Chapter 25

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Jin's POV : 

we all gathered in the dining room having our breakfast but Jimin is still sleeping,

Yoongi : " so what happen hyung last night , you are not saying anything since i waked you up " 

Jin : " okay Yoongi here we are , Jimin was just provoked by his uncle that he doubted our love for him , so he was behaving this way yesterday ,  i talked to him , and cleared everything with him "

RM : " okay great , what the problem now hyung " 

Jin : " the problem is you guys , you need to understand that he is just a kid , what happen to us should not happen to him , we lost our childhood and we faced this world too early , we can't let this happen to him 

first Yoongi telling him what you did to his uncle,  second you all agree to him abusing his uncle , what were you thinking ?! huh , he needs to be a normal kid , who attend school , watching cartoon , eat sweets , having friends , hanging out and getting cuddles .

but the revenge , hating people and thinking how to hurt them all of this should be out of his mind guys , grow up , i never used that i'm older than you , but for the first time i'm telling you , be mature or i am really going to be the one who will discipline you all one by one ".

they all was shocked by my speech , but they looked ashamed about what they did.

Jungkook  : " sorry hyung we didn't think too much about Jimin's age we just want to hurt this guy , and as you said , we faced the same , so we thought it is normal " 

Taehyung : " we should not do this , you are right hyung , sorry "

RM : " you are right hyung .. we will think about Jimin's mental health first next time "

J-hope : " sorry hyung , don't be mad at us , we will not repeat it "

i looked to Yoongi but he didn't say anything 

Jin : " aren't you going to say anything Yoongi??"

Yoongi : " i don't like you taking him away from me , he doesn't like this , me neither "

Jin : " the fuck you are talking about , did you hear anything from what i said ?? " Yoongi is one of the people who will not accept the way i talked to him specially in front of his little brothers 

Yoongi : " okay hyung i got it , i will not encourage him to do it .. fine .. can i meet him now " i don't want to push more , he will explode .

Jin : " do what you want , he is still sleeping  in my room " he stormed out of the dining room heading to my room 


Yoomgi's POV :

i don't like all of this , i couldn't  sleep this night , i tried to open Jin's door but it was locked , i waited till it is morning and i wake him up.

when he talked to us , i felt guilty , i didn't think about Jimin's age , he is just a kid , i ruined everything , i promised many times that i will protect him , but i keep failing miserably .

when Jin gave me permission to go to Jimin i ran to him

i opened the door and there he was sleeping soundly hugging the billow curling his body on a ball shape and pouting his lips , sometimes i wish i can hide him inside me 

i sit on the bed shaking his shoulders and caressing his cheek

Yoongi : "  my little angle , it's time to get up baby " he hummed and snuggled to my thigh hugging it instead if the billow

Yoongi : " baby you need to eat .. wake up .. this is your Yoongi hyung , don't you miss me " he opened his eyes and sit down immediately.

Jimin : " hyung , finally you are here , i missed you soo much " he hugged me and sit on my lap , i wrapped my arms around his waist

Yoongi : " me too baby , how was your sleep , did you sleep well ? " 

Jimin : " i didn't have nightmares hyung , for the first time , i can't believe this happen  , Jin hyung hug is soo warm " 

Yoogni : " WOOW so you liked your Jin hyung hug , what about mine , did you forget me so soon ?? "

Jimin : " no hyung , you are my favorite " he kissed my cheek , this kid , he keeps my heart flatter 

Yoongi : " and you are mine baby , come here let's go get your breakfast , but first go freshen up "

Jimin : " okay wait me here i will not be late " he jump on the floor and went to Jin's bathroom 


Jimin's POV

when Jin hyung pulled me to his room i was much afraid of him , he was angry and  was asking many questions , i wasn't sure , i didn't have answers , but his warm touch , his patience and words made me speak up , say all the words that i couldn't tell to my own self , this guy really knows how to handle my mind , he knows when to stop me , when to be strict and when to lean to me 

my Yoongi hyung be the favorite for me but Jin hyung is the most one who really know how to solve my inner problems and bring the peace to my mind , i can't believe i slept last night without any nightmares , and when i wake up there was my favorite , Yoongi hyung i love this guy.

i went to fresh up and he take me to have my breakfast 

there was all of them sitting in the living room but yoongi hyung bring me to the dining room

Jimin : " why you brought me here i want to be with them

Yoongi : " you will , but you need to have your food first"

Jimin : " bring it there " i gave him my puppy eyes , he will give in 

Yoongi : " you are being spoiled these days kid , okay go , i will bring it " see 

Jimin : " love you hyung " and i kissed his rounded cheek and ran to the living room to meet my hyungs 

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