jimin looked down

Yoongi :" what is it little one?!!"

Jimin :" do you think she will agree with it , I mean being close to me " Yoongi caressed Jimin's cheek smiling widely 

Yoongi:" I don't want to answer on her place but I can assure you baby she is totally in this , but I don't know about the sleeping matters, I will ask her , do you want me to ask her now or tomorrow?!"

Jimin:" can you do it now , or.. she is already sleeping?!" 

Yoongi :" okay I will go now , but it may takes some time don't be mad at me okay " Jimin smiled 

Jimin :" I will not promise "


Yoongi's room...

IU was laying on Yoongi's bed when Yoongi opened the door

She sit immediately 

IU :" what's wrong why are you here , did you fight with him , why you left him alone " IU was panicked, she know how Yoongi when he lose his control and she don't want Jimin to face this 

Yoongi pulled her by her waist to him and kissed her cheek

Yoongi :" you have a lot to ask about babe , but I can't see any question about me , should I start to be jealous from Jimin now!! " He said seductively in her ears, she pushed him lightly 

IU :" hey Yooni it's night the time for your jokes, tell me what happened " she said while pushing 

he laughed 

Yoongi :" okay I will stop , someone is asking for you " her eyes looking to him confused 

IU :" what do you mean ?!"

Yoongi:" he appreciated what you did and want you to start sleep with us , he is now love you no more hating you" her eyes filled with tears 

IU :" you are not joking right " he hold her cheek wiping her tears

Yoongi :" I don't want you to take a harried decisions, think first, this will be hard , sleeping with him every night , him being attached to you , he is not easy to handle, it is a huge responsibility " she kept nodding her head 

IU :" I know , I want this " 

Yoongi :" do you need to  talk to him first, to clear the things out ?!" 

IU :" can I!"

Yoongi :" babe , you are free to do with him what you want , I trust you I know you will never hurt him , but I can save you from Jin hyung if he against something you are doing with Jimin , he is the big boss in this" the both laughed 

IU :" he has the right " 


Jimin's room 

IU knocked the door and Jimin let her in 

Jimin was sitting on the bed looking down he didn't talk to her alone before so he was nervously fidgeting with his hands 

IU :" can we have a talk Jimin " jimin nodded slightly 

IU :" I heard something from Yoongi " Jimin looked up

Jimin :" if it hard and you don't like it I can understand I'm sorry for asking something like this .." IU went to him holding his little hand 

IU :" hey hey I didn't say I don't like it , I just want to know is it really what you want ?!" 

Jimin Looking up at IU, his eyes filled with remorse

Jimin :" I'm sorry for doubting you, Nonaa. I should have trusted you and known that you would never hurt me or come between us. When you stand in my side and protected me , I felt like ... 

I know you my don't like what I will say and I don't ask you to be that one but , I... it been a long time i had a mother figure in my life, and sometimes, I long for that kind of love and care and when you took me in your arms I felt like I'm in my mother's arms so .. " Jimin fill in heavy set of cry 

IU Pulls Jimin into a warm embrace

IU :"Oh, my precious Jiminie, you're not alone anymore. I'm here for you, and I want to be that motherly figure you've been missing. You deserve all the love and care in the world, and I promise to provide that to you.

That's exactly what I wanted to do Jimin even before you ask for , don't feel like you are pressuring me , I want that so much " 

Jimin clings onto IU, letting his tears flow and IU strokes Jimin's hair soothingly

IU :" shhh , don't cry Jiminie . I'm here for you , but .. about the sleeping matter" he pulled out of her arms looking to her

Jimin:" if you don't want it's okay " she pinched his cheek lightly 

IU :" can't you listen for once you little spoiled kid " he felt embarrassed looking down 

Jimin :" sorry Nonaa " 

IU :" your bed is too small for the three of us , you have 3 options 

Slewp with me here

Sleep with your Yoongi hyung here

Sleep with the two of us in Yoongi's bed it's huge and enough for AOL of us

And if you want some privacy you can come back to your room anytime, shat do you say?!"

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