Chapter 60

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Author's POV : 

IU gently guided Jimin to his hospital bed, her voice filled with tenderness. 

IU : "Baby, you need to eat first and then rest, okay?" She led him to lie down, and he followed her silently, his eyes reflecting a mix of exhaustion and vulnerability.

Jimin's voice quivered as he called out to her, a hint of longing in his words, 

Jimin : "Mom..." IU immediately sat beside him, pulling him into a comforting embrace, her hand softly caressing his cheek. She felt a pang of pain every time she looked at him, fighting against the haunting thoughts of what he had endured.

With a soft tone, Jimin began to question her, his words laced with confusion and concern. Jimin : "Mom, why does Dad have marks on his wrists? Like mine... I was tied up for two days, but he was out there, searching for me... right? So why does he have these marks too?" IU's heart sank, caught off guard by his inquiry. She struggled to find the right words to ease his worries.

IU took a deep breath, mustering her strength, and gently pulled Jimin to sit up, meeting his gaze. 

IU : "He was indeed desperately searching for you, my love. But sometimes, things happen... unexpected things. You need to focus on taking care of yourself now." She tried her best to shield him from the harsh reality, not wanting to burden him any further.

Jimin's gaze remained fixed on the ground, his face devoid of any emotion, waiting for her response. IU could feel the weight of his expectations, the need for answers that she couldn't easily provide.

IU's voice trembled as she continued, her words filled with a mix of sorrow and pain. 

IU : "Right now, what's important is that you eat. Let's focus on that, okay?" She carefully lifted him onto her lap, holding him close, and started to feed him, hoping to initiate a conversation, to bridge the growing distance between them.

IU tried to break the silence, her voice filled with a hint of hope. 

IU :  "Did you like it?" she asked, her eyes searching for any sign of connection.

Jimin's response pierced through the air, his words laced with bitterness and pain. 

Jimin : "Did I have a say in it? It's just food. After starving for two days, it's supposed to erase the pain in my stomach, right?" His words hung in the air, leaving IU with a mixture of shock and terror. She desperately wished she could erase his suffering, to shield him from the harsh realities of the world.

IU's eyes brimmed with tears as she looked at Jimin, her heart shattered by his words. She understood that he was hurting, that his pain extended far beyond physical hunger. The weight of their shared experience weighed heavily upon her, and she vowed to do whatever it took to help him heal.

With a trembling voice, IU whispered, her words filled with a mother's love and helplessness, "i'm sorry baby .. i'm sorry i cannot erase all the pain you've endured. But I promise you, we will find a way to heal together. You are not alone in this. I love you more than words can express, and I will do everything in my power to make things right."

Jimin didn't hug her back, and he didn't fight to get any answers. All the emotions seemed to have vanished. Now that Yoongi was healing and out of danger, Jimin was forced to confront his own reality—the fact that his uncle had put him through such unimaginable torment. The weight of it all made him want to shut out the voices around him, to numb every emotion in his heart. It was becoming too much for him to bear.


Yoongi's Room .. 

Jungkook stood by Yoongi's bedside, watching his hyung sleep peacefully, albeit under the influence of strong medication. His gaze fell upon Yoongi's wrists, where the visible wounds from their earlier confrontation were still evident. Guilt washed over Jungkook, consuming him for what he had done to his beloved hyung. However, in that moment, they had no choice. Jimin's life was at stake, and they had to protect him at all costs.

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